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Italy acts...orders mosques as public space and bans preaching in arabic

Feb 11, 2017
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Italian interior minister Marco Minitti made the new laws.



All over Italy detention camps are opened. There evry asylum seeker is brought who has no right for asylum. Evryone who has no right for asylum must leave Italy. They are not allowed to leave those prisons. The centers are called CIE.

Also mosques are declared public space now. This means they are not allowed to be locked up. State officials must be present at evry prayer. Prayer is only allowed in Italian language.

Minitti said he will not blame his precedessors or the old laws. He says he is interior minister now and he will deal with this.

@Vergennes @flamer84 @Nilgiri @waz
Same thing happens on communist china.
Good to see Italy going back to Mussolini roots.
In Italy, Islam doesn’t officially exist. Here’s what Muslims must accept to change that.

By Anna Momigliano

MILAN — At least 1.4 million Muslims are living in Italy, making Islam the country’s de facto second-largest religion. But as far as Italian authorities are concerned, Islam doesn’t exist.

Unlike Christianity and Judaism, Islam isn’t formally recognized in Italy. This means that mosques cannot receive public funds, Islamic weddings have no legal value and Muslim workers aren’t entitled to take days off for religious holidays.

Now that lack of recognition may change — but not without a cost.

This month, Italy’s Interior Ministry and the country’s nine major Islamic associations signed an unprecedented agreement. Muslim organizations agreed to create a registry of their imams and to require them to preach in Italian. In return, the government vowed to “facilitate the path” toward the official recognition of Islam in Italy.

The “National Pact for an Italian Islam” has been hailed as a first step toward the normalization of Islam in Italy. But it has also been criticized for creating a double standard: no other religious group has been asked by authorities to hold sermons in Italian. The Roman Catholic Church regularly offers masses in foreign languages to cater to an international audience.

“It’s a document that Muslims had to sign in order to prove we’re good citizens and not bad people,” said Yahya Pallavicini, a Milan-based Muslim scholar, in an interview with the conservative magazine Tempi.

Islam doesn’t enjoy much popularity in Italy. According to a recent Pew survey, 69 percent of Italians report a negative opinion of Muslims, the highest proportion among the European countries polled. Local media also often conflates Islam as a whole with terrorism.

Looking ahead to elections next year, the government is also treating the agreement as a security issue. In a statement to the news media, Interior Minister Marco Minniti presented the document as a safeguard “against any form of violence and terrorism.”

Sumaya Abdel Qader, a Muslim sociologist in Milan who is a member of the city council, called the agreement “a positive step,” during a telephone interview. “It's very important that there’s a dialogue between the government and Muslim institutions,” she said. But she noted that some of the requirements “have made some Muslims feel like they’re being treated unequally.”

She argued that it is “unfair” that a specific faith be singled out and required to hold sermons in Italian — but recognized the reality of widespread distrust of Muslims. “I understand we’re living in a unique historical context, so we’ll have to accept this,” she said.

Abdel Qader also claims it is unusual that a religious group was asked to sign a “preliminary pact” as a requirement to start negotiations for an official recognition. The Italian Constitution formally grants freedom of religion for all, but reserves a special position for the Catholic Church and requires other faiths to sign a specific treaty — called an “intesa,” or “understanding” — to fully operate. Muslim associations have been applying for an intesa since 2000, but still haven’t received one.

But Izzedin Elzir, an imam in Florence and the president of the UCOII, the country’s largest Muslim association, believes that the benefits of the agreement outweigh the downside. “Most of the things we vowed to do, we are already doing,” he said in a telephone interview. “We're already encouraging imams to preach in Italian. And, if their Italian is not fluent, we are already providing interpreters. If having this written down in a document is making non-Muslim Italians feel a bit safer, I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

Muslim organizations agreed to create a registry of their imams and to require them to preach in Italia

This is not a bad idea, at least the muslims also can be sure to have a reliable imam who doesnt preach hatred and terrorism.
It makes sense, as not all Muslims speak Arabic. Even when some one tells me something in Arabic as a reference, I feel a bit annoyed, as whats the point of telling me something in a language which I don't understand.
Italy should do a genetic test on migrants. If they aren't Syrians they have no business in Europe as they aren't refugees. Everyone else should be shipped back to their country.
You will get thousand and thousands of indians as well :confused:
Most Italians also hold negative views of Muslims in general, among the highest rates in Europe. Very sad.

Italy is getting far from civilized world :)
Every European countries should put every mosques under government regulation,investigate where the funds are coming from,Imams should be formed and preach in the language of the host countries. Those that don't comply should be deported and see the prayer places closed. Seems fair.
You will get thousand and thousands of indians as well :confused:


There hasn't been any reported cases (that I'm aware of atleast) of Indians amongst those migrants but there are hundreds of cases of pakistanis.

I dont see how national security has something to do with civilized world.

Tolerance couldnt protect the people. There comes the point where you have to acknowledge that we did wrong in the past and this mistakes must be corrected.

Amazing how these guests act like they own the place.

Every European countries should put every mosques under government regulation,investigate where the funds are coming from,Imams should be formed and preach in the language of the host countries. Those that don't comply should be deported and see the prayer places closed. Seems fair.

The government gives the land away for free to build mosques so they should have a right to regulate and investigate.

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