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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

I would even say that in Iran Arabs feel more secure and welcomed than in Israel. Unlike in Israel, there is no intercommunital fight or hatred between Iranians and Arabs.

That is because people who claim to be Arabs rule you. Forgot? Besides Arabs being native to your richest province in Khuzestan or formerly known as Arabistan. Even ruled by Arab Emir's until 1925.

Besides there are many prominent Iranian Arabs. Despite all this there are still problems that we all know about.

The most respected Iranian today is "Grand Ayatollah" Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani an Iranian Arab living in Najaf, Iraq. Highest Shia Twelver authority in the world.
Go ahead. I don't think Iran, whether under this regime or another, would be bothered if you create a strategic or economic alliance with the GCC.

There isn't much Israel can offer Iran once the Iranian regime has been replaced.

We benefited greatly in defense sector once we changed sides from Arab camp to Israel camp in 1992. You could also benefit from increased defense cooperation and lobbying benefits that would flow from AIPAC.
That is because people who claim to be Arabs rule you. Forgot? Besides Arabs being native to your richest province in Khuzestan or formerly known as Arabistan. Even ruled by Arab Emir's until 1925.

Hasn't to do with that. And Arabs are not native to Khuzestan; they came only 'recently'.

Besides there are many prominent Iranian Arabs. Despite all this there are still problems that we all know about.

Problems are state-related, not intercommunital. Have you ever heard of Iranians attacking Arabs, Arab homes or anything like that you see in Israel?
We benefited greatly in defense sector once we changed sides from Arab camp to Israel camp in 1992. You could also benefit from increased defense cooperation and lobbying benefits that would flow from AIPAC.

Defense sector isn't everything. I am pretty much confident that we can manage our own defense related industry, or else seek joint programs with countries like South Korea, Japan, etc.
Hasn't to do with that. And Arabs are not native to Khuzestan; they came only 'recently'.

Problems are state-related, not intercommunital. Have you ever heard of Iranians attacking Arabs, Arab homes or anything like that you see in Israel?

So are you Persians, Azeri Turks, Baluch, Turkmens, Kurds or the other minorities living in Iran. Besides Arab presence in that region is pre-Islamic. Semitic people lived in those areas or close to them since antiquity. The only people who can claim to be natives are Elamites and they are long gone and were not "Iranians" or Iranic people. They are extinct. And before them other people lived there who we know nothing about. And before them some others.

What I told is right though.


Not going to reply to the Central Asian Nomad (playing your game) or Persianized Kurd or Azeri Turk. Probably the latter which I believe he even admitted.

You are a former banned user and you will be banned just in a while. So just get your seizures now because it will be too late in a few moments.

Show some respect to the most popular and respected Iranian Arab Sayyid Ali al-Sistani.
So are you Persians, Azeri Turks, Baluch, Turkmens, Kurds or the other minorities living in Iran. Besides Arab presence in that region is pre-Islamic. Semitic people lived in those areas or close to them since antiquity. The only people who can claim to be natives are Elamites and they are long gone and were not "Iranians". They are extinct. And before them other people lived there who we know nothing about. And before them some others.

What I told is right though.

Persians and other Iranians have a 3000 year old connection to Iran. Arabs came much later. And Semites are not equal to Arabs. Elamites were Persianized.
Any and every muslim worthy of the name has a problem with Israel....

For centuries muslim blood was spilt trying to defend jerusalem.

Jerusalem and Palestine have been stolen by a colonial power & the people oppressed and occupied, in our weakness we are unable to rectify the situationl but this will not always be the case
Iran-Israel should work together to destroy the tumor called Arab.
Other than that, I don't care if we're neutral or friends.

A quarter of our population is Arab. We have no intention of destroying anyone.

If we can't make peace with the Arab world just now, at least start off with strategic alliances and see where that leads. Not everyone has to be best friends, but just have lines of communication and a bit of trade.

Defense sector isn't everything. I am pretty much confident that we can manage our own defense related industry, or else seek joint programs with countries like South Korea, Japan, etc.

Your country is heavily polluted. Much of it needs modernising.
Persians and other Iranians have a 3000 year old connection to Iran. Arabs came much later. And Semites are not equal to Arabs. Elamites were Persianized.

Yes, 3000 years ago you settled on the Iranian Plateau after emigrating from the Central Asian Steppes. Andronovo and all that. We all know that.

