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Italians panic; Turkey's rejection of the agreement on migrant "RUINOUS" for Europe

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says the romanian gypsy, your people are standing in front of shops and supermarkets everywhere in european cities begging for pennies and i always give some pennies.

other then that romanians are know for selling their women (guys are pimp, women are prostitutes)

also romanians do the atm scams all the time copying bankcards of their host peoples and stealing money from atm

Yeah,whatever you Greek convert.My Passport is better than yours,you Anatolian redneck:taz:

Turk gypsies ???

You mean these ?

They dance all the time, i don't think they have money to travel, in the first place.


Don't ht hold your breath for a visa Abdul:cheers:
Middle eastern crisis is all European and US created now they have to face this.
Was not Saddam better than today ? was not Qaddafi better than today ?
When they want to policemen of world they should be ready for show down, it's coming to Europe.

World is better without the likes Saddam and Ghaddafi...
We just need to get rid of their soul brothers as well.
This is fun thread. So far Sinan has the lead with 10-7. And there were some bruising upper cuts. We even had k.o. with "changing sides" directed at Markus. That was clean knockout lol ......

Just in case people missed this lightening punch it was reflection on the historical "Allied, Axis, Allied, Axis with don't knows in between ....
Don't ht hold your breath for a visa Abdul:cheers:

I will send you postcards dear. :)


Sinan brother believe me i know some cingeneler from Turkey and they're 10000 times better more tolerant and more humane than these racist pigs
Yeah, i have nothing against Roman people in Turkey. They are always fun and easy going people.
Oh excellent destabilise entire continents and open the way for the massacre of millions just to chalk off a few names. Stick to impersonating a cardinal and stay away from geopolitics.

The massacre of millions is not neccessary, but Muslims will perhaps learn
to live in peace with other Muslims one day, instead of slaughtering each other over minor disagreements.
The massacre of millions is not neccessary, but Muslims will perhaps learn
to live in peace with other Muslims one day, instead of slaughtering each other over minor disagreements.
Yup if it wasn't for foreigners stoking Sunni/Shia divide, invading whole middle eastern countries and thus radicalising the youth, arming everyone to the teeth..you are right Muslims would learn to live in peace. You have no place on your moral high horse, back to the stables now.
Europe should know it has the cards if they are willing to have a backbone. All they need to do is close off all land borders to turkey and place millions of landmines on the turkish borders, sink all turkish-origin ships that try to land in European ports and prevent turkish planes(civilian and military) from overflying European airspace. No one goes into turkey from Europe and no one goes into Europe from turkey. That way, only turkey is left with the most dangerous types of refugees

No frendo...there is no vice versa....I travel wherver I want in Europe....you may travel inn Syria...there is no equal siugn between you and me

you turk....me civilised
but Muslims will perhaps learn
to live in peace
Do they teach history in Sweden? 1939-45? And were you born after 2000? Yugoslavia post 1990. Bosnian genocide?

Grab a calculator and do the bodycount. Don't forget the gas chambers ....
Europeans and other rich economies are a disgrace to mankind.


Six richest countries host less than 9% of refugees – Oxfam

18th Jul 2016


The six wealthiest countries - which make up more than half the global economy - host less than nine percent of the world's refugees while poorer countries are shouldering most of the responsibility, Oxfam said today.

While Germany has recently welcomed far more refugees than the other richest nations, there remains a major gap with poorer countries hosting the vast majority of refugees.

Oxfam's report, A Poor Welcome from the World's Wealthy, shows that China, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States between them host 2.1 million refugees and asylum seekers or 8.9 percent of the world's total. The UK hosts 169,000 refugees and asylum seekers, less than one percent of the world's total.

In sharp contrast - Jordan, Turkey, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Pakistan, Lebanon and South Africa - host over half of the world's refugees and asylum seekers even though they make up less than two percent of the world's economy.

More than 65 million people have fled their homes because of conflict and violence, 40.8 million within their own countries, 21.3 million as refugees and 3.2 million awaiting asylum decisions - the highest levels since records began. The conflict in Syria has been a major factor, but people are also fleeing violence in South Sudan, Burundi, Iraq and Yemen, amongst others.

Ahead of two major summits on the global refugee and migration crisis in New York in September, Oxfam is calling on governments to host more refugees, commit to do more to help poorer countries which are sheltering the majority of refugees, and protect and provide assistance to all people on the move.

Mark Goldring chief executive of Oxfam GB said: "Many governments are turning their backs on the suffering of millions of vulnerable people who have fled their homes and shirking their duty to protect them. Thousands are risking their lives to reach a safe haven. Those lucky enough to survive often end up living in squalid conditions without enough clean water or food and face hostility, discrimination and abuse with too many governments doing little to help or protect them.

"This is one of the greatest challenges of our time yet poorer countries, and poorer people, are left to shoulder the responsibility. It is a complex crisis that requires a co-ordinated, global response with the richest countries doing their fair share by welcoming more refugees and doing more to help and protect them wherever they are.

"Now more than ever, the UK needs to show that it is an open, tolerant society that is prepared to play its part in solving this crisis. It is shameful that as one of the richest economies the UK has provided shelter for less than one percent of refugees."

The recent deal between European governments and Turkey which has left thousands of men, women and children detained in Greece in often appalling conditions, goes against the spirit of international law and sets a dangerous precedent. Announcing the closure of the Dadaab refugee camp, the Kenyan government said if Europe could turn away Syrians, then Kenya could do the same for Somalis.

"I urge people to stand as one with the millions forced to flee and put pressure on world leaders meeting in New York in September to act," said Goldring.


For more information or interviews contact: Jillian Moody 07557 077008 jmoody1@oxfam.org.uk or Sarah Grainger 07810 181514 sgrainger1@oxfam.org.uk

Notes to editors

1. Read Oxfam's media brief A Poor Welcome From the World's Wealthy

2. Oxfam's calculations use the latest available UNHCR figures, and the World Bank's ranking of countries based on their economic wealth.

3. The latest available total number of refugees includes the 5.2 million Palestinian refugees registered by UNRWA, as well as the 16.1 million under UNHCR's mandate.

4. For more information on Oxfam's Stand As One campaign:http://stand.oxfam.org.uk
Note that none of these 6 countries are located next to a war zone
true story:
The Tork president really fudged a goat.

I hope that the government open the doors and floods europe with millions of refugees from all over the world.

If Europe gets upset ,you'll be eating grass and manure
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