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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

Lizards are family of reptiles. It's weird to eat, however even humans can be eaten nowadays!

As i said earlier, food taboos are culture specific.Reptiles are most efficient source of protein after Insects.

What is difference between veal and lizard.Both involves dead animals.
No, they are not. There are Alawis but so what? They are still Arabs. Turkish Arabs do not support the Child-Murderer in Syria.

Arabs in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wikipedia page in Arabic is much better and so are vast Arabic sources.


Don't bother the Central Asian Nomad. Lizards are not eaten by any Arabs aside from some Bedouins who only form 1% of all 450 million Arabs.

Besides the French eat frogs, snails and the Chinese eat everything with 4 legs. Not to mention Africans, Mexicans, Asians etc who eat insects.

Ignore the troll. Arabic cuisine is world famous and very diverse and tasty. Most diverse one in the Middle East.

LOL...you can keep telling yourself lies, if it makes you happy.

All the Alawites in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon all support Assad!
Isn't eating lizards even Haram according to Islamic law?

Yes it's haram (I'm almost sure about this). What I know also is that locusts and a kind of mice is eaten by some arabs and also some insects in ancient times. However that was normal to survive in those days, now it's passed on from generation to generation and lizard is still eaten.

Personally I'm interested to eat camel. It's said that it's good for back pain and bones. I don't know if true or not.
All the Alawites in Turkey, Syria and Lebanon all support Assad!

You can keep telling yourself lies, if it makes you happy.

No, they are not. There are Alawis but so what? They are still Arabs. Turkish Arabs do not support the Child-Murderer in Syria.

Arabs in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wikipedia page in Arabic is much better and so are vast Arabic sources.


Don't bother the Central Asian Nomad. Lizards are not eaten by any Arabs aside from some Bedouins who only form 1% of all 450 million Arabs.

Besides the French eat frogs, snails and the Chinese eat everything with 4 legs. Not to mention Africans, Mexicans, Asians etc who eat insects.

Ignore the troll. Arabic cuisine is world famous and very diverse and tasty. Most diverse one in the Middle East.

Besides not all Alawis support the Child-Murderer. You don't know what you are talking about since you do not speak Arabic. Besides that is one of their mistakes being a tiny minority. Some of them will suffer due to their stupidity.
To the Fake Wannabe Arab Iranian:

Nobody kicked any Jews out of Yemen. Jews still live in Yemen. Jews in Yemen are one of the most ancient Jews in the world. Much older than the Iranian ones.

It was the Israelis with the help of the Americans who evacuated all the Jews from Yemen.

Operation Magic Carpet:

Operation Magic Carpet (Yemen) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Queen Sheba is the oldest recorded queen in history and she was an Yemeni. Described in all of the 3 Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Yemen has a special place not only in Islam but also Judaism. Come again.


Yemeni Jews are also known as the best Jewish scholars and speakers of ancient Hebrew.

There was even a Jewish kingdom in Yemen.
As i said earlier, food taboos are culture specific.Reptiles are most efficient source of protein after Insects.

What is difference between veal and lizard.Both involves dead animals.
i know it is OT
but a cat next to my house has been said to have died because he was eating too many lezards
doctor said "he was eating too many lezards". and i could see he became very thin before dying.
is there any "poison" in them?
BUT, people lived in what is today Iran long before it was known as Iran. Some of the people were Semitic. Hence why you have Semitic Akkadian and Assyrian artifacts in Western Iran and even a Ziggurat.

A bedouin lecture us about history :lol:

Professor, that Ziggurat in Iran is built by Elamites who were not Semitic, but were probably cousins of Dravidians.
A small part of South West of Iran and half of Iraq were Assyrian and Aramaic peoples, yes, and they are now Arabized.

There are even ancient Arabs in Khorasan who speak Khorasani Arabic. They were part of the Arab conquest of Iran and Central Asia.

:lol: There is a small population of Arabic-speakers in the Khorasan Province, many of whom are Iraqi people who were exiled by Saddam because of being originally Persian. Yes, in our beautiful and diverse land we have minorities from every part of the world that you think of, Afro-Iranians, Romanis, and even a population that are descendants of Portuguese people. But I can't see what's your point here?

I really can't see why do you start such racist discussions everywhere, maybe you have no idea who are you talking to and about their history. We can easily beat you up when it comes to history. Where were you when the King of Kings Cyrus the Great - may he rest in peace - captured the Babylon and learned them how to rule like a civilized human? What were you doing when the Persians were the ruler of all civilized parts of the world? Probably eating lizards and raiding caravans and living like animals? You are so arrogant about your land, but FYI it's interesting that your land was not captured by any civilizations, neither Persians nor Romans and Greeks were not interested in it, because virtually there's nothing there - camels, lizards, and a worthless desert (I prefer not to the comment about pre-Islamic Arabs; it's obvious how they were living). Except parts of Yemen though, which is not completely arid, but do you know how Sassanians captured Yemen? By sending an "army" of 800 prisoners who were sentenced to death, that is, the cheapest army that you can think of, because the land was not even worth it to send the real soldiers there. :D
Arabs did not eat insects or mice. Also you are talking about BEDOUINS. Know the difference.

It is called a uromastyx. It is cooked and eaten like other meat. It apparently tastes like chicken. Like any other kind of food.

Besides no Arabs eat it aside from a tiny minority and mostly only Beduins who only form like 1% of the 450 million Arabs of the world. Arabic cuisine is very diverse and famous.

