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Israel’s Air Force Capabilities to Increase 400%

Well, they have a smaller cadre of fighter pilots than we Americans do. They are much more stringent than we are in pilot selection, their aircrews tend to be younger. Israeli's log more flight time per year than Americans, etc. I think the USAF has closed the quality gap quite a bit since the 1990's, but Israel still maintains a constant sharp edge in the sky because unlike America, she will only lose one war, and that will be her last.

I totally disagree. The United States Air Force is above and beyond any air force in this world. Israel owes its air power to American investment and intervention. I respect your opinion , but I must infer my point, that's all.
I totally disagree. The United States Air Force is above and beyond any air force in this world. Israel owes its air power to American investment and intervention. I respect your opinion , but I must infer my point, that's all.
No problem, but I would point out that the IDF air force was superb and had it's biggest victory, before America had any military relationship or military contact with Israel at all. Six Day War.
Well, they have a smaller cadre of fighter pilots than we Americans do. They are much more stringent than we are in pilot selection, their aircrews tend to be younger. Israeli's log more flight time per year than Americans, etc. I think the USAF has closed the quality gap quite a bit since the 1990's, but Israel still maintains a constant sharp edge in the sky because unlike America, she will only lose one war, and that will be her last.

Are you Jewish? Only a Jew would spout such nonsense. As if Israel is even fighting for it's survival. Tell that propaganda to someone who cares.

And you're probably basing your views off of a exercise which pitched fully equipped Israeli fighters against a American fighters that were at disadvantages and playing around with them.

Next you're going to tell us their land forces train ours. :omghaha:

No problem, but I would point out that the IDF air force was superb and had it's biggest victory, before America had any military relationship or military contact with Israel at all. Six Day War.

What a 'superb' 'victory', launching an offensive assault on stationary enemy air craft. :crazy:

That offensive assault was a land grabbing project.
You must have misunderstood my state of awe at the mighty LCA MK2, on paper, to be sarcasm. Please understand that I personally believe LCA MK2 to be the Indian response to any and all future endeavours of the PAF, I consider the LCA to be the checkmate of IAF to PAF for the next 5 decades at least. On Paper!!

P.S. I am sure our boys flying the 15 year old (actually even the 30 year old MLU) Vipers would be most willing to test your MKI's (The SU-30's that is, before you OD on a wet dream of LCA's), whenever you give them a chance!
Again the same sarcasm shows your mentality and inability to debate based on facts. For you Tejas will always be a paper tiger till it beats F16 (whatever version PAF is flying) in actual combat. Till then you will always call it a paper tiger and run away from debating based on known specs because you know you can't win there.

Same mentality by which Ayub Khan believed that a "Hindu India" will be defeated by a "Martial race" arabic gene Muslim Pakistan in 1965. Same mentality which Musharraf showed during 1999 believing that IAF will not use airforce in Kargil. Same mentality by ISI thought they could control terrorists to win proxy war in Kashmir.

Please understand that this rotten mentalityof you and your military leaders of underestimating your adversary has played a huge role in taking Pakistan to where it is now. Still if you want to underestimate Tejas or believe that it is better only on paper, it is your peril and good for us.
Again the same sarcasm shows your mentality and inability to debate based on facts. For you Tejas will always be a paper tiger till it beats F16 (whatever version PAF is flying) in actual combat. Till then you will always call it a paper tiger and run away from debating based on known specs because you know you can't win there.

Same mentality by which Ayub Khan believed that a "Hindu India" will be defeated by a "Martial race" arabic gene Muslim Pakistan in 1965. Same mentality which Musharraf showed during 1999 believing that IAF will not use airforce in Kargil. Same mentality by ISI thought they could control terrorists to win proxy war in Kashmir.

Please understand that this rotten mentalityof you and your military leaders of underestimating your adversary has played a huge role in taking Pakistan to where it is now. Still if you want to underestimate Tejas or believe that it is better only on paper, it is your peril and good for us.

Its not that we have some delusional mentality. It is just that we have PROVEN to be superior in past wars (strictly talking about air-wars).

Moreover, our JF-17 Thunder is up and running...while only thing that is running is indians' mouths...Don't you and your fellow indiots feel embarrassed?

JF-17 Thunder was pitched against PLAAF Su-27s in dog-fight mode...JF-17 won 2/3 engagements.

While Tejas isn't even inducted yet.

Stop bringing useless junk (Tejas) into the discussion..and tell other indians' the same. When Tejas is up and running..and starts to achieve favorable results in air-exercises against say Russian Su-27s etc..then we can talk and compare..Until then, we were superior..and remain superior..specially in this regard.
Its not that we have some delusional mentality. It is just that we have PROVEN to be superior in past wars (strictly talking about air-wars).
Still talking about 40 year old air wars when you used fighter planes borrowed from middle east to fight your wars? What happened in Kargil when you F16 pilot got locked on by Mig29? He pissed himself.
Moreover, our JF-17 Thunder is up and running
So is Tejas. Under production. Already participating in military exercises.
While Tejas isn't even inducted yet.
Another idiotic sentence. Didn't you learn how to read in your madarssa moron?
LCA Tejas inducted into IAF; designed to replace MiG 21 fleet | Business Line

Stop bringing useless junk (Tejas) into the discussion..and tell other indians' the same. When Tejas is up and running..and starts to achieve favorable results in air-exercises against say Russian Su-27s etc..then we can talk and compare..Until then, we were superior..and remain superior..specially in this regard.
Only in your dreams kid. IAF long back achieved both qualitative and quantitative superiority over PAF. You can keep bragging about you 30 year old F16s as much as you like, it won't change a single thing.
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Still talking about 40 year old air wars when you used fighter planes borrowed from middle east to fight your wars?

