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Israeli university leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake

You're a sad little puppy. I'm done talking to you.

Mike. you dumb idiot. Who are you to tell me what I am? How can you not be liberal and HATE foreign invasions and meddling? Those go hand in hand. I'm western to the bone, but I just hate how the US and Brits invade, rape and pillage nations in the middle east. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for you to nuke Saudi Arabia or what not, but unleahing ISIS to redraw the map in the middle east? Same for the anti-Iran policies. That's about all. Dickhead. .

Loool Good one. So you are not anti western huh?? Then how come all your post here are about coubtering the 'evil' west/U.S and how saint/holy islamic ummah countries (which your parents fled from) are god and peaceful?lol. Uour own brother @rmi5 knows your type better than anyone.

You remind me very much of another member here i mentined earlier Falcon29 , the only difference is that at least he was honest, since he admitted several times he hates and despise western lifestyle/social life andculture , while.praising his islamic buddies hamas ,KSA and the likes for their pure/holy way of life. Yet he and his familly fled the same holy region for the U.S where he now lives and enjoys heis life comfortably. Contributing taxes to further U.S global hegemony he so despises. The best way will be to go to his country and help his country grow and develop so they can stand against the evil west.lol Its better than ranting anti western slogans day and night on PDF Lol

YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLING NOBODY. Reason i have more respect for their kind who stay put in their own country to help it overcome its difficulties , they have more credibility even if they criticize the west here and there. :)
Loool Good one. So you are not anti western huh?? Then how come all your post here are about coubtering the 'evil' west/U.S and how saint/holy islamic ummah countries (which your parents fled from) are god and peaceful?lol. Uour own brother @rmi5 knows your type better than anyone.

You remind me very much of another member here i mentined earlier Falcon29 , the only difference is that at least he was honest, since he admitted several times he hates and despise western lifestyle/social life andculture , while.praising his islamic buddies hamas ,KSA and the likes for their pure/holy way of life. Yet he and his familly fled the same holy region for the U.S where he now lives and enjoys heis life comfortably. Contributing taxes to further U.S global hegemony he so despises. The best way will be to go to his country and help his country grow and develop so they can stand against the evil west.lol Its better than ranting anti western slogans day and night on PDF Lol

YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLING NOBODY. Reason i have more respect for their kind who stay put in their own country to help it overcome its difficulties , they have more credibility even if they criticize the west here and there. :)

Please, mike, quote me ONCE where I said something PRO Islam, you toothless brit. Evil west is explained: evil foreign policy. My mom didn't flee sh!t. She just wanted to earn more money with her degree so she moved to Switzerland LEGALLY from Turkey.

I love Western lifestyle (even banged quite a few BRITS to make you hurt, in southern europe and turkey), I don't care one BIT for islam, Saudi arabia can be bombed to their current state (stone age). US hegemony is coming to an END and that's good. I want a multipolar world in which a single country just can't attack everybody it wants. Or do you think the Iraq war went splendid?

So, you can sleep well, knowing your sisters, and fellow countrymen are in the good hands of me and my buddies. Put a vodka in em, and throw them onto your c.... That simple. Hope I don't have a couple half-Brits running around in that third world craphole you call GREAT.
Loool Good one. So you are not anti western huh?? Then how come all your post here are about coubtering the 'evil' west/U.S and how saint/holy islamic ummah countries (which your parents fled from) are god and peaceful?lol. Uour own brother @rmi5 knows your type better than anyone.

You remind me very much of another member here i mentined earlier Falcon29 , the only difference is that at least he was honest, since he admitted several times he hates and despise western lifestyle/social life andculture , while.praising his islamic buddies hamas ,KSA and the likes for their pure/holy way of life. Yet he and his familly fled the same holy region for the U.S where he now lives and enjoys heis life comfortably. Contributing taxes to further U.S global hegemony he so despises. The best way will be to go to his country and help his country grow and develop so they can stand against the evil west.lol Its better than ranting anti western slogans day and night on PDF Lol

YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLING NOBODY. Reason i have more respect for their kind who stay put in their own country to help it overcome its difficulties , they have more credibility even if they criticize the west here and there. :)

Well, He is not my "brother". But, you very well described his type.

You're a sad little puppy. I'm done talking to you.
Haha ... Finally, someone shut your big islamo-fascist mouth :lol:
Well, He is not my "brother". But, you very well described his type.

