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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

My mother is a Yemeni from a Sadah family (Sharif's) - meaning that they are descendants of Prophet Muhammad (saws) through his grandson Hasan ibn Ali (ra) that came from Hijaz 300 years ago and settled in the ancient city of Sana'a (World UNESCO Heritage Site) and Tarim.

On my father's side I am a Meccan Hashemite with some ancestral ties to Iraq and Syria. I even have distant Turkish ancestry from Istanbul too. My paternal great-great grandfather was even born in Istanbul. Unlike you, troll, I can trace my lineage back to Prophet Ibrahim (as) and I know in details about my ancestors. That's nearly 3000 years.

EDIT: My mother also told me that it is probable that my great-grandmother was a Yemeni Jewish convert to Islam.
Iranian Elamite/Lurs:



So called yemeni semites:


I can see the similarities :lol:
Those 36.3% are nearly entirely all Shia Iranians......Who are not even that religious to begin with.

The Child-Murderer is gone. As in gone. The last Farsi ally of the Arab world. HizbAlShaitan will thus also face destruction along the road.

There is no need to talk about any religious war or sectarian war since you Shi'as only form 10%. You would have no chance of achieving anything. You are limited to Iran, Southern Iraq, Southern Lebanon and parts of tiny Bahrain. Besides Azerbaijan which is the most secular Muslim country and not part of the Middle East and no player in the region. That's it.

Good luck with all that. You are already in deep sh_t and it is only going to be worse for you as the hate increases towards you and your likes.

What you and your Mullah's did and supported in Syria only helped that.

This should be a lesson for Mullahistan to stay out of the Arab and Muslim world and minding its own business.

I would be cautious if I was a fake wannabe Arab farsi Mullah. Very cautious.

As I said many times then your Mullah's should follow the advice of the highest Shia Twelver authority the Iranian Arab Al-Sistani.

Here you can see the difference between the purely religious Arab Hawza of Najaf which Al-Sistani is a part of and the poisonous state-Mullah controlled Hawza of Qom:

Former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din: Iran Gains Control over the Najaf Shiite Hawza in Iraq - YouTube

I recommend everybody to watch this short clip above.

and great Saudi super duper muslim as Zionist cousin :angel:
Do not worry bro, you will be targeted by True Muslims of around the world for your stupid move in holy war leading by Imam Mehedi and Prophet Isa (AS), they will be unstoppable by any force and they will fight till they reach Mecca, time is very near :wave:
We don't need Israel. Once things have cooled down in the region and the Iranian government, we would surpass every country in the region, both economically and industrially. There isn't much Israel can offer us.

Were it not for huge oil reserves, I fear you would be the world's basket case like North Korea.
And Semites and Arabs emigrated from the Arab Peninsula to the Levant, North Africa and Mesopotamia.

There were indeed Arabs living in the Sassanid-Persian Empire, but they were not native to Khuzestan. Elamites are native to that region, and they have became Persians long time ago.

Arabs probable homeland is the Arabian Peninsula AND Levant and parts of Iraq. Arabic language is a central Semitic language that mostly cluster with Western Semitic languages. Anyway this topic is quite interesting but not really the discussion here.

Persians, Kurds, Azeri Turks, Baluch or Turkmens did not live in Khuzestan. They are recent immigrants. That area was mostly inhabited by Arabs and nomadic and settled Lurs. Elamites are long gone and were not Iranic nor "Iranians" since such concepts did not even exist back then. They have mixed with the people who settled there. Like all people in the Middle East.

The point still stands. Most Iranian Arabs live in Khuzestan, coastal regions of Iran, Khurasan and Qom which is a city founded by Arabs.

Also there are some tensions.

To the Central Asian Nomad troll:

You better learn the difference between Afro-Arabs and Arabs.


Were it not for huge oil reserves, I fear you would be the world's basket case like North Korea.

Funny, because we didn't needed oil in the past when we were dominating the region. Our greatest accomplishments have always been accomplished without oil.
and great Saudi super duper muslim as Zionist cousin :angel:
Do not worry bro, you will be targeted by True Muslims of around the world for your stupid move in holy war leading by Imam Mehedi and Prophet Isa (AS), they will be unstoppable by any force and they will fight till they reach Mecca, time is very near :wave:

Why would Imam Mahdi target the seat of Islam?

