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Italy acts...orders mosques as public space and bans preaching in arabic

Their country, their rules, dont like it leave it but i hope we dont see the hypocrisy when it comes to muslim countries dealing with their minorities and also how they treat the criminal. Lately Pakistan was under criticism from the EU which i assume includes Italy as well for the lifting of ban over execution of terrorist. Heck our GSP status was even threaten over human rights (lol).
This has nothing to do with racism. The problems are not an imagination but a fact. The attacks in france, the dead ones in Berlin. There is a specific group that is overproportional connected to massive crimes and absolute incapable to assimilate. And this specific group is not chinese, not japanese and not buddhist ect.

The people of europe are fed up with that. Italy does what it sees as necessary to protect its own people. Thats what italian politicians are voted for. Other european nations follow and do that as well.

Its a simple thing. There is a moment where you have to accept, that something doesnt work. And then you have to make a decission.

Italy like all other european nations is a old nation. Based on thousands of years of history. The land we own was handed to us by generations of our ancestors. We are not an immigration country like USA.

What does this mean?

It means that you can come and live in Italy. But only when you want to be italian.

You must speak italian 100%. You must dress italian. You must live 100% italian. You must assimilate 100% italian. Keep in mind that no one invited you. Nobody asked you to live here and nobody wants you to live here. Nobody wants your old ways here. You must work hard. Pay taxes and earn the privilidge to be accepted here.

If you dont like that i advice anyone to get out before you get kicked out.

And this counts for evry european nation.

@Vergennes @flamer84

It's not racism it's islamophobia. Do you require Jews to preach in Italian? Do you require Hindus to become 100% Italian? The fact of the matter is that Europe's problems are an instance of chickens coming home to roost. The barbarism perpetrated by the imperialists in Muslim lands followed by appointing corrupt stooges which led to oppressive regimes, the continued meddling on internal affairs, and the resulting humanitarian crisis is now knocking at your door step. I agree that Italy isn't directly involved in this, but you are one of those benefiting from the heinous harvests. Don't expect to batten down the hatches and weather the storm. You have to address the root cause. The solution is to make it attractive for people to stay in their own countries. For that you need to put effort in dealing with the mess the West has created.
So Atlantic magazine was famously right. Islam is finally unravelling the European continent.....again. :lol:

Atlantic Magazine wrote about all this in an article last year. Islam decimated classical Europe that regarded the Mediterranean sea as "Mare Nostrum (our sea)." Islam swept through Southern half of Mediterranean sea and European civilisation south of 'their sea' was rendered extinct by the powerful forces of Islam. One famous European historian and Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset wrote "[Since the dawn of Islam] all European history has been a great emigration towards the North.”....And Atlantic article talks about how the global forces of Islam--driven by immigration, conflict, strict adherence to their own civilization/culture--- now have crossed the Mediterranean "barrier" and Islam is unravelling the European continent within itself even North of Mediterranean

Dumb young nuts or right wing idiots/idealists like @Vergennes @flamer84 @ValerioAurelius (MarkusS) etc might feel "happy" that Europe is "finally waking up"---but they don't realize that European continent is going through what looks like a massive unravelling of the existing order. With loony tunes like Geert Wilders, Le Pen etc gaining power, populations aging, models of European cooperation and unity falling apart, and Europeans going towards right and tribalism in the face of Islam's assertive presence amongst them--- and all of it is happening with an extremely aging populations with median age over 45(!!), declining worker-to-retiree ratio, miserable birth rates, and fluid situation on the borders amongst other things.

What percentage of global Islam is there in Italy? Like 0.1%?! :lol:

You think anybody in Muslim world would care if Mosques in Italy are made "public spaces" and what not. But in doing so, Italy will join the ranks of countries like China and other authotarian regimes across the world. European "moral" fabric of tolerance, democracy, equal rights under law etc will be rendered obsolete. It's one of the biggest sources of self-confidence, pride, and distinction on world stage compared to authoritarian China or "oppressive" global Islam would no longer exist.