BUT, people lived in what is today Iran long before it was known as Iran. Some of the people were Semitic. Hence why you have Semitic Akkadian and Assyrian artifacts in Western Iran and even a Ziggurat.

Still, the Arab presence is pre-Islamic and what is now Khuzestan was known as Arabistan and was even ruled by Arab Emir's. Likewise many coastal cities in Iran are inhabited or were even founded by Arabs.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are even ancient Arabs in Khorasan who speak Khorasani Arabic. They were part of the Arab conquest of Iran and Central Asia.
A quarter of our population is Arab. We have no intention of destroying anyone.

If we can't make peace with the Arab world just now, at least start off with strategic alliances and see where that leads. Not everyone has to be best friends, but just have lines of communication and a bit of trade.

We don't need Israel. Once things have cooled down in the region and the Iranian government, we would surpass every country in the region, both economically and industrially. There isn't much Israel can offer us.
Future friendship of Iran and Israel really don't have much strategic values?

Strategically, It's much better for Iran to extend it's influence among the Shia population of the Middle East specially around the Persian Gulf, where they make the majority population.

Also we should get closer to secular Arabs like Oman and Algeria.

Other countries that can be good and beneficial friends are Iraq, Greece , Armenia, Russia, China, India, Tajikistan, and Kurds.

We should be helpful to Kurds, that share our culture, language and history. The future of the Middle East is with Kurds! They will out number Turks in Turkey by 2050. I know Iran finance Kurdish Films and art.

We already have great friends in South America and our cultural ties are growing stronger everyday.

I heard they are now teaching Spanish and Portuguese in Iranian universities. Lots and Lots of courses on the history of South America. It can only grow stronger.

We should Also offer more friendship towards Pakistan.

Iran and Pakistan have a lot of commonality, in regards to destabilizing our border. Fighting drug tracking, Fighting separatists, etc...Strong Ethnic, linguistic, and religious ties

Also by 2050 Israel will be more than 1/3 Arab, So just based on numbers Jews have no strategic value for Iran.
Yes, 3000 years ago you settled on the Iranian Plateau after emigrating from the Central Asian Steppes. Andronovo and all that. We all know that.

BUT, people lived in what is today Iran long before it was known as Iran. Some of the people were Semitic. Hence why you have Semitic Akkadian and Assyrian artifacts in Western Iran and even a Ziggurat.

Still, the Arab presence is pre-Islamic and what is now Khuzestan was known as Arabistan and was even ruled by Arab Emir's. Likewise many coastal cities in Iran are inhabited or were even founded by Arabs.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are even ancient Arabs in Khorasan who speak Khorasani Arabic. They were part of the Arab conquest of Iran and Central Asia.

And Semites and Arabs emigrated from the Arab Peninsula to the Levant, North Africa and Mesopotamia.

There were indeed Arabs living in the Sassanid-Persian Empire, but they were not native to Khuzestan. Elamites are native to that region, and they have became Persians long time ago.
Elamites are the ancestors of modern day Lurs in Iran you stupid lizard eater.
They are as much Iranic as you can get.

Yemenis are bunch of african sand niggers.

You keep telling yourself that and we'll see where it gets Israel.

What is wrong with eating lizards?
We benefited greatly in defense sector once we changed sides from Arab camp to Israel camp in 1992. You could also benefit from increased defense cooperation and lobbying benefits that would flow from AIPAC.

We do have an ancient base for cooperation with Israel. Changing sides could have disadvantage for Iran from the other side. Being neutral is better I think.

You might find this interesting to read:

What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion where because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the people of the Jewish faith, as "the anointed of the Lord"

The Book of Ezra narrates a story of the first return of exiles in the first year of Cyrus; for this, Cyrus is addressed in the Jewish Tanakh as the "Lord's Messiah". Glorified by Ezra, and by Isaiah, Cyrus is the one to whom "Yahweh, the God of heaven" has given "all the Kingdoms of the earth".

His treatment of the Jews during their exile in Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem is reported in the Bible. The Jewish Bible's Ketuvim ends in Second Chronicles with the decree of Cyrus, which returned the exiles to the Promised Land from Babylon along with a commission to rebuild the temple.
'Thus saith Cyrus, king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth hath Yahweh, the God of heaven, given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whosoever there is among you of all His people – may Yahweh, his God, be with him – let him go there.' (2 Chronicles 36:23)
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