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It's now or never situation again

This is why the local KPK police (predominantly Pashtun) need to be the force that handles the TTP.

This police force need to be adequately armed and equipped for the mission they face.

K.p police or any police can only deliver a little as long as the core of command isn't native to the area. Better revamp the policing structure and scrap the federal policing model nation wide.

We have rangers/f.c and f.i.a to accommodate federal role in the provinces.
I’ve never met a Pashtun from Pakistan who supports TTP or celebrates attacks. FATA didn’t have militancy until mid 2000s. So where was all the anti Punjab militancy stuff then?

Also can you define “those regions” the Pashtun majority areas of Balochistan and Quetta have never been a hold of TTP. Most of Quetta’s terrorism was done by sectarian groups from Punjab and BLA.
Those regions as in the tribal areas of Pakistan. I have met Pashtuns from Pakistan who support attacks, mostly from Waziristan, Malakand, Swat, Mardan, etc. They are more of a minority though.

Also in the mid-2000s the big change was telling them not to house militants that operated in Afghanistan.

I would agree with the Balochistan thing though, not heard of TTP there.
Yaar you have to kill terrorists,, we have had attacks on Pakistan for over 75 years, more then from India

Taliban only came in the 90's,, prior to that we had multiple attacks by Afghanistan and pashtun nationalists throughout the 40s, 50s, 60's, 70s, 80s and the last 20 years

If you don't fight back against your enemy they will just continue to hit you
Well I have first handed seen drones victims many of them weren't terrorists
Also boys slaughtered by army through roan Anwar weren't terrorists

People knew that but were happy about it because tomato and aloo were cheap due to CSF following in.

Just like good old days how people were okay selling freedom fighters to British people and then going on to fight Ottoman in WW1.

ONLY difference is that at time people do it to avoid starvation this time they did to avoid loosing their fat on their tummy
Those regions as in the tribal areas of Pakistan. I have met Pashtuns from Pakistan who support attacks, mostly from Waziristan, Malakand, Swat, Mardan, etc. They are more of a minority though.

Also in the mid-2000s the big change was telling them not to house militants that operated in Afghanistan.

I would agree with the Balochistan thing though, not heard of TTP there.

If it’s outside FATA then it’s probably diaspora if we’re being honest. It’s a very small minority though.

But I think because of the events in the past there’s no way the regions of Waziristan and Balochistan will ever actually heal…It’s gonna be a thorn in Pakistan’s side for a long time. Only way is if Pakistan resets itself and starts afresh.
If it’s outside FATA then it’s probably diaspora if we’re being honest. It’s a very small minority though.

But I think because of the events in the past there’s no way the regions of Waziristan and Balochistan will ever actually heal…It’s gonna be a thorn in Pakistan’s side for a long time. Only way is if Pakistan resets itself and starts afresh.
Yeah, most of them were actually diaspora so you are probably right.

Also I think they can heal but it is only possible with a powerful local leader that is competent in governance, paired with a strong central national government.
If it’s outside FATA then it’s probably diaspora if we’re being honest. It’s a very small minority though.

But I think because of the events in the past there’s no way the regions of Waziristan and Balochistan will ever actually heal…It’s gonna be a thorn in Pakistan’s side for a long time. Only way is if Pakistan resets itself and starts afresh.
Healing happens when someone(victim) forgives.
Forgiveness happens when someone(the one responsible) ask for forgiveness..

Other part of Pakistan who allowed this to happen don't even say it's their fault..they say it's FATA fault..

Lol blaming the victim
Well I have first handed seen drones victims many of them weren't terrorists
Also boys slaughtered by army through roan Anwar weren't terrorists

People knew that but were happy about it because tomato and aloo were cheap due to CSF following in.

Just like good old days how people were okay selling freedom fighters to British people and then going on to fight Ottoman in WW1.

ONLY difference is that at time people do it to avoid starvation this time they did to avoid loosing their fat on their tummy

The only reason you get drone victims is because local terrorism attracts drones and actions

You can kill 1000 TTP terrorists and the next day their will be a protest that they were all poor innocent locals

You can't win in such a situation

But the welfare of 230 million people cannot be risked because some people can't live their lives peacefully
Healing happens when someone forgives.
Forgiveness happens when someone ask for forgiveness..