Haha ... Finally, someone shut your big islamo-fascist mouth :lol:

rmi5, you're a real prick you know that? Taking offense to one thing I've ever said, fine. But don't call me names in every thread. I'm done talking to you too.
rmi5, you're a real prick you know that? Taking offense to one thing I've ever said, fine. But don't call me names in every thread. I'm done talking to you too.
Pfff ... who even considers an islamofascist worthy to talk with?!!! I wanted to expose your islamofascist face which I perfectly did that. Now you can go blow yourself up with your fellow Turkish and moo-slim friends.
Pfff ... who even considers an islamofascist worthy to talk with?!!! I wanted to expose your islamofascist face which I perfectly did that. Now you can go blow yourself up with your fellow Turkish and moo-slim friends.

I don't see how you have 'proven' anything. How can you prove something that's not true? Defending Turkey against the PKK makes me an islamist? I come from a very long line of secular people. So no, religion isn't for me. I'm not going to insult an entire religion to prove my point.
I don't see how you have 'proven' anything. How can you prove something that's not true? Defending Turkey against the PKK makes me an islamist? I come from a very long line of secular people. So no, religion isn't for me. I'm not going to insult an entire religion to prove my point.

Your butt hurt says the opposite ... :lol: Go back to your cave, dude :wave:
How much of that is from 'double nationalities'?Tell me. Everybody knows 'the good ones' live in Europe and the US, not that third world desert you call home.
These are works published in Israel.

Britain - 1.015
France - 811
Israel - 496
Turkey - 266
Iran - 180

SJR - International Science Ranking

You guys are 23rd and we're 46th ! :o:

Oh come on my own dissertation would've pushed us up by 20 places at least ! :pissed:

Or could it be that because it was in Accounting so it wasn't considered ! :oops:

Jokes aside - Congratulations ! :)

Israel is a small country with huge contributions ! :tup:

So hows life treating you, my Brother ? :azn:
These are works published in Israel.

So can you 'visit' another country. That doesn't mean the brains were born and bred there. So a double nationality America goes and visits the 'motherland' and becomes a professor and publishes things. How very 'local'. Anyway, I'm not dissing you guys' academic prowess, it's apparent. But let's not forget these facts either.
How much of that is from 'double nationalities'?Tell me. Everybody knows 'the good ones' live in Europe and the US, not that third world desert you call home.
This H index is mostly affected by duration of time in which a country is publishing scientific papers. This index increases as world knows more about a new comer called Iran. In a decade from now, more scientists around the world know about Iranian scientists and this make H index higher year over year.

The fact is that Iran surpassed all ME nations a while a go. It is just scientific research papers. As you are informed earlier, Iran already blossomed in high tech industries too. Now, many of these research papers are produced by high tech companies who produce high tech products. I refer you to the last page of IRanian High Tech Industries thread. It mentions a high tech company that also is publishing their papers.

Beside government huge military and civil scientific and technological activities, Over 9000 private high tech companies of which 3000 are located in 31 science and technology parks are doing a great job and forecasts refer to 30000 of these high tech research and production companies in Iran all owned by private sector in less than a decade.

There are two conditions in relation to this Israeli university leaders' warning to BB...

Either they are bluffing! Reporting non-sense to their prime minister!!


They know the reality of Iranian science and tech and education position and they warn legit

either way, Iran is long gone.... I can promise one thing... In a decade from now.... Turkey and Israel will make plans to reach Iran while Iran will be setting plans to overcome UK and France if not Germany...

I'm very well familiar with a small part of what is called as "Recent Iranian Science and Technological Revolution".... I know how the old useless system is reformed and replaced with a very productive one that help Iranian young scientists and engineers to blossom...

don't listen to these burn A S S es... if you check Iranian situation 10 years ago...they used to say the same burn a s s things.... they were saying the same 5 years ago... and everyday they feel more in shock to what to do when they are really out of numbers to heal their burns with!! :rolleyes:

baby Iran is long gone for ME... Israel and Turkey are better off preparing themselves to heal their burns with new comparable states like Islamic State of Iraq and Levant??!!

So can you 'visit' another country. That doesn't mean the brains were born and bred there. So a double nationality America goes and visits the 'motherland' and becomes a professor and publishes things. How very 'local'. Anyway, I'm not dissing you guys' academic prowess, it's apparent. But let's not forget these facts either.
A big part of so called Science produced in Israel is either by a whole bunch of jewish Americans or Brits or just got stolen through espionage and cyber attacks... I don't underestimate their local scientific power as Israel is very good in some fields of science and tech, but as a whole, it is not a pure Israeli package... Although, whatever they do... they already almost reached their full potential... They can not grow bigger with the current population and budgets.