Wars show caliber. We defeated junk iaf in all previous engagements..and unbiased, internationally recognized data-bases show that in every conflict, PAF shot down more iaf aircrafts than vice versa.

What happened in Kargil when you F16 pilot got locked on by Mig29? He pissed himself.

Stop using the word piss every where. Just because Hindus drink cow-piss, it doesn't mean they have to pollute the conversation by bringing up piss to hide their insecurity.

Secondly, 'locking-on' is a normal thing...happens all the time...both sides regularly lock-on on each other. But in 'real' war, PAF "locked-on" and "slaughtered" iaf...

Lastly, the real "pissed-in-pants" would go to the iaf pilot who SURRENDERED its aircraft when got locked by PAF fighter jets :lol:

So is Tejas. Under production. Already participating in military exercises.

Which exercises tejas has participated? What type of results it achieved against proven, hardcore dogfighters such as Su-27 series?

Links would be helpful

Another idiotic sentence. Didn't you learn how to read in your madarssa?
LCA Tejas inducted into IAF; designed to replace MiG 21 fleet | Business Line

Can you tell me the name of IAF squadron equipped with Tejas? Or your hindu-piss-drinking-home-school has left you an idiot of such caliber that you think that a fighter aircraft can be regarded as an operational with an airforce without even being inducted into a fully-operational squadron.
Only in your dreams kid. IAF long back achieved both qualitative and quantitative superiority over PAF. You can keep bragging about you 30 year F16s as much as you like, it won't change a single thing.

My (illegitimate) son, you can mental-masturbate all you want..but results show that junk iaf got slaughtered by PAF in all previous air-wars. :lol:

Come-back when you have something to "show", other than usual ramblings of an inferior indian people.

On paper comparisons are for retards..."record" is what proves the soul of an airforce..if we go by "paper"...Saudi Air Force, right now, is superior to Israeli Air Force..lol..

Dumb, ugly, hairy, inferior bharti :omghaha:
Are you Jewish? Only a Jew would spout such nonsense. As if Israel is even fighting for it's survival. Tell that propaganda to someone who cares.

And you're probably basing your views off of a exercise which pitched fully equipped Israeli fighters against a American fighters that were at disadvantages and playing around with them.

Next you're going to tell us their land forces train ours. :omghaha:

What a 'superb' 'victory', launching an offensive assault on stationary enemy air craft. :crazy:

That offensive assault was a land grabbing project.
a. No, I am not Jewish. I am a Catholic Christian. I'm not even particularly pro-Israel. Although I think Israel has a right to exist and defend herself, I am more sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians and more pro-Arab, if anything.

b. What is confusing you is that I just don't happen to be one of those people who thinks that because I may have an adversary, or I may be of a certain ethnic group or religion or nationality, that that is going to cloud my military judgement that I have garnered after twenty years serving in uniform. That you can't recognize that Israel's execution of her air war plan in '67 was brilliant, tells me that you are not or have not been a military professional and so your judgement is based on your emotional state, and not one of professional analysis.
Well, they have a smaller cadre of fighter pilots than we Americans do. They are much more stringent than we are in pilot selection, their aircrews tend to be younger. Israeli's log more flight time per year than Americans, etc. I think the USAF has closed the quality gap quite a bit since the 1990's, but Israel still maintains a constant sharp edge in the sky because unlike America, she will only lose one war, and that will be her last.
How much does Israel need to expand to become a country which can say afford to lose a war?
How much does Israel need to expand to become a country which can say afford to lose a war?
Well, this is just my opinion, but Israel needs to contract, not expand, if she wants better future security. Israel will never be secure until she fully embraces a two state solution and becomes more mindful of Palestinian aspirations and rights.
How much does Israel need to expand to become a country which can say afford to lose a war?

Expand in what way? Territorial? That is not going to happen. They have already expanded way above their size.

Anyway no regional country is foolish enough to launch a all-out war against Israel as they are armed with a significant nuclear arsenal. Once, which I believe is a question of time, other ME countries will acquire nuclear weapons too then the ties might shift but in the case of a mutual use of nuclear weapons (highly unlikely) this would mean the end of Israel AND Palestine.

All it takes for the Arab and Jewish cousins to live in peace and harmony like 90% of their shared millennium old history is for Israel to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. The Arab League has repeatedly stated (the sane Arab countries - not your Libya's, Iraq's of yesterday or Syria of today) that this will mean a total normalization of ties with Israel and recognition of Israel. It's actually very simple.

Nor the Arab world nor Israel can hide from the fact that we are neighbors and have been that for millenniums. So a solution must be found.
Well, this is just my opinion, but Israel need to contract, not expand, if she wants better future security. Israel will never be secure until she fully embraces a two state solution and becomes more mindful of Palestinian aspirations and rights.
Ofcourse security is best achieved through peace. Peace in this case is best achieved by a 2 state soln in which Palestinian aspirations and rights are taken care of.

I was talking strictly from a on-the-ground military perspective. India for example can afford to lose a war and still remain a viable country, so can the US, etc.

From that perspective, how much does Israel have to expand - both territorially and population wise - such that it can afford to lose a war and not become extinct.

I am sure studies would have been conducted on this both by US and Israel.
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The whole premise of anyone/any country comparing themselves to the US in defense sector is ludicrous, at least for the foreseeable future. The blog article is nonsensical and defies common sense.
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