Sorry bro, our Messiah will be here by then and he'll give you some big locusts to deal with.
I was reading an article the other day about Iran's Arab citizens being against Iranian policy in Syria.

Even the Shia Arabs in Iran were against this policy.

I wish I could find this article, it was very interesting.
Yes, 3000 years ago you settled on the Iranian Plateau after emigrating from the Central Asian Steppes. Andronovo and all that. We all know that.

BUT, people lived in what is today Iran long before it was known as Iran. Some of the people were Semitic. Hence why you have Semitic Akkadian and Assyrian artifacts in Western Iran and even a Ziggurat.

Still, the Arab presence is pre-Islamic and what is now Khuzestan was known as Arabistan and was even ruled by Arab Emir's. Likewise many coastal cities in Iran are inhabited or were even founded by Arabs.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are even ancient Arabs in Khorasan who speak Khorasani Arabic. They were part of the Arab conquest of Iran and Central Asia.

Both famous tepe sialk and chogha zanbil ziggurats are made by elamites in Iran.

The first arabs in Iran were settled by sassanids after defeating them, they settled them in Kerman.
Shapur II the Great (309-79 A.D.) of the Sassanid Empire, after a punitive expedition across the Persian Gulf early in his reign, transplanted several clans of the Taghleb to Dārzīn (Daharzīn) near Bam, several clans of the Abd al-Qays and Tamīm to Haǰar (the Kūh-e Hazār region) southeast of Kermān, several clans of the Bakr ben Wāʾel to Kermān, and several clans of the Hanzala to Tavvaz, near present-day Dālakī in Fārs.
Why would Imam Mahdi target the seat of Islam?

Sorry bro, our Messiah will be here by then and he'll give you some big locusts to deal with.

that is not seat of Islam, Islam is not bounded in particular place, Mecca is holly place of all muslims, no one can claim as its private property. Ahaha you mean the one eyed anti-Christ ? do not worry brother he will die in the hand of Prophet Isa (AS) :D:tup:
Both famous tepe sialk and chogha zanbil ziggurats are made by elamites in Iran.

The first arabs in Iran were settled by sassanids after defeating them, they settled them in Kerman I think. This happend in beginning or middle of sassanid rule.

Correct. They were called Lakhmid Arabs and were fighting together with Persians against the Romans.

The Sassanians settled many Arabs inside Iran as a buffer against other marauding Arabs of the Arabian deserts. The Lakhmid Arabs were very loyal to the crown of Persia, and proved excellent warriors for the Sassanian army - a prime example is their role in support of Sassanian general Azarethes' Savaran (elite cavalry) at Callinicum in 531. At Callinicum, the Lakhmid leader Al-Mundhir supported the Savaran's left wing, an action which helped defeat the Romano-Byzantine general Belisarius - in AD. Khuzistanis can be described in a variety of ways: Arab speaking Iranians, Iranisized Arabs, Iranian-Arabs, etc. The fact remains that Khuzistan has been an integral part of Persia since antiquity.
We do have an ancient base for cooperation with Israel. Changing sides could have disadvantage for Iran from the other side. Being neutral is better I think.

You might find this interesting to read:

The reason why Israel and Persia had a security, cultural pact 2500 years ago was purely strategic.

Egypt was the only hostile and powerful state in the region that threated our empire, We needed a counterbalance to the Egyptian.

Jews were perfect.:)

We also provided them with a security pact.

Many settled in Iran.

In Iran there are probably millions of people with Jewish ancestry, they just don't know it!
another anti Iranian topic with the same fanatic participants to insult our history

no this time it is different an Israeli is friend with a fanatic . everything is possible in this forum lol
Arabs are the africans which settled in Yemen and Saudi arabia. Real arabs are Black africans.
Mesepotamia,Syria were not and are not even arabs.
Elamites are today's Lurs.

Here is more yemenite/saudis:




Disgusting lizard eaters.
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