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It's now or never situation again

PTM is like PDM...
They are several people with several different opinions

People are angry about what I convyed hence anyone who say anything against army will be clapped at πŸ‘

Yeah FATA civilians are complicit hence not victims of extra judiciary killing and kidnapping be it in Karachi by roa Anwar or Fata

Just like Palestinians are complicit

Hence why I always wonder did mosaad trained ISI
To be honest I do think there is interaction between Mossad and ISI, but I don't think training

You don't need any specicial training to drone something or air strike or build intel. Even Amreeka can help with this.

My question is, would we have the little bit of peace we have today if we didn't do what was done in the past?

Were those actions necessary to defeat the menace of terrorism at the time?
Yeah FATA civilians are complicit hence not victims of extra judiciary killing and kidnapping be it in Karachi by roa Anwar or Fata

Just like Palestinians are complicit

Hence why I always wonder did mosaad trained ISI

Are you comparing brainwashed people from FATA who invited international terrorists and Afghans who later went on to massacre a school full of children with Palestinians?

They are not victims or bystanders anymore. Drones operate on intelligence. Lets not play stupid on a military forum.
Question is simple..

Why did people okayed drones extra judiciary killing of balochs and pushtoons and CSF $$$ in KP settled and unsettled areas of Pakistan??

Answer: but but but ..

Reminds of Israeli justification

They attacked schools so you kidnapping random people made them disappeared or killed them via roa Anwar and then you again randomly killed people via drones and bombs.

What's the difference between Taliban and Pakistani state then?

I am not from FATA these are not my thoughts
These are thoughts of pushtoons of FATA and I have no answer to them.
I have to say they were right.

There will be no healing as no one thinks anything wrong was done to them..those who kidnapped and killed people are enjoying their villas in UAE and roaming free like roa Anwar

When I listen to arguments of most Pakistani on drones and kidnapping and killing

I hear either Israelis or Taliban ..

It's hard to believe that ISI hasn't trained with mosaad..there methods are so similar

It seems mosaad trained ISI who then trained Talibans...all three have same tactics

What random innocent people???????

Why would anyone waste time, money and effort hitting random innocent people

Where there is smoke there is fire, and what you will find their is a reason for the action

Look at the moment Baloch terrorists are very quiet

Why????? Because we hit them, removed their members, out pressure on their supporters

They are now forced to train new terrorists and we have time to plan for them

People love playing victim and we can't risk the lives of hundreds of millions because locals don't want to obey laws and stop supporting terrorists or afghani nationalists
Pakistani establishment/people when it comes to FATA.

What random innocent people???????

Why would anyone waste time, money and effort hitting random innocent people

Where there is smoke there is fire, and what you will find their is a reason for the action

Look at the moment Baloch terrorists are very quiet

Why????? Because we hit them, removed their members, out pressure on their supporters

They are now forced to train new terrorists and we have time to plan for them

People love playing victim and we can't risk the lives of hundreds of millions because locals don't want to obey laws and stop supporting terrorists or afghani nationalists
We can't risk millions of death because of Hamas and civilians blah blah...
It's sound 100% mosaad

What piece of shit logic.. assuming local population support TTP .. disgusting behavior of people outside FATA/KP/Balochistan

Try to win the hearts and minds of people telling them your arguments

Good luck 🀞🀞🀞

Pakistani establishment/people when it comes to FATA.

We can't risk millions of death because of Hamas and civilians blah blah...
It's sound 100% mosaad

What piece of shit logic.. assuming local population support TTP .. disgusting behavior of people outside FATA/KP/Balochistan

Try to win the hearts and minds of people telling them your arguments

Good luck 🀞🀞🀞

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Yes very innocent :rofl:

It was beyond shame when our own CM. I mean CM says
"Mein Allah sey itna nahi darta jitna Pakistani fooj sey darta Hun"

Yes very innocent :rofl:

Just like Israeli will never accept killing civilians as wrong same will Pakistani..

So there we are at cross roads of civil war.

Just like Pakistani never accept what they did to Bengalis

God speed !!

I explained the why in this thread and the solution...

It's up to people of Punjab to direct the future since they have 54% voting power.

God luck in your quest to kill all these terrorists
Thanks for your video
We need nishan Haider for roa Anwar
Taliban were created and supported by Pak Army to fight Russians but that simply backfired on us because army used FATA and Balochistan as a launch pad of their Anti Russian operations.Their extreme Jihadist philosophy spelled great influence on the people of FATA so that TTP Islamists who are also Pushtoons started to kill their own people in FATA

First due to Army,FATA people were affected by extremism
And then to eliminate that extremism, army went on to do extra judicial killing
Even US drone strikes were allowed on these people
As if they they were yateems.

I don't know what could have been alternative,but extremism army created to fight Russians is going to f#ck off the state of Pakistan big time.

