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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

that is not seat of Islam, Islam is not bounded in particular place, Mecca is holly place of all muslims, no one can claim as its private property. Ahaha you mean the anti-Christ ? do not worry brother he will die in the hand of Prophet Isa (AS) :D:tup:

I'm afraid the world does recognise the centre of Islam being in Mecca & Medina. It is the site of the most holy places and birthplace of Islam.

The last place the Mahdi will target, is his home.

He's more likely to wag his finger at the Iranians.
I was reading an article the other day about Iran's Arab citizens being against Iranian policy in Syria.

Even the Shia Arabs in Iran were against this policy.

I wish I could find this article, it was very interesting.

Turkey's 2% Arab citizen are also extremely against Turkey's policy in Syria!

It doesn't make a difference.

The walls of the Comert family home are covered in posters of their son Abdullah, one of five demonstrators killed as anti-government protests rippled across Turkey in June.

The 22-year-old security guard, who died from head injuries after he was hit by a tear-gas canister fired by police, was a member of Turkey’s main opposition party, the CHP. More tellingly, he was one of Antakya’s many ethnic Arab Alawites, adherents of a heterodox offshoot of Shia Islam.

Turkey’s Arab Alawite minority is concentrated here in its southernmost province of Hatay, an area whose history has ensured deep ties of kinship with their fellow Alawites, including President Bashar al-Assad, over the nearby border with Syria.

Graffiti in the Comert’s neighbourhood denounces the Islamist-rooted AK Party of the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, most of it criticism for its support of the Sunni-led uprising against Assad. One red-painted scrawl reads: “No to war with Syria.”

another anti Iranian topic with the same fanatic participants to insult our history

no this time it is different an Israeli is friend with a fanatic . everything is possible in this forum lol

Relax bro. Not insulting your history so much as Iran in its current form.
The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and certain parts of Europe (such as Iberia and Sicily) during their period of domination by Arab leaders. The trade was focused on the slave markets of the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa. People traded were not limited to a certain race, ethnicity, or religion,[1] and included Turks, Iranians, Europeans, and Berbers, especially during the trade's early days.


Slavery was practiced by all peoples at that time and rulers from Africa (Africans enslaving their own people) to Asia, Europe and South and Central America.

That is how the Afro-Arabs ended in the Arab world. They have largely been marginalized which is a shame and the apolitical word for an Black person in Arabic is "abd" meaning slave or servant.

Abd (Arabic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Besides Yemen, one of the most ancient civilizations on earth, are famous for their great hospitality and even despite having hard times themselves they have welcomed THOUSANDS of Somalis and Black African immigrants.

Unfortunately some are discriminated against to this day.

Do you understand now, clown?
I'm afraid the world does recognise the centre of Islam being in Mecca & Medina. It is the site of the most holy places and birthplace of Islam.

The last place the Mahdi will target, is his home.

He's more likely to wag his finger at the Iranians.
Are you dumb ? what did i say ? Saudi Arabia will be target, not Mecca and Medina. You may say Mecca and Medina is in Saudi Arabia, Islam does not Think about boundary, only care about Holly place.
I'm afraid the world does recognise the centre of Islam being in Mecca & Medina. It is the site of the most holy places and birthplace of Islam.

The last place the Mahdi will target, is his home.

He's more likely to wag his finger at the Iranians.

LOL, is that a new Wahhabi conspiracy, It's becoming more obvious these conspiracies are spread out by Jews like yourself.

In all of Haddith Sunni and Shia, Imam Mahdi will eradicate the Jews.

Anti-Christ will be a Jewish Messiah, Jews from all over the world will flow him, Even Esfahani Jews from Iran will follow this anti-Christ.
another anti Iranian topic with the same fanatic participants to insult our history

no this time it is different an Israeli is friend with a fanatic . everything is possible in this forum lol
You should look at the ''new''threads your countrymen opened,maybe you will understand why people open anti Iranian threads my friend.
Turkey's 2% Arab citizen are also extremely against Turkey's policy in Syria!

It doesn't make a difference.

The walls of the Comert family home are covered in posters of their son Abdullah, one of five demonstrators killed as anti-government protests rippled across Turkey in June.