Besides French eat frogs and snails. Chinese eat everything with 4 legs. Insects are eaten in Asia, AFrica and Mexico and many other "strange foods". We Arabs do not have any strange food aside from the uromastyx and maybe camel meat which is popular in Egypt for example. But that is like any other animal although they are respected.

Ibn 'Umar reported that there were some persons with Allah's Apostle from among his Companions, Sa'd being one of them. There was brought to them the flesh of the lizard when a lady amongst the wives of Allah's Apostle said: It is the flesh of the lizard. Thereupon Allah's Messenger said: Eat, for it is lawful, but it is not my diet.

Sahih Muslim 1944 a In-book reference: Book 34, Hadith 61 USC-MSA web (English) ref: Book 21, Hadith 4788
Ibn ‘Abbas said that his maternal aunt presented to the Messenger of Allah clarified butter, lizards and cottage cheese. He ate from clarified butter and cheese, but left the lizard abominably. It was eaten on the food cloth of the Messenger of Allah. Had it been unlawful, it would not have been eaten on the food cloth of the Messenger of Allah.

Sunan Abi Dawud 3793, In-book reference:Book 28, Hadith 58, English translation:Book 27, Hadith 3784
Allah's Messenger was asked about the eating of (the flesh) of the lizard, whereupon he said: I am neither the eater of it nor its prohibitor.

Sahih Muslim 1943 a, In-book reference:Book 34, Hadith 56, USC-MSA web (English) reference:Book 21, Hadith 4783
The Messenger of Allah forbade to eat the flesh of lizard.

Sunan Abi Dawud 3796, In-book reference:Book 28, Hadith 61, English translation:Book 27, Hadith 3787
the house lizard that blew on it. So the Messenger of Allah commanded that they should be killed.”

Sunan Ibn Majah English ref:Vol. 1, Book 28, Hadith 3231, Arabic ref:Book 28, Hadith 3353

It was narrated from Umm Sharik that the Prophet told her to kill house lizards.

Sunan Ibn Majah English reference:Vol. 1, Book 28, Hadith 3228, Arabic reference:Book 28, Hadith 3350


Sa'id b. Jubair reported that he heard Ibn 'Abbas says: The sister of my mother Umm Hufaid presented to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) clarified butter (ghee), cheese and some lizards. He ate out of the clarified butter and cheese, but left the lizard finding no liking for it. But it was eaten on the table of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). Had it been forbidden (haram), it could not be eaten on the table of Allah's Messenger

Sahih Muslim 1947, In-book reference:Book 34, Hadith 68, USC-MSA web (English) reference:Book 21, Hadith 4795

LOL, at the STATELESS Kurdish troll trying to falsify history. Go get a country first. You are completely irrelevant. The most famous Kurd was an Arabized Kurd (Salad ad-Din) that was under the service of the Arab Caliphs in Baghdad.:laughcry:
i know it is OT
but a cat next to my house has been said to have died because he was eating too many lezards
doctor said "he was eating too many lezards". and i could see he became very thin before dying.
is there any "poison" in them?

Only two lizards are known to be poisonous. One is gila monster another is some freak from Australia.But a lot of lizards carry deadly bacteria in their saliva Example Komodo dragon so it needs to be cooked properly.Lizards are not toxic per se.
:rofl: stop trolling

You mean the most famous Arab commander was an Iranic Kurd right? :rofl:

Predictable reaction, you actually proved that I've beaten you since you have nothing relevant to say about my arguments :azn:

I don't reply to falsified versions of history by a stateless Kurd whose people have not contributed with anything. They can't even get their own country. Such is the pathetic state of their people.

Eh, he is not even CLOSE to being the greatest Islamic commander. Are you joking? You better look up those hundreds of Arab Caliphs and those who actually conquered the Islamic world including your country.

Don't forget that he was Arabized and who he worked for or what causes.

You can start with reading about Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra). The nightmare of your country. He sure changed some things forever, indeed.

Established the biggest empire in history at that time. Later it was only further expanded.

Umar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enjoy the reading.
The nightmare of your country.

HAHA you mean the coward that waited so that Persia became SUCH an unstable land that within 4 years, 8 people became the king? Do you know the last of them, who he fought with, was a kid? :lol: Your inhuman savage Saddam did exactly the same tactic, he couldn't do sh!t before the revoloution and started the war when Iran became unstable, what a coward people :disagree:
Make a peace with Israhell? The JEWS only want to enslave all the arabs like they do with the palestinians, with the help of the salafists fake muslims Al Qaeda, who kill arabs with beheadings, car bombs attacks

The salafists fake muslims Al Qaeda dirty the name of Allah by taking his name to speak very bad. They want people to see the muslims as very violent people, to help the JEWS

Besides not all Alawis support the Child-Murderer. You don't know what you are talking about since you do not speak Arabic. Besides that is one of their mistakes being a tiny minority. Some of them will suffer due to their stupidity.

Why you speak? You are arabs killers with your beheadings, car bomb attacks.

You dirty the name of Allah when you do this by screaming his name, to help the JEWS. The people see now the JEWS as nice people & the muslims bad people by your fault. Dirty wahabit crooks

Show me 1 video of Hezbollah fighting in civilian areas

We've got a lot of videos of the salafists dogs of the JEWS fighting in mosques & the people's houses

(GOOGLE) -FSA using a mosque to fire from.. take tank fire, then run away
-FSA Terrorists destroy the shrine of Hujr ibn Adi , a companion of the prohet, near Damascus
-Heavy Clashes In Residential Area Used By FSA And SAA Respon
-Anti Tank Rocket (M79) fired from your house.
-Rebel firing shoulder launched AT weapon.. indoors
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