It's up to people of Punjab to direct the future since they have 54% voting power.
All we can do is to vote IK
What else option we have?
Taliban were created and supported by Pak Army to fight Russians but that simply backfired on us because army used FATA and Balochistan as a launch pad of their Anti Russian operations.Their extreme Jihadist philosophy spelled great influence on the people of FATA so that TTP Islamists who are also Pushtoons started to kill their own people in FATA

First due to Army,FATA people were affected by extremism
And then to eliminate that extremism, army went on to do extra judicial killing
Even US drone strikes were allowed on these people
As if they they were yateems.

I don't know what could have been alternative,but extremism army created to fight Russians is going to f#ck off the state of Pakistan big time.
It's going to be a long road, but with dedication and long-term competent planning with strong governance, it can end

Leaders like IK are detrimental to rally the nation against fringe elements and have respect for the government's policies and increase morale.
Taliban were created and supported by Pak Army to fight Russians but that simply backfired on us because army used FATA and Balochistan as a launch pad of their Anti Russian operations.Their extreme Jihadist philosophy spelled great influence on the people of FATA so that TTP Islamists who are also Pushtoons started to kill their own people in FATA

First due to Army,FATA people were affected by extremism
And then to eliminate that extremism, army went on to do extra judicial killing
Even US drone strikes were allowed on these people
As if they they were yateems.

I don't know what could have been alternative,but extremism army created to fight Russians is going to f#ck off the state of Pakistan big time.

Err no, CIA created Afghan Jihad concept in collusion with Afghan Pashtuns. Pakistan played a supporting act, helping a neighbor in need with providing intelligence and taking in refugees. Its classic gaslighting, putting all the blame on Pakistan. This is the all the fault of Afghans. Its nobody elses fault Afghans from all ethnicities couldn't come together to fight soviets. Only this vulgar psychopathic section of their society had to take on a narrative that made them into these spiritual fighters, Gods army, deluded b**tards, more like Satans spawns.
Err no, CIA created Afghan Jihad concept in collusion with Afghan Pashtuns.
Long time back, I created a thread here about an interview where an ISI officer and close fellow of Gen Hamid Gul, major Amir khan told US had not much attention to confront Russians in Afghanistan,it was zia ul haq who started this whole compaign supported by other Islamists and Pro Pushtoon factions of Army.

I also read a book on Taliban by AR Rashid where l learned Islamists factions of Army were responsible for this mess.

But even if CIA prepared this model,why ISI accepted that model? And then allowed its own territory as launch pad of that dangerous model?
Definitely need to revamp the provincial police, and make sure it is seen as answerable to the elected government in each location and Peshawar. Also it must be perceived the elected government is also seen as the deciding body dispersing the funds for economic development to the local governments in parts of KPK.

Presumably when all people in authority are seen to be the neighbors of the people that have to decide if they will support or not support the TTP, it will be a lot harder to claim the government is made up of outsiders.

This is why state/provincial government work in other countries, local laws, local administration, local tax collection.

In the US each state has its own air national guard, with their own aircraft, sometimes their own fighter jets.

Federal assets that are constantly being used in one province and for civilian purposes should probably be given to the provinces, especially for law enforcement. The psychological tactics a local can use, such as through radio traffic from an attack helicopter to militants below can be very intimidating. They can also be more likely to understand if a local has been mis-identified as a hostile (β€œTango”) when they are a local smuggler or low level criminal but from a well connected family that may cause more problems for the state if killed by mistake.

in the States patriotism doesn't start with bps 17 . So taking into account the colonial beaurucratic setup and their net beneficiaries its highly unlikely the elite gonna close a significant corridor of power for themselves and especially a backdoor for civil afsari in case Sahab bahadur find it tedious to serve in the military.
To be honest I do think there is interaction between Mossad and ISI, but I don't think training

You don't need any specicial training to drone something or air strike or build intel. Even Amreeka can help with this.

My question is, would we have the little bit of peace we have today if we didn't do what was done in the past?

Were those actions necessary to defeat the menace of terrorism at the time?
I am glade you sleep good with peace obtained on innocent blood.

This is exactly how Israeli settlers think..
Long time back, I created a thread here about an interview where an ISI officer and close fellow of Gen Hamid Gul, major Amir khan told US had not much attention to confront Russians in Afghanistan,it was zia ul haq who started this whole compaign supported by other Islamists and Pro Pushtoon factions of Army.

I also read a book on Taliban by AR Rashid where l learned Islamists factions of Army were responsible for this mess.

But even if CIA prepared this model,why ISI accepted that model? And then allowed its own territory as launch pad of that dangerous model?
Question is

why even today people are killed extra judiciary and disappeared extra judiciary???. For variety of reasons including perosnal grudges..

Why are killers like roa Anwar protected.?

What's going on behind the scenes with afghan Taliban?

Why do people think that Talibans are allowed to move freely through boarder?
This racial sectarian crap needs to be dismantled and destroyed. Whoever peddles it, enforces it, gives encouragement of it needs to be dealt with including inept politicians and "other" leaders. The genuine grievances of people whether in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region or Baluchistan needs addressing as well. Politicians have focused far too long on Punjab/Sindh because of vote banks and economics. Otherwise we walk a tight rope of balkanisation of the country into different groups which doesn't benefit anyone, even Pak's enemies.

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