Other part of Pakistan who allowed this to happen don't even say it's their fault..they say it's FATA fault..

Lol blaming the victim

That’s why I say it’s never gonna be healed.

Monzh Pashtana yo monzh pa haqeeqat paweezho
Healing happens when someone(victim) forgives.
Forgiveness happens when someone(the one responsible) ask for forgiveness..

Other part of Pakistan who allowed this to happen don't even say it's their fault..they say it's FATA fault..

Lol blaming the victim

The victim mentality has to stop,

The Taliban are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
The guy who blew up a mosque was a pashtun
The guys who attacked and killed school children were pashtuns

Yet all we get from tribal areas is conspiracy theories and nonsense

You can't help a people who are so adamant in destroying themselves
Ethnic nationalism is disgusting, low IQ and jahil type of mentality.
Yup. It's idiotic. People of PKP have legitimate complaints. They have seev the worst. But that's not because they are pushtun. It's because they live next to friggin' afghanistan. Have KPK's hazara's not been victims too?

Ethnic nationalism is extremely jahilana concept. Herd mentality. I was born among these people, by no choice or agency of mine, so I will identify with these people, whether they are right or wrong.

At least, with an ideology, no matter how stupid or wrong it is, you have agency. You choose to identify the group you belong to.

Actually, as far as Kashmir is concerned, I'm of the opinion that it is very apt time now to carry out the referendum. But with no "Independent Kashmir" option. Either join India or Pakistan option only for the entire region including GB. Lets find out for once and all how many of its inhabitants really wants to stay with/ join Pakistan. Bring in UN peacekeeping forces, remove all non-indigenous persons, remove all Indian & Pakistani forces and carry out a referendum. Many will be surprised (not) by the results.
Don't forget to also remove the indians settlers who were sent to change the demographics of the region.

But, I commend you. For once an indian talking like they have balls. Otherwise, they always deflect and says, only Pakistani army needs to be kicked out of kashmir to have a plebiscite and not the indian army.

Independant kashmir is acceptable to us.
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So, when are the IOK and Nagaland referendums scheduled for?

Were you accidentally born in 1972 ? Just asking.
Bitter truth.

Their minds are on the fence in KP, they are sympathetic to both Pakistan and TTP.

When Pakistan hunts TTP, the narrative is establishment is killing innocent locals and targeting us.

When TTP hunts down Pakistan, it is celebrated by a decently large section of their society as an absolute win and execuses and sympathy is given to TTP.

But then at the end when TTP gets too strong, the army is called in for operations to kill them all and later the narrative becomes our blood is sold for dollars.

Sorry but ain't it the state that has used them as tissue paper ? From fighting in Kashmir to Jehad in Afghanistan you used them when WOT came you bombed back the same people. Still they are discriminated in Karachi or Sindh. If Quaid wanted to have Tribal region without forces then why did you sold them out for few dollars and killed them with US. You cannot have your say in everything, a person can take things to a level then you can call him terrorist or equivalent to Father of US democracy, it does not matter to them. Stay away from them and they will not cross your way.
The victim mentality has to stop,

The Taliban are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
The guy who blew up a mosque was a pashtun
The guys who attacked and killed school children were pashtuns

Yet all we get from tribal areas is conspiracy theories and nonsense

You can't help a people who are so adamant in destroying themselves
Good luck 🤞
Agree all pushtoons are traitors and terrorists
And Roa Anwar was a hero.

Now don't blame if people support TTP or TTM.

War is war..
Pakistan needs an ISLAMIC REVOLUTION.
Every single Pakistani Muslim will be united under an Islamic state and won’t dare separatism. Islam always comes before nationality for any Muslim. Such a diverse country like Pakistan can only be united by Islam.
It’s now or never. Be what you were created for.
Pakistan has been having 'ISLAMIC REVOLUTION' for 75 years. If the revolution starts spinning any faster, it will reach Afghanistan. Last I heard, some people were unhappy there. Will you go and put your shoulders to the wheel and help it spin faster or just press the up arrow on the remote control?
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