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Italy could release conversation in which PM Narendra Modi allegedly asked for information on Sonia

You are becoming too emotional sir, Italy India relations are way big than marines. Secondly, marine if punished will be only for his mistake, how is this related to humiliation of Italy? We have nothing against Italy or its citizens, but I am certainly sure your country would have taken the same stand had this situation been reversed.

no. our relations are alteady broken and it gets worse evry das. It has reached absolute bitter feelings. Italy blocked evry single attempt from india to make treaties with EU. The freetrade ageement for example was blocked by italy.

that has never happened before because italy and india always were friendly with each other. italy always supporter india in such things.

+ there is gigantic pressure on our PM to get the marine back home to his familiy.

our government made mistskes in this case i know but we could never allow one of our military staff to be in a foreign prison. thats impossible. it would be the ultimate humilation, if we allow this we are dead.
no. our relations are alteady broken and it gets worse evry das. It has reached absolute bitter feelings. Italy blocked evry single attempt from india to make treaties with EU. The freetrade ageement for example was blocked by italy.

that has never happened before because italy and india always were friendly with each other. italy always supporter india in such things.

+ there is gigantic pressure on our PM to get the marine back home to his familiy.

our government made mistskes in this case i know but we could never allow one of our military staff to be in a foreign prison. thats impossible. it would be the ultimate humilation, if we allow this we are dead.

Italy is beyond irrelevant to India anyway. It's sad India is stuck using it's guns on it's naval vassals.
Come on man what kind of logic is this?

Kill two fisherman.
Make mess out of Supreme court rules of that country.
Feel Angry and block that country from treaties!

So the victim country has not only deal with the mess created with Supreme court, they are now blackmailed for treaties! You think this will work? I think it wont, instead of making amends you are pressurizing India. How long can you hold those treaties? Germany specifically warned EU parliament not to use it for bilateral problem after your minister used EU parliament to put pressure on India. The better way will be to make amends, solve it diplomatically, by veto in MTCR and NSG you just made it worst.

What more can you do now? Damage is already done.

And your Marine is not in prison, but in embassy, dont misquote or get ultra emotional mate. I think after Italy veto he should be put in jail. Nothing personal but how you act decide how relations go. Your PM invested lot of political capital and than vetoed India, how in the world can a person destroy anything more?

what should he do? Our PM depends on the support of italian people. This issue is highly emotional in italy. The italian people want our marine back home. Imagine he is still in india and no progress visible...and our PM supports india in getting free trade for example with EU. ... our PM would be finished within hours. people here would riot
I can tell you at the very least he should not veto India, threaten India. The best way will be diplomacy, the issue is emotional but its related to crime and got same sentiments here. One of your Marine is already in Italy and one in your embassy for killing two fisherman, this is more than generosity and you return the favor by veto?

Nobody will riot if they trust their leader, if the only thing you want is his return, diplomacy is the best way, not threatening or blocking India. The more eyeballs you give it the further it escalates, if he say nothing, do nothing and bear a bit of pressure most probably your Marine will be sent back to Italy and trial will go on and nobody in Italy will know what happened behind doors. But due to unnecessary chest thumping you selected a PM who think more about TV than about the Marine, the case will get worst as it what happening.

politics are difficult. oppossition portrays PM as weak and says india uses his weakness zo humilate italy. people here get more and more angry and frustrated. Its really bad and pulls down Renzis popularity very much. there is alot of hurt pride, feelings and patriotism.

that makes this case so toxic. india was always seen as a friend of italy and people now dont understand all this. I wish so much this ends soon.
Time we put the second marine in Tihar until Italy agrees to all Indian treaties ;)

I am sure couple of months in Tihar, the Italians would come crawling, with signed treaties in their hand.

Only way to treat bullies is to bully them in return.

You kill our citizens and then are angry at us when we take legal action on the murderers!!
Italians are sure going back to their fascist and racist roots..
That troll is repeating himself like a parrot :D
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