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Italy could release conversation in which PM Narendra Modi allegedly asked for information on Sonia

A private meeting between PM's can be taped? :what: And guess what? It can be used to blackmail with. It seems Italian Mafia's still rules political class over there.
Have to be taken with a pinch of salt.

In which country it is NOT Taped ? :)

There's 10 billion and growing trade between Italy and India. Fiat invests in India and Mahindra invests in Italy.

Italian heads of state have in the past been more interested in throwing "bonga bonga" parties and liaisons with Moroccan call girls than running the country. The result is a decaying economy and the sick man of Europe title.

Italy should think twice before doing something underhand and making a permanent enemy out of India. Of course it's their call and they are known to prefer machismo over common sense, but you never know when you might need friends or trade.
I dont get it, what is wrong in asking information about soina. Is she immune to india laws ?
Why is this even a news ?
In which country it is NOT Taped ? :)


Official meetings are taped. I know. But private meetings? Even if taped they are stored cautiously. There has been no record of tapes being leaked by any soverign nation.
I dont get whats your problem. The court in haue ordered that he is send back italy. Both india and italy accept the court in hague. So i dont see whyy we should leak this. This was just made public to speed things up a bit.

Our defense minister already said he will be back home within the next weeks and just some last buerocratic things must be done and all is fine.

This is an important issue for italy and the sooner this is solved the better for both nations.

here the court ruled few days ago that he must be send to italy. your own emdia make it public

Official meetings are taped. I know. But private meetings? Even if taped they are stored cautiously. There has been no record of tapes being leaked by any soverign nation.

What are private meetings for ? :) in this case the point is that India and Italy said no such private meetings took place now this has been surfaced.

Another point is Modi's private conversation with Italians was for releasing two Italian marines in exchange for information on Sonia Gandhi . Now here is the twist if elected Prime Minister of India can decide fate of Italian marines for own political interests keeping aside the Indian legal system then just think about its political consequences within India for Indian masses viz a viz elections/vote bank.
I dont get whats your problem. The court in haue ordered that he is send back italy. Both india and italy accept the court in hague. So i dont see whyy we should leak this. This was just made public to speed things up a bit.

Our defense minister already said he will be back home within the next weeks and just some last buerocratic things must be done and all is fine.

This is an important issue for italy and the sooner this is solved the better for both nations.

here the court ruled few days ago that he must be send to italy. your own emdia make it public


The ruling in hague was not by a court, it just an arbitration by a bunch of European bureaucrats.

The SC of India is not under ANY compulsion to consider its request valid. I personally hope those marines are given strict punishment as a warning to all those who consider them heroes.

Nobody here cares what your defence minister said or did not say. Only the SC of India has the final say in the matter and in my opinion they have already screwed up once by letting one marine escape the law.

There's 10 billion and growing trade between Italy and India. Fiat invests in India and Mahindra invests in Italy.

Italian heads of state have in the past been more interested in throwing "bonga bonga" parties and liaisons with Moroccan call girls than running the country. The result is a decaying economy and the sick man of Europe title.

Italy should think twice before doing something underhand and making a permanent enemy out of India. Of course it's their call and they are known to prefer machismo over common sense, but you never know when you might need friends or trade.

It is just an empty threat of a desperate man.

1. Talks between heads of state are never recorded.

2. Even when they are, it cannot be made public.

3. Modi will never make such a foolish request to the Italian head. Even if such an trade off is made, it will be done by some unofficial or quasi official channel.
What are private meetings for ? :) in this case the point is that India and Italy said no such private meetings took place now this has been surfaced.

Another point is Modi's private conversation with Italians was for releasing two Italian marines in exchange for information on Sonia Gandhi . Now here is the twist if elected Prime Minister of India can decide fate of Italian marines for own political interests keeping aside the Indian legal system then just think about its political consequences within India for Indian masses viz a viz elections/vote bank.
Off the record conversations between heads of states are nothing new. No responsible govt ever makes such contents public. I don't believe any such meeting took place at all. Even if it did, Italian govt is not stupid to make it public or leak such sensitive contents. Should they do it, no nation or its leaders will trust Italy with any confidential information.
Off the record conversations between heads of states are nothing new. No responsible govt ever makes such contents public. I don't believe any such meeting took place at all. Even if it did, Italian govt is not stupid to make it public or leak such sensitive contents. Should they do it, no nation or its leaders will trust Italy with any confidential information.

:) wait for the end result of this feeler. Italians are not fool to release such a feeler without a purpose.
:) wait for the end result of this feeler. Italians are not fool to release such a feeler without a purpose.
It's not the Italians releasing these feelers, but Congress's dirty tricks department's desperate attempt to divert heat from the Gandhis. This middleman openly admitted that he has to save Gandhis to save himself...& that's just what he is doing right now!
The ruling in hague was not by a court, it just an arbitration by a bunch of European bureaucrats.

The SC of India is not under ANY compulsion to consider its request valid. I personally hope those marines are given strict punishment as a warning to all those who consider them heroes.

Nobody here cares what your defence minister said or did not say. Only the SC of India has the final say in the matter and in my opinion they have already screwed up once by letting one marine escape the law.

It is just an empty threat of a desperate man.

1. Talks between heads of state are never recorded.

2. Even when they are, it cannot be made public.

3. Modi will never make such a foolish request to the Italian head. Even if such an trade off is made, it will be done by some unofficial or quasi official channel.

why do you want hostile relations between italy and india? Did italy ever do something bad to you?

Let us solve this peaceful and get back to normal relations. Dont you think that would be better?
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