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It is confirmed Sri Lanka Air Force to buy JF-17s

Well I believe the shoot and scoot tactics will work against any modern tech war machines. This has proven in second Gulf war and in former Yugoslavia. BTW the advent of modern air defence system like the panitser could make cruise missile attacks problematic.

most modern air platforms are based on shoot and scoot.
cruise missiles are terrain hugging making them hard to detect. in the scenario of india vs SL we discussed, the indian cruise missile is not only that, they are also the fastest in the world ie low reaction time
most modern air platforms are based on shoot and scoot.
cruise missiles are terrain hugging making them hard to detect. in the scenario of india vs SL we discussed, the indian cruise missile is not only that, they are also the fastest in the world

Then I hope both India and Sri Lanka would not go against each other. :cheers:
Then I hope both India and Sri Lanka would not go against each other. :cheers:

you need not worry. :lol: unlike china, india rarely uses its military to have its way with its small neighbors. we use economy , politics and media to do the arm twisting
SriLanka is not a muslim country.

Doesn't matter.

And from when Chinese jets become muslim jets ?? :woot:

We both worked on it and mutually decided what we want it to be. :D

Yes a Muslim jet whose more than 50% parts r still imported from Godless Commies(Kafirs)....:lol:

Now thats make me wonder whether its Halal or Haram jet....:rofl:

The other 50 % will make it Muslim. :D
This is the worst fighter Sri Lanka has bought. If they had to get Chinese stuff then they should have gone for j-11 (Su-27). The Chinese airforce has proven j-11 far superior compared to JF-17 (J-10).
From what i have read about the SL Air Force, they don't have the trained manpower and neither the capacity to absorb a machine like the SU30's. Buying an aircraft is not the problem, its integrating it with your doctrine and employing it to its fullest potential which is the problem. SU30 is too complicated off a machine for the likes of SL Air Force to absorb. I don't mean to cause any disrespect, but SL Air Force is still at its infancy stage. Although the JF17 would serve as an excellent transition aircraft for the SU30. A SL pilot with atleast 500 hours on the JF17 would have no problems converging into SU30.

@Topic. Good News if true but not possible for at-least 5 years. All of JF17's production capacity is geared up to meeting up the domestic needs of PAF. There is no way they fulfill additional orders of a foreign customer. This is the reason why orders for Azerbaijan and Zimbabwe have been held up.

May peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon u all here.

Sir i would like to raise a few points here. Somewhat your sayings are right but it is not something which can't be done I mean last i checked the news, it was stated that the reason for the delay of jf 17 was not only because that the production lines were fully occupied but also that since, work on upgrading JF17 is constantly in progress the customers are willing to wait a bit further more to acquire a better, more capable and mature JF17.

The reasons that u stated regarding setting the production line in Egypt delay is truly justified since it can't be done because it will definitely consume a large amount of workmenship and time. But not in the case of Srilanka here.

Firstly the procurement numbers are just 6. Secondly, Srilanka doesn't have any immediate threat from any one i guess so acquiring modern day jets just to keep their AIR FORCE updated could be a good thing to keep things busy and updated.

Also if China can provide 50 fuselages of JF17's in just 6 months I don't see why they can't provide just 6 JF17's to Srilanka quite earlier than 5years?

If Srilanka doesn't have any rival to compete with and the current JF17 is also providing good capability to them then JF17 procurement is a GO GO thing i Think.
...This is really good news for India. :enjoy:

It would be useful to know the weakness of JF17 so that they can be brought down with minimum effort during war with enemies who have a lost of JF17 in their inventory. I think India may be partially funding this acquisition for Sri Lanka as this is a really cheap aircraft :cheers:
F-16 is out of the deal because US will never sell a military jet to SL. I dunno why but they won't. Last time when we tried to buy GE engines to Kfirs US went against it. I think US is more Tamil friendly than India.

About MiG 29 SMT, it's a good jet but the problem is money. Russians will not give SL soft loans to purchase the jet. Same logic applies to SU 30. IMO SU 30 is the most suitable combat jet SL should have stating it's multi mission capability and the technology.

And for your knowledge India is not SL's enemy. Neither US. SL knows that it cannot go against the both. Whether India is an enemy or not, weapon purchase should be based on threat perceptions.

There fore JF 17 come as nice choice for SL. The main reasons are,

1) the jet is Chinese origin which will help SL get the jets without political troubles and can get a soft loan.

2) The jet is multi mission capable one.

3) It is inexpensive

Few African countries bought Su-27s & Mig-29s who in fact used both in actual air war.

Then why dont SL can get it? About the training etc, Russians use to sell it as a package as their Su-27/30 customers are getting trained by Russians only.
Few African countries bought Su-27s & Mig-29s who in fact used both in actual air war.

Then why dont SL can get it? About the training etc, Russians use to sell it as a package as their Su-27/30 customers are getting trained by Russians only.

I dunno... I think going for SU 30 is better too.
I dunno... I think going for SU 30 is better too.

Depends do you guys really need a twin engine jet? I doubt it given the landmass you have and on maintenance side of things it is not a cheap jet to run for sure, it is better in my view to go for jets like Gripen or JF-17 for your country.
I dunno... I think going for SU 30 is better too.

I don't think so....IMO JF-17 is a good choice for srilankan airforce...It is fourth gen,cheap, small,easy to handle and serves well the purposes of SL...they don't need to go for fighters like Su30 and Mig29K though they would have added more punch but not needed.
If India Wanted It would Have Made Sure Tamil Tigers Won and Our Coast Gaurd and BSF would have been enough . Neither China or Pakistan could have done anything about it . Our Policy Changed . We don't Want Want to Sponsor Terrorism that's it even if Indian Tamilians want India to support TT.

So do you think buddhists(SL) will supports India rather than china? if you have sense(I think something u have) after setback of LTTE in 2008 whose influence dramatically increased in SL tell me India or China?. Now who is the looser? , now SL gng to buy this aircraft against whom? how many countries sharing SL borders? next they will buy missiles , SL arise is the threat to Indian security for sure. EU formula won't work in asian countries.
JF-17 is being sold while Tejas is still doing testing :tdown:

Why not India finish the Tejas project once and for all, it is getting exhausted when India keep saying it will finish the Tejas one year later and the deadline move to 2 years
JF-17 is being sold while Tejas is still doing testing :tdown:

Yes .... this is the best part.:tup:

Why not India finish the Tejas project once and for all, it is getting exhausted when India keep saying it will finish the Tejas one year later and the deadline move to 2 years

Our strategy is to exhaust you by R&D. We have discovered it does not take much to overwhelm your mind :smokin:
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