And dumb Europeans like OP and others in the thread will believe this to be some sort of "victory" ;)
Neah,it s just that hateful idiots like you won t be able to use their most powerful weapon that was at their disposal and that is European tolerance.You can multiply all you want,food will become more scarce while high tech will rule the workforce and battlefields.You have none.

It's not racism it's islamophobia. Do you require Jews to preach in Italian? Do you require Hindus to become 100% Italian? The fact of the matter is that Europe's problems are an instance of chickens coming home to roost. The barbarism perpetrated by the imperialists in Muslim lands followed by appointing corrupt stooges which led to oppressive regimes, the continued meddling on internal affairs, and the resulting humanitarian crisis is now knocking at your door step. I agree that Italy isn't directly involved in this, but you are one of those benefiting from the heinous harvests. Don't expect to batten down the hatches and weather the storm. You have to address the root cause. The solution is to make it attractive for people to stay in their own countries. For that you need to put effort in dealing with the mess the West has created.
Moot points ofcourse,as neither Jews nor Hindus blow themselves up in Europe.Hindus are also poor but they don t constantly blame Europe for that.Forking aid at other countries is no solution,money are needed in here.
Moot points ofcourse,as neither Jews nor Hindus blow themselves up in Europe.Hindus are also poor but they don t constantly blame Europe for that.Forking aid at other countries is no solution,money are needed in here.
Then maybe the holier than thou West should stay out of Muslim countries and stop trying to bring "democracy" there. That would solve the problem. I don't see these European countries and US intervening in India or Israel's internal matters- hmm let me guess... "OIL"? You folks are so greedy and pathetic that you would destroy whole countries just to get your hands on some "oil", and then cry about the mess created by your own hands.
He is talking about refugees. India does not produce refugees, so if an Indian pose as a refugee, then he should back, not the legal migrants.
Actually there are less than 5% legal migrants, almost all of them came illegaly
maybe we can send them millions of dark christian refugees :lol:

minorities always get the short end of the stick, its why the liberals in muslim countries need to wind their knecks in

we owe the Christian and other minorities in our countries nothing we should copy and match the anti minority laws of the west and start sending them to Europe

preach in arabic, preach in Italian
dosent matter just preach

Your comments are just insanity, and I've told you about this before. Pakistan's Christians are genetically and culturally identical to their Muslim kin. I'd rather Pakistan Jettison into orbit, on the back of Missiles, the terrorist Mullahs who instruct young men to blow themselves to pieces in shopping malls. Pakistan's Christians have punched well above their weight in the armed forces, especially the PAF, and continue to be an asset. Here's a hint, they don't kill and murder Pakistanis in the hundreds, unlike so called "Muslims".
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:lol: I have few indians workers who went to Italy/spain/Portugal for papers (ALL OF THEM ARE SIKHS), and lots of them entered europe as syrian refugees it's an open secret ;)
Anecdotal evidence, prove it or provide a verifiable source.

Sikhs passing off as Syrians, now I've heard it all.
Italian interior minister Marco Minitti made the new laws.



All over Italy detention camps are opened. There evry asylum seeker is brought who has no right for asylum. Evryone who has no right for asylum must leave Italy. They are not allowed to leave those prisons. The centers are called CIE.

Also mosques are declared public space now. This means they are not allowed to be locked up. State officials must be present at evry prayer. Prayer is only allowed in Italian language.

Minitti said he will not blame his precedessors or the old laws. He says he is interior minister now and he will deal with this.

@Vergennes @flamer84 @Nilgiri @waz

Although I can't understand the article, mosques being under state watch isn't a problem. Muslims countries have similar set-ups. I remember the infamous Finsbury Park mosque, which was taken over by Islamists in the early 90's. Of course the British government at the time didn't have a clue, and the mosque went on to become the leading bastion of terrorist instruction and plots in Europe! Even after the arrest and removal of radical elements, and a complete revamp of the Mosque, it has problems with its public image due to its legacy.
It's not racism it's islamophobia.
The last refuge of the ultimate victim mentality. There is no such thing as "Islamophobia", Islam isn't a race, it is an ideology.

