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Israeli university leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake

Again, you throw bunch of non-sense. Since when an islamic caliphate is called Neo-liberal? Do you really have any brain?!!! Tell this to any Liberal intellectual from US(or Europe), and just watch their reaction to your non-sense.

@scythian500 Can you educate this guy about economy? I already explained him the basics, yet he does not get anything. You are an economy major, so you may be able to educate this guy. His brain makes "Jaraghgheh" each time, and relates "Gooz" to "Shaghigheh".

Neoliberal economically, meaning hard work, long hours, little vacation, and little government handouts.
Pfff ... Don't you really laugh at yourself when putting Turkey in the same league with France and UK? Are you really insane?!!! :rofl: :rofl: Since when the terrorist islamo-fascist caliphate, is in the same basket with western powers? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That little mosquito as you said, can militarily level super-stronk Turkey to ground. Israel is technologically/scientifically 5-6 decades ahead of Turkey in every field. I don't know what is with Turkey that everyone being in touch with that country, become anti-semitic, anti-arab, anti-west, anti-kurd, anti-civilization and an islamo-fascist.

It's just about getting more budget.

I also laughed out loud reading that.:rofl:
Putting Turkey with france and U.K in the same sentence.loool Good one. :lol:
Neoliberal economically, meaning hard work, long hours, little vacation, and little government handouts.

Pick a dictionary and look what liberal, Noliberal mean.
Haifa University President Amos Shapira presented Netanyahu with data that shows the Iranians were investing more in higher education than Israel; now, following the decision to cut NIS 263 million from higher education, university leaders decided to fight back; 'After all, Iran’s bomb is not built by the farmers working in the field,' Shapira warns.


"We're afraid of the Iranian bomb, but if the State of Israel doesn't come to its senses, and continues cutting funds to higher education and research, while the Israeli 'brain drain' continues - Iran will win the race," he asserts.

"This is an arms race for all intents and purposes, except the weapons here are not missiles, but the human brain. Iran must not have the strategic advantage over Israel in research. There are quite a few measures that show that the qualitative gap is getting smaller every year. After all, Iran’s bomb is not built by the farmers working in the field. This is a red line, and it must not be allowed to happen. That is why we joined forces, all the heads of academia, because otherwise the damage to the State of Israel will be unavoidable."


He says he has been aware of the existing problems for a long time. "On the eve of 2009 elections," he says, "when I was the president of the Israeli Friends of Tel Aviv University, I organized a big conference on higher education, attended by Benjamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni. Among other things, I talked about the connection between education and defense, and presented a comparison between higher education in Iran and in Israel. It turns out that in 1996, the national investment on higher education was 0.9 percent of the GNP, and in Iran it was 0.1 percent. In 2006, the investment in Iran and in Israel was the same, and by 2009, Iran had surpassed Israel. The most recent data I have, from 2012, shows that in Israel, that investment went down to 0.7 percent, while in Iran it increased to 1.4 percent.

"Israel got to where it did thanks to its human assets, its research and development. Iran understood that well, and is doing the same thing. Compared to research in the world, Israel is on the decline, while Iran is in a constant state of advancement."

University leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israeli concerns are indeed right
Pick a dictionary and look what liberal, Noliberal mean.

"In the 1960s, usage of the term "neoliberal" heavily declined. When the term was reintroduced in the 1980s in connection with Augusto Pinochet’seconomic reforms inChile, the usage of the term had shifted. It had not only become a term with negative connotations employed principally by critics of market reform, but it also had shifted in meaning from a moderate form of liberalism to a more radical and laissez-faire capitalist set of ideas. Scholars now tended to associate it with the theories of economists Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman.[2] Once the new meaning of neoliberalism was established as a common usage among Spanish-speaking scholars, it diffused directly into the English-language study of political economy.[2] Scholarship on the phenomenon of neoliberalism has been growing.[19] The impact of the global 2008-09 crisis has also given rise to new scholarship that critiques neoliberalism and seeks developmental alternatives.[20]"

Neoliberal economics=laissez-faire=hands off economics. Meaning no help. Like in the US. Still don't get it?
After all, Iran’s bomb is not built by the farmers
These shire kasif khorde ha really believed that Iran already built a bomb!!

Iran must not have the strategic advantage over Israel in research. There are quite a few measures that show that the qualitative gap is getting smaller every year.
This could be an answer to those Afghani members here always saying Iranian science output is only quantitative and not qualitative!
Again, it's really hard to speak with a stupid person. You try to throw cheap non-senses and say that I hate Turkey to demonize me, instead of answering to what I said. why? because you have no proofs against what I said, and you are not grown up enough to listen to the other side in a debate.
Iran is already ahead of Turkey culturally, scientifically, ...
Economically, Turkey is drown in debt, and its currency is rapidly losing its value while she is not sanctioned, nor .... Turkish people need to work more than any other country just to be able to feed their family. Military? Are you kidding? what Turkey has? Bunch of M60? or the Leopard that turks are not allowed to use them against Kurds? Or maybe the copy of A-129 with shaky hull, which Italians abandoned its design long time ago. What about Altay which gets more close to Korean Tank by each upgrade in design, and yet they don't know what engine to use for it? Don't be ridiculous.
Again, I am sure you are going to reply by saying "You hate turkey". Pfff ... Continue living in your dream world.
rmi5 my friend... Please be soft to our friend... No need to use stupid or such words... He has an argument that Iran need to be compared with countries with the same population though I don't agree... Iran has potential easily equal to a 300 million state... Iran if take Turkey as rival never reach its potential... our IR-TR friend don't know that Iran 5 or 10 years ago is very different from today's Iran... Iran surpassed Turkey in almost every aspect but economy... the economy is not that far too... If government learns from previous mistakes and finish what they started in form of reforms then in less than 12 to 15 years Iran will be in European level of GDP...

I once explained how it is possible...

in order to reach a european level of gdp, there is only three possiblities.

1- A country became industrialized and can produce at least %20 of its GDP by industry (non-oil of course), can then focus on developing its SERVICE sector in its modern way... As soon as there is no sanctions and service sector get flourished then Iranian GDP soon will reach +30K... It is natural for an industrialized country to mature its industry first and then its service sector grwoth helps more industries and therefore more GDP... for your info all advanced nations have a GDP composition like this: Agri<%10, Industry <20-%25, Services > 70-%80

2- A country has little population so a few huge single industry can bring them +30k of GDP... Luxamburg is a good example...

3- A country has both little population and huge natural reserves: GCC states are good examples...

what rmi5 is saying about Turkey is mostly correct... not all of it..but mostly correct...Iran first put a target to be the first in every aspects in ME which is already is in most of those aspects... only Economy is lacking which is long story... I have a good face in new Iranian heading... The problems in Iranian economy has been stockpiled for nearly a century.. It takes time to find scholars tired of it and then seeing them after repairing it... Iranian economy problem was never solely economic... it was bound by both political and cultural problems too... The oil curse has no survivors but Norway... hopefully, Iran is going in the same direction... I personally thought with Iranian oil section cut off due to sanctions, Iran will be crippled which happened not...

The main problems in Iranian economy were, corruption in public sector, sanctions, lