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Israel’s Air Force Capabilities to Increase 400%

:lol: Dont make me laugh with your self bragging. Please come back to the reality. I can bet Indian AF is as clueless as their counterpart of Indian Navy which has blow up itself. :lol:
Uh, I'm not Indian. I am American and my country having fought and won multiple air wars, I think we have the right to brag, including as volunteers, for the Republic of China Air Force as the American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers), and against the PLAAF People’s Republic of China during the Korean War. The Imperial German Air Service, the Luftwaffe, Regia Aeronautica, Imperial Japanese Army and Naval air services, North Korean, Red Chinese, North Vietnamese air forces, Gaddafi's air force in the 1980's, the Serbian air forces, the Baathist Iraqi air forces; all have fallen to the USAF.


Korean War Database

Well, how exactly IDAF's capabilities increased by 400%? No new platform inducted....

What has improved exactly?


Thanks for sharing.

Do you have any insight on PAF and their participation in Red and Green flag exercises?

How do you rate Pakistan Air Force?

An honest share would be wonderful!
I worked with the PAF as an advisor to the Royal Saudi Air Force, where PAF officers and men were advisers as well. That experience was one of the reasons I joined this board. Although it has been some time, I had a very high regard for PAF advisers. You could tell they came from a very British tradition of spit and polish and military discipline, more so than the USAF. They were invited in for the same reason we were. Because we were both very experienced professionals. I also have a high regard for the Indian Air Force and think that in terms of quality, they are even with PAF. I think they have pulled ahead in technical advancement and numerical, do to having a much larger military budget, population, etc., and more political stability than Pakistan for the last several decades. If you look up what is a pretty unbiased air-to-air record of PAF vs. IAF, they are about even.

Indian-Subcontinent Database
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They don't put up with any bureaucratic B.S. and they train constantly and realistically. I remember when they came to participate in an exercise in the USA and "fought" against the USAF and they were extremely impressive....just not very military looking. (Some wore New York Yankees T-shirts instead of their uniform tees and had long hair, etc. :lol:). .
Very difficult indeed to drop phosphorus bombs & cluster bombs by millions

Difficult also to bomb 1 & or 2 palestinians groups a month, because zionist Al Qaeda protect the israelis gates

During the operation cricket, JEWS have downed a lot of syrian jets, but it's because the USA goyim slave have invented and given on a silver plate the F16s for the israelis

It's incredible.

Israel has a similar population and GDP compared to my city of Hong Kong, yet Israel has such a formidable defense sector, one of the strongest in the world. Whereas our defense sector in HK is non-existent (our defense is taken care of by the Mainland government).

Really inspirational. :tup:
Because they produce nothing contrary to HK
How can HK work and have a good military at the same time?

HK know the value of money and don't buy a lot of military, JEWS have all for free from the JEW USA slave


PressTV - US to renew Israel munitions stock to make up for Gaza war

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Very difficult indeed to drop phosphorus bombs & cluster bombs by millions

Difficult also to bomb 1 & or 2 palestinians groups a month, because zionist Al Qaeda protect the israelis gates

During the operation cricket, JEWS have downed a lot of syrian jets, but it's because the USA goyim slave have invented and given on a silver plate the F16s for the israelis

Because they produce nothing contrary to HK
How can HK work and have a good military at the same time?

HK know the value of money and don't buy a lot of military, JEWS have all for free from the JEW USA slave


PressTV - US to renew Israel munitions stock to make up for Gaza war

Ah, another brave Chinese communists patriot....who lives in the decadent West. You guys are funny! 0, zero, zilch, credibility! :lol:
Ah, another brave Chinese communists patriot....who lives in the decadent West. You guys are funny! 0, zero, zilch, credibility! :lol:
The germans who were against Hitler were right, they were not traitors
F-35 is going to be delayed beyond 2020 for any export. IAF gets nothing from the US in the foreseeable future.
Depends on how one defines "first or second". Size? Quality? The USAF is huge and trained to a very high quality. It has a different culture than the Israeli Air Force though. In that sense, we are more like the Indian Air Force in that we are more traditional spit and polish military. The Israelis just don't go in for that. In terms of quality, the Israeli Air force is equal or better than the USAF. They are more stringent in fighter pilot selection for example. They don't put up with any bureaucratic B.S. and they train constantly and realistically. I remember when they came to participate in an exercise in the USA and "fought" against the USAF and they were extremely impressive....just not very military looking. (Some wore New York Yankees T-shirts instead of their uniform tees and had long hair, etc. :lol:). The Indian Air Force is highly trained and a force to be proud of, for sure. They have also visited the USA for joint war exercises and were impressive. The Indian Air Force is huge as well but not as uniformly equipped, with many older aircraft but well trained and very, very good.


The IAF visits America.

Nice to see your views on Indian air force in your post.

Our capability will take a giant leap in a decade starting from 2017. LCA MK2, MMRCA and PAKFA will join. Mirage 2000, Mig 29 and MKIs will be upgraded to a very high standard. Mig 21, to 27 will go.

F-35 is going to be delayed beyond 2020 for any export. IAF gets nothing from the US in the foreseeable future.

Israel may find some interest in LCA Mk2.
Israel may find some interest in LCA Mk2.
The most practical way of attracting interest in lca would be to take the planes to red flag and green flag exercises once the platform matures. Israel and the whole world will automatically take interest if the plane proves its worth there.
LCA Mk1 is equal to JF17 block 2 in most specs. It is better than JF17 in few specs. This is fact when can be checked easily by anyone. So it is correct to assume tht LCA Mk2 will be ahead of it. But no one can make a troll like you understand who is here only to disparage Indian fighter while proudly importing 15 year old F16 block 52 as frontline fighters.

You must have misunderstood my state of awe at the mighty LCA MK2, on paper, to be sarcasm. Please understand that I personally believe LCA MK2 to be the Indian response to any and all future endeavours of the PAF, I consider the LCA to be the checkmate of IAF to PAF for the next 5 decades at least. On Paper!!

P.S. I am sure our boys flying the 15 year old (actually even the 30 year old MLU) Vipers would be most willing to test your MKI's (The SU-30's that is, before you OD on a wet dream of LCA's), whenever you give them a chance!
Yeah, I heard they are very excited about the LCA MK2, so much so that they aren't even looking forward to the F-35. Matter of fact, I heard the Israelis are actually looking to replace their F-16IF fleet with LCA.

Yes .

Israel has found interest in some indian weapon like pinaka, Lakshya, ALH etc.

LCA Mk1 is equal to JF17 block 2 in most specs. It is better than JF17 in few specs. This is fact when can be checked easily by anyone. So it is correct to assume tht LCA Mk2 will be ahead of it. But no one can make a troll like you understand who is here only to disparage Indian fighter while proudly importing 15 year old F16 block 52 as frontline fighters.

As a basic Platform LCA is Far ahead of JF 17. LCA has better Rdaar and avionics too.
Depends on how one defines "first or second". Size? Quality? The USAF is huge and trained to a very high quality. It has a different culture than the Israeli Air Force though. In that sense, we are more like the Indian Air Force in that we are more traditional spit and polish military. The Israelis just don't go in for that. In terms of quality, the Israeli Air force is equal or better than the USAF. They are more stringent in fighter pilot selection for example. They don't put up with any bureaucratic B.S. and they train constantly and realistically. I remember when they came to participate in an exercise in the USA and "fought" against the USAF and they were extremely impressive....just not very military looking. (Some wore New York Yankees T-shirts instead of their uniform tees and had long hair, etc. :lol:). The Indian Air Force is highly trained and a force to be proud of, for sure. They have also visited the USA for joint war exercises and were impressive. The Indian Air Force is huge as well but not as uniformly equipped, with many older aircraft but well trained and very, very good.


The IAF visits America.

Equal or better than the USAF? I highly doubt it.
Equal or better than the USAF? I highly doubt it.
Well, they have a smaller cadre of fighter pilots than we Americans do. They are much more stringent than we are in pilot selection, their aircrews tend to be younger. Israeli's log more flight time per year than Americans, etc. I think the USAF has closed the quality gap quite a bit since the 1990's, but Israel still maintains a constant sharp edge in the sky because unlike America, she will only lose one war, and that will be her last.

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