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Italy could release conversation in which PM Narendra Modi allegedly asked for information on Sonia

Reality is that Italy was always friendly with india. We did never do any harm to india and infact had always friendly relations.

Italy even helped india to get acess to many institutions.

Evrybody knows and understands that NO nation ever will abandon its own military staff. Nobody is left behind. And evryone understands that this case is toxic.

It only creates further anger and stallment.

Reality is that india was blocked to get any agreement with EU within the last 4 years. Italy blocked MTCR entry for india. Italy blocked free trade between EU and India. India blocked our Agusta deal and damaged our export deals.

This helps noone and has to end.

A bad mistake was done and because of this 2 people lost their life. After this both nations made more mistakes in dealing with this.

Italian marines saved many people life including indians in somalia who were held as hostages by pirates.

I think our nations must find a way to solve this and no court can do this. Your government can make a pardon and our defense minister said this will happen in the next weeks.

I think its no shame to admitt when mistakes were done. I believe PM Renzi should visit India and try to normalize relations.

Nobody here can be interested in bad blood between our nations and i think all nationalistic rhetoric aside most of you agree.

It is correct that this issue has gone on for too long and has became a drag, but there is nothing that government could be legally here.

What would happen is that GoI would not contest against bail for second marine and let him leave India as a fugitive, and let this issue rest. If you are looking for an legal acquittal, that is not bound to happen as government has no control over courts, and courts love to rub nose of government into this disability.
Lol he talking as if he is Italian official :rofl:. Italy has no say in EU they spit on you :yes4:
no, as your defense minister said, a deal was already reached. Its in the last steps and he will be home soon. Our PM Renzi talked with Modi about this and they agreed about this.

It is good our nations found an agreement and i hope this is solved soon.

This is unlikely. Do you really expect Indian govt. to trade Indian lives for Italian lives ? It defies logic.

If that was true, GoI would have moved the SC to dismiss the case.
This is unlikely. Do you really expect Indian govt. to trade Indian lives for Italian lives ? It defies logic.

If that was true, GoI would have moved the SC to dismiss the case.

Im sure in few weeks evrything will be fine.
What is big deal? Sonia is a know corrupt politician unders whose very nose, all the UPA corruption happened. She was on the pay roll of vatican and was suppressing the Hindus. A PM of a country asked PM of another country, that if they have any informaiton about corruption of Sonia..They said they have it,,and will share it..what is big deal? As a PM it is his duty to ask all these information.
Act of war ?

So when is your air craft carriir and jet fighter travelling in the direction of india ?
We are waiting, you know.

Honestly, we dont care if you worship them as heroes or masturbate with their photos in hands.
Supreme court will follow its own course and in GOI has n say init.

If you kill our soldiers it is an act of war.

But india already labelled this out so i wont follow your provocations.

Your PM made a deal with our PM. In a few weeks he is back home.
Your PM made a deal with our PM. In a few weeks he is back home.

If the deal involves throwing Sonia and her corrupt gang in jail, I am sure most Indians would support it.

So, keep your end of the bargain first!
If the deal involves throwing Sonia and her corrupt gang in jail, I am sure most Indians would support it.

So, keep your end of the bargain first!

PM Renzi could bring her back to Italy. ;P
What are private meetings for ? :) in this case the point is that India and Italy said no such private meetings took place now this has been surfaced.

Another point is Modi's private conversation with Italians was for releasing two Italian marines in exchange for information on Sonia Gandhi . Now here is the twist if elected Prime Minister of India can decide fate of Italian marines for own political interests keeping aside the Indian legal system then just think about its political consequences within India for Indian masses viz a viz elections/vote bank.

The answer is only the President can pardon the marines, only if they are convicted, recommended by the Cabinet, which would be political suicide for Modi govt.

Another aspect is the case is being heared by SC. Already Indian Judiciary is enroaching into executive and legislative powers. No way PM can decide on it.
The answer is only the President can pardon the marines, only if they are convicted, recommended by the Cabinet, which would be political suicide for Modi govt.

Another aspect is the case is being heared by SC. Already Indian Judiciary is enroaching into executive and legislative powers. No way PM can decide on it.

You do realize that there is no other solution for that? This conflict has to stop. It was done wrong from both sides from day one.

Its totally clear that italy would never under any consequences hand offer the marine into an indian prison. This would be suicide for italy and destroy our entire military since it must depend on the nation supporting its troops under any circumstances
The answer is only the President can pardon the marines, only if they are convicted, recommended by the Cabinet, which would be political suicide for Modi govt.

Another aspect is the case is being heared by SC. Already Indian Judiciary is enroaching into executive and legislative powers. No way PM can decide on it.

Theoretically indeed but practically imprisoning Italian marines is suicidal for to India specially when India is trying pace up arms race.
Theoretically indeed but practically imprisoning Italian marines is suicidal for to India specially when India is trying pace up arms race.
India will do what needs to be done. Govt has to walk on a very fine line, when both the sides is going to make the govt in danger.
Scene 1: Govt release, oppsition will tear him up
Scene 2: Govt dont release, relationship with italy will get worsen.
I think if Italy play its cards well and give govt more information abt other scams, chances are they will free them. Although scene 2 is likely to happen
is asking information about a "generally known corrupt" person a crime ???
unless the words used by our PM were very uncouth, there is no reason to give in to these blackmailing mafia ppl.
You do realize that there is no other solution for that? This conflict has to stop. It was done wrong from both sides from day one.

Its totally clear that italy would never under any consequences hand offer the marine into an indian prison. This would be suicide for italy and destroy our entire military since it must depend on the nation supporting its troops under any circumstances

That doesnt mean Italian marines should start shooting at Fishermen's especially so close to Indian shore where there has been zero instances of privacy.
So u want to let them go scot free? Arent the Marines complete idiots that they do not know where they are or the location where they are in.
Infact even now they are staying as a guest in Italian embassy. Not in prison. I cannot understand any hardships they ever went.
That doesnt mean Italian marines should start shooting at Fishermen's especially so close to Indian shore where there has been zero instances of privacy.
So u want to let them go scot free? Arent the Marines complete idiots that they do not know where they are or the location where they are in.
Infact even now they are staying as a guest in Italian embassy. Not in prison. I cannot understand any hardships they ever went.

They belong to their family in italy and not far away.

Beside that they did their job. India had many islamic terror attacks like in mumbai. A similar attack could have been done at the oil tanker. They did the right thing. How it was handled later on is a different topic
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