Turkey also strives to do something genuine but they still lack the qualities needed for a nation to become an advanced nations scientifically. They need a revoltuion in science in order to reserve a seat among 21th century science and tech pioneers. I truly hope this is the case... but from what I can see... Turkey is not on the right track yet... Israel is derailing from its right track... Iran is on right track...
You are a racist douche whom constantly chants anti-Kurdish, anti-Arab, anti-semitist non-senses. Also, you are like typical turks in europe who live on western welfare but hate western countries, and support islamo-fasict countries like Turkey. All in all, you are strongly a racist, fascist, and islamist. How can such a person be a secular, I really don't know...

Pretty much the average Iranian? :D

I don't know what IR-TR background is. He is mostly pro-Iran though and isn't anti-West. He just demonizes Arab rival nations as pawns of the West to advance Iranian agenda. It's domestic consumption mostly. He says he's part turkish, that shouldn't upset you because of previous fight with Turkish members. Relax it's only the internet.
Loool Good one. So you are not anti western huh?? Then how come all your post here are about coubtering the 'evil' west/U.S and how saint/holy islamic ummah countries (which your parents fled from) are god and peaceful?lol. Uour own brother @rmi5 knows your type better than anyone.

You remind me very much of another member here i mentined earlier Falcon29 , the only difference is that at least he was honest, since he admitted several times he hates and despise western lifestyle/social life andculture , while.praising his islamic buddies hamas ,KSA and the likes for their pure/holy way of life. Yet he and his familly fled the same holy region for the U.S where he now lives and enjoys heis life comfortably. Contributing taxes to further U.S global hegemony he so despises. The best way will be to go to his country and help his country grow and develop so they can stand against the evil west.lol Its better than ranting anti western slogans day and night on PDF Lol

YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLING NOBODY. Reason i have more respect for their kind who stay put in their own country to help it overcome its difficulties , they have more credibility even if they criticize the west here and there. :)

Mike you sure are not the brightest person out there. 24/7 babbling about Muslims on welfare. I bet you probably are the drug addict on welfare. You represent one country(some will still argue against that), the UK, not the whole West. Not sure why you're bringing me up in something I have nothing to do with. I don't see Western culture as evil. Never did, I dislike certain universal practices which aren't exclusive to the West and that the West adopted from other cultures. For example, abusing alcohol, we Arabs did this before you. And some Arabs disagreed with it and later abolished that widespread practice when Muhammad took lead. This is internal discussion on ones local society. I as an American can absolutely have a view that drinking has become excessive and has affected our social lives. Because teenagers in this country limit their social interactions to partying often if not all the time involves drinking. I don't see this as healthy, not just physical but on wholescale, it restricts other activites. Since everyone sees anything other than partying as boring or looked down upon. It forces people to face peer pressure and abuse this practice simply to fit in. This is a discussion all Americans have, which mostly Christian Americans have. Mostly American parents who also find this concerning. You need to stop seeing it as the 'other'. You can disagree and advocate heavy drinking. Just don't brush off anyone who has concerns as a Muslim West hating evil person.

Secondly, not all criticism of West is irrational. Some of it is rational. American outlets which critcize domestic/foriegn policies of US are most popular in this regard. Media organizations such as YoungTurks, TruthDig, Huffington Post, etc...For me myself, I have said things that were wrong in the past or had view that I no longer have. That's normal, I grow up and learn new things. And my views are constantly changing. I don't hate West. You might have sensitive spot for political discussions, this forum is a political one. So things can get serious, this is normal when it comes to politics. Don't turn it into personal or social affairs. Turning it into personal discussion is pointless, because you are not knowledagable on social fabric of US nor my personal life. You ignorantly label me as a Muslim on welfare living 'comfortably'. Most welfare reciepents iin the US are white and black Americans. Many if not most American students get loans to attend Universities. I attend University, no loans and I am not on welfare. Most likely you are the one barely breaking even or getting support from your government. In past I had much time to post in PDF, now I am pursuing a career and have little free time with studies and life.

I am not sure what kind of immigrants you have in the UK, if they're bad then this is a discussion British people should have. Not us international people, keep PDF out of your personal diatribes. Consult your local politicians. And not all your immigrants are Muslim either. It's an immigration affair, not Muslim one. It would be better to stop the childish rants and quit seeing things as black and white. Something you intentionally do because it's fun for you or you just want to be that way.

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