And besides, a "phobia" is an irrational fear of something, Europe has PLENTY of reasons to have genuine concerns about Islam.
The last refuge of the ultimate victim mentality. There is no such thing as "Islamophobia", Islam isn't a race, it is an ideology.

And besides, a "phobia" is an irrational fear of something, Europe has PLENTY of reasons to have genuine concerns about Islam.
Like what for example?

National security... is an excuse to show how intolerant racists Italian politicians are :)
Not just politicians! italians are the worst and the most racist of all Caucasians.
A klansman will pick a black guy over them :rofl:
Anecdotal evidence, prove it or provide a verifiable source.

Sikhs passing off as Syrians, now I've heard it all.
Indians are too doing all these things... hindu/muslim/sikh alike.. punjabis find UK an attractive destination and want to come here by hook or by crook(many happen to be sikh)
many sikhs feel persecuted by govt of India.. and the rise of BJP does not help assuage that feeling.. most Indian hindus dont know (too busy chanting our sikhs are awsomest, the bestest, the bravest... to actually listen to them). or dont want to know. Not sure if it influences illegal migration yet(usually its economic reason).
Indians are too doing all these things... hindu/muslim/sikh alike.. punjabis find UK an attractive destination and want to come here by hook or by crook(many happen to be sikh)
many sikhs feel persecuted by govt of India.. and the rise of BJP does not help assuage that feeling.. most Indian hindus dont know (too busy chanting our sikhs are awsomest, the bestest, the bravest... to actually listen to them). or dont want to know. Not sure if it influences illegal migration yet(usually its economic reason).
For sure there are plenty of Punjabis/Sikhs going to the UK for economic reasons, many do so illegally also but I've not heard of any cases of Indians posing as Syrian refugees as of yet but I have seen plenty of Afghans and Pakistanis doing so.

As for the persecution part, I know plenty of newly immigrated Sikhs from India and have never heard this sentiment expressed, not once. All are here for economic reasons and many plan to return home when they can.
For sure there are plenty of Punjabis/Sikhs going to the UK for economic reasons, many do so illegally also but I've not heard of any cases of Indians posing as Syrian refugees as of yet but I have seen plenty of Afghans and Pakistanis doing so.

As for the persecution part, I know plenty of newly immigrated Sikhs from India and have never heard this sentiment expressed, not once. All are here for economic reasons and many plan to return home when they can.
the feeling is there.. never gone away... may be you should talk to them.. dig a bit deeper? How good is your hindi/punjabi? how much can you relate to them?
the refugee part, yeah, I am not sure but its not unthinkable that some do it...
Your comments are just insanity, and I've told you about this before. Pakistan's Christians are genetically and culturally identical to their Muslim kin. I'd rather Pakistan Jettison into orbit, on the back of Missiles, the terrorist Mullahs who instruct young men to blow themselves to pieces in shopping malls. Pakistan's Christians have punched well above their weight in the armed forces, especially the PAF, and continue to be an asset. Here's a hint, they don't kill and murder Pakistanis in the hundreds, unlike so called "Muslims".

Its a reality

We do not live in a utopia, and its a simple fact that if muslims are harassed and targeted in lets say Europe their will be an inevitable reaction across the muslim world.

If mosques are restricted in Europe then Churches will be attacked and restricted in muslim countries

Just because you dont want it, dosent mean it won't happen and their are plenty of christians and minorities in muslim countries

Anti muslim action in places like Europe has less to do with islamaphobia and more to do with a rehash of the old racism of Europeans

Its why the hindutva or sikhs celebrating the rise of the far right will feel the blowback

Replace the muslims with blacl christians or the millions of Syrian christians or middle eastern christians and you will still get the gnashing of teeth from the European's

We need to wake up and accept the reality of the world not live in a dream world at the moment you have a german jewesq viewpoint that will work out as well for you as it did for them
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