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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

You voted for who Khamenei chose. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You will not bring down the religious regime without a fight.

How many Persian jews are there in Israel?
From what I hear, there are a large number of people who speak Persian and are of Persian background.

I think Iran and Israel need to work together and face the arab scums together. Israelis and Iran are natural allies.
I don't recognise your description of what Israelis think of Arabs. Yes, they look at Syria or Egypt and shake their head at the brutality. Especially lynchings and beheadings.

But the Arabs in Israel are Arabs and very few Israelis have that view about them.

They are increasingly integrating into Israeli society and increasingly climbing the social ladder into the higher echelons of society.

Yeah, spare me the nonsense.

Racist Raids: Anti-Arab violence by Jewish youth on rise in Israel - YouTube
The thread serves no purpose, someone kindly do the honors and shut it down....
@Aeronaut @Oscar
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I don't recognise your description of what Israelis think of Arabs. Yes, they look at Syria or Egypt and shake their head at the brutality. Especially lynchings and beheadings.

But the Arabs in Israel are Arabs and very few Israelis have that view about them.

They are increasingly integrating into Israeli society and increasingly climbing the social ladder into the higher echelons of society.

Bro, no one blames Israeli's for hating these uncivilized creatures. Israel is too soft on the arabs if you ask me.
I could give you many facts showing how much Israel's despise the arabs. I don't blame you.
I hope to see better relation between my ancestral land Iran and Israel.
The jews are the enemies of all muslims...

The occupation of Palestine and Jerusalem and oppression of Palestine for over 50 years is unacceptable and intolerable.

The crusaders occupied Palestine for longer yet constant hatred, opposition and a determined will to get the holy land back resulted in the crusaders being eclipsed.

We surround israel and grow within in at immense pace, keep the fires burning, keep the hatred and rejection of israel strong and the israelis will face the same end as the crusaders.

The israelis desperatly need us to accept them, but they dont know how long the muslim world can hold a grudge

Chicken little trying to act all macho.

I would even say that in Iran Arabs feel more secure and welcomed than in Israel. Unlike in Israel, there is no intercommunital fight or hatred between Iranians and Arabs.
I'm not sure what map you're looking at, Cousin. We border more than just 'palestinians'.

I don't even recognise Yemenites/Iraqis etc in Israel. They are all Israelis to me and it doesn't matter where they came from - but obviously it's good to have these cultures because it gives variety with food, art etc.

I'm afraid during WWII when we were being massacred in Europe, the so-called 'palestinians' were urging the Germans to do the same to us in the middle east. Indeed the 'palestinians' were great allies of Hitler.

We won't forget that in a hurry, trust me. And neither do the scumbags want us to forget, as they fly the Nazi flag from Mosques.

Showing mercy in the past by some Arabs does not help today. We are showing Syrians mercy as they are filling our intensive care wards, but we don't see that kind of reciprocity with Arabs. I dread to think what would happen if an injured IDF soldier was found by our neighbours.

You voted for who Khamenei chose. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You will not bring down the religious regime without a fight.

Who are those? Sinai? Western Jordan and Southern Lebanon? All areas with many Palestinians.

Well, they do themselves. All Jews do that. But good that you recognize their contributions.

Do you mind me to tell me about the Jewish history in Europe? Forget all the THOUSANDS of massacres? Then compare it to your life in Arab and Muslim lands. You all know this already but just don't want to admit it. It is a historical reality that even most Jews agree with.

Watch the video I posted. Only 1 Israeli who was asked out of the 10-15 had a political problem with Arabs. And guess his background? A Yemeni Jew. Those people are just Arabs turned into Jews. You would not be able to distinguish between them. Does not matter what they identify as today.

Well, recognize Palestine. That is already going to be a reality. Once again you are talking about Palestinian Arabs alone. Hardly anyone in the Middle East or Muslim world knew what "Nazism" was to begin with in the 1930's....
How many Persian jews are there in Israel?
From what I hear, there are a large number of people who speak Persian and are of Persian background.

I think Iran and Israel need to work together and face the arab scums together. Israelis and Iran are natural allies.

Many. Maybe something like 200,000.

I think it's too late for Israel and Iran to be friends. Even with a change of regime, the Iranian people have been poisoned and this will affect their views of Israel for generations.

I think Israel is starting to build ties with GCC members because of Iran and other regional threats. This can only be good news for everyone interested in peace.

It's Israel's best option now to side with more stable and moderate GCC members. Egypt & Syria are in turmoil, Turkey is lead by a loud-mouth Islamist who seems to want to **** off everyone - Jordan is still stable but we don't know for how long.
Many. Maybe something like 200,000.

I think it's too late for Israel and Iran to be friends. Even with a change of regime, the Iranian people have been poisoned and this will affect their views of Israel for generations.

I think Israel is starting to build ties with GCC members because of Iran and other regional threats. This can only be good news for everyone interested in peace.

It's Israel's best option now to side with more stable and moderate GCC members. Egypt & Syria are in turmoil, Turkey is lead by a loud-mouth Islamist who seems to want to **** off everyone - Jordan is still stable but we don't know for how long.

Go ahead. I don't think Iran, whether under this regime or another, would be bothered if you create a strategic or economic alliance with the GCC.

There isn't much Israel can offer Iran once the Iranian regime has been replaced.
Many. Maybe something like 200,000.

I think it's too late for Israel and Iran to be friends. Even with a change of regime, the Iranian people have been poisoned and this will affect their views of Israel for generations.

I think Israel is starting to build ties with GCC members because of Iran and other regional threats. This can only be good news for everyone interested in peace.

It's Israel's best option now to side with more stable and moderate GCC members. Egypt & Syria are in turmoil, Turkey is lead by a loud-mouth Islamist who seems to want to **** off everyone - Jordan is still stable but we don't know for how long.
You're wrong brother.
Don't you remember the huge number of people from Israel and Iran recently who were saying "we love you Israel" and so on?
I can't post links atm, but I will once I can.

Iranian people have no problem with Israel. The people who have a problem are the hezbollahi's and basijis whome are hated by almost all the youth in Iran.
The jews are the enemies of all muslims...

The occupation of Palestine and Jerusalem and oppression of Palestine for over 50 years is unacceptable and intolerable.

The crusaders occupied Palestine for longer yet constant hatred, opposition and a determined will to get the holy land back resulted in the crusaders being eclipsed.

We surround israel and grow within in at immense pace, keep the fires burning, keep the hatred and rejection of israel strong and the israelis will face the same end as the crusaders.

The israelis desperatly need us to accept them, but they dont know how long the muslim world can hold a grudge

We don't care about Palestine anymore, in the arab world our friendship will be mainly with shia muslim countries and pragmatic and secular sunni countries like Oman and Algeria. I even think it would be better for both Iran and Israel to somehow become more neutral towards each other. However Iran is ready to defend itself against any enemy
What happened to the jews in Germany was correct, they deserved it for trying to subvert the German state.

The germans were wise to the tricks of the jews and cooked them and cooked them good.

They did the same thing to the Palestinians, millions of white European Jews turning up in Palestine clamining to be more Middle eastern then the middle easterners

The nerve of it all

I think its quite reasonable for the desperate palestinians to turn to the only world power who was aware of the threat the jews were posing, and look at the outcome. Under occupation for over half a century
You're wrong brother.
Don't you remember the huge number of people from Israel and Iran recently who were saying "we love you Israel" and so on?
I can't post links atm, but I will once I can.

Iranian people have no problem with Israel. The people who have a problem are the hezbollahi's and basijis whome are hated by almost all the youth in Iran.

We don't need to be friends with Israel. Being indifferent (neutral) is much better.
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