The 22-year-old security guard, who died from head injuries after he was hit by a tear-gas canister fired by police, was a member of Turkey’s main opposition party, the CHP. More tellingly, he was one of Antakya’s many ethnic Arab Alawites, adherents of a heterodox offshoot of Shia Islam.

Turkey’s Arab Alawite minority is concentrated here in its southernmost province of Hatay, an area whose history has ensured deep ties of kinship with their fellow Alawites, including President Bashar al-Assad, over the nearby border with Syria.

Graffiti in the Comert’s neighbourhood denounces the Islamist-rooted AK Party of the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, most of it criticism for its support of the Sunni-led uprising against Assad. One red-painted scrawl reads: “No to war with Syria.”

‘We don’t want the war. They are our brothers’ - Middle East News | Latest News Headlines | The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 03, 2013

Eh, most of the 2 million Arabs in Turkey are Sunnis and have close ties to Syria. Many live in the Hatay province. They certainly DO NOT support the Child-Murderer.

Syrian regime shelling hit some Turkish Arab cities last year even.

Stop inventing fairytales.
EH, most Arabs in Turkey are Sunnis and have close ties to Syria. Many live in the Hatay province. They certainly DO NOT support the Child-Murderer.

Syrian regime shelling hit some Turkish Arab cities even last year.

Stop inventing fairytales.

Most Arabs in Turkey are Alawites.

If your talking about the Refugees, then yes they are Sunni Arabs.
What is wrong with eating lizards?

Lizards are family of reptiles. It's weird to eat, even humans can be eaten nowadays!
What I know from nomadic arabs is that they also ate a kind of desert mice or something, locust and insects. However that would me normal in those times to survive.

Green iguanas are eaten in Central America, and spiny-tailed lizards are eaten in Africa. In North Africa, Uromastyx species are considered dhaab or 'fish of the desert' and eaten by nomadic tribes
Arabs are the africans which settled in Yemen and Saudi arabia. Real arabs are Black africans.
Mesepotamia,Syria were not and are not even arabs.
Elamites are today's Lurs.

Here is more yemenite/saudis:




Disgusting lizard eaters.

Again man,

What is wrong in eating lizards?

People all over the world eat sundry kind of things.Dietary taboos are culture specific.Eating lizards is much more environment friendly than eating goat.
Most Arabs in Turkey are Alawites.

If your talking about the Refugees, then yes they are Sunni Arabs.

No, they are not. There are Alawis but so what? They are still Arabs. Turkish Arabs do not support the Child-Murderer in Syria.

Arabs in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wikipedia page in Arabic is much better and so are vast Arabic sources.


Don't bother the Central Asian Nomad. Lizards are not eaten by any Arabs aside from some Bedouins who only form 1% of all 450 million Arabs.

Besides the French eat frogs, snails and the Chinese eat everything with 4 legs. Not to mention Africans, Mexicans, Asians etc who eat insects.

Ignore the troll. Arabic cuisine is world famous and very diverse and tasty. Most diverse one in the Middle East.
Relax bro. Not insulting your history so much as Iran in its current form.
thanks my friend :)

i am very proud in my city we kept a big Jew communauty. Not like in Yemen they kicked them out and took all what they had.

i loved your comment about Arab in Israël. this is very smart.

you know my friend it reminds me about Obama
many people say Obama is black. when he is half black and half white. what is important indeed he is American , US citizen.
I have the same problem: i am Arab from my dad and Persian from my mom. But still some Arabs consider me a fake Arab and Iranians consider me fake Iranian (in this forum i mean)... i guess i am from nowhere :D indeed i don't care
what is important is you are from your country, you have fidelity to serve your country (not a dictator or stupid guys)
LOL, is that a new Wahhabi conspiracy, It's becoming more obvious these conspiracies are spread out by Jews like yourself.

In all of Haddith Sunni and Shia, Imam Mahdi will eradicate the Jews.

Anti-Christ will be a Jewish Messiah, Jews from all over the world will flow him, Even Esfahani Jews from Iran will follow this anti-Christ.

Now who's the racist? no wonder why Shias are being targeted everywhere
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