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Italy nun: 'I had no idea I was pregnant' after giving birth to baby boy

He was insulting another member, not me. For all we know, that member could be a meat eating atheist and neither a vegetarian nor a cow worshipper. (BTW how many hindus worship cows anyway?)

Of course he is from Pakistan. We can't know anything about him - what he does for a living, what music he likes, what food he likes, what sports he plays - why then is it so easy to guess his religion and country? Something to think about.

In short....he is an opportunist!!
She must have just thought she was gaining weight the last 9 months huh? :cheesy:

The baby should start his own religion :D

If there is room for Indira Gandhi in the hindu pantheon surely there is room for this child? :whistle:
She must have just thought she was gaining weight the last 9 months huh? :cheesy:

If there is room for Indira Gandhi in the hindu pantheon surely there is room for this child? :whistle:

Meh, makes more sense to me.

At least you can prove Indira Gandhi exists.

Or does she :o :O
Well she did at one point but can she do you any good now? To be continued. :o:

Do this experiment.

Pray to god for a Month for things you want in life. Observe what you get out of it.

Pray to Joe Pesci the other month and see ho many of your prayers get fulfilled.

Besides, Joe Pesci is more bada$$ than any god I know.
Do this experiment.

Pray to god for a Month for things you want in life. Observe what you get out of it.

Pray to Joe Pesci the other month and see ho many of your prayers get fulfilled.

Besides, Joe Pesci is more bada$$ than any god I know.

It doesn't work like this,you don't pray to God in order to receive things.I yoused to explain this to my friends who before exams suddenly started praying for good grades.I for one never prayed for materialistic stuff,just for good health of my family and friends.

I always laugh at those who pray to win the lottery.
In India and may be other countries also? poor Catholics usually get their girl join a convent after 10th class or so. this is aenforcement by the illiterate parents so as to save from getting her married off. their problem is, they cannot afford keeping a young unmarried lady in the house perhaps for various reasons.

I hope healthy women will rather want to have a partner and live a quality life. while in the convents, they are living a sorry life(arguably). if someone wants to devote life for their religion, they can rightfully do so while remaining single without going to a convent. sex is something natural for humans and abstaining from it is against nature IMHO.

another aspect is, these poor nuns are used as free work pool by the catholic church which runs hospitals,schools and missionary activities. besides, a harsh truth is, they are seen as free meat by many and catholic Priests stand high in this.

Sister Abhaya's murder case must be a eye opener. why this poor nun was not made a saint ? because she is a victim of hormone run horny priests? the church openly supports these priests.

Sister Abhaya murder case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My brother is in a catholic college at Nagpur and he says, there are such cases in his college as well, where priest has got physical relations with nuns... Sad new though..
(BTW how many hindus worship cows anyway?).

Almost all,

reason, she gives milk, her cow-dung can be used fuel and fertilizer, her piss contains organic phosphorus and sulfur.. thats why many Hindus believe it as ultimate daiety
Do this experiment.

Pray to god for a Month for things you want in life. Observe what you get out of it.

Pray to Joe Pesci the other month and see ho many of your prayers get fulfilled.

Besides, Joe Pesci is more bada$$ than any god I know.

So you are into George Carlin videos :laugh:
MODS please close this thread as it is incitement to a flame war. We on this forum should have a policy of not discussing individual acts and matters relating to religious beliefs. let her answer to her God and make peace with Him.
Do this experiment.

Pray to god for a Month for things you want in life. Observe what you get out of it.

Pray to Joe Pesci the other month and see ho many of your prayers get fulfilled.

Besides, Joe Pesci is more bada$$ than any god I know.

You see you are looking at God in a materialistic point of view, we do not pray to God for things when we do Namaz (as Muslims) the verses we say are to glorify him and to thank him for what he has already given us no matter how much or how little. In the Quran God says remember me at your best and I will remember you at your worst. People who only run to God when they need something are selfish and insincere in their faith which is why they always lament when God does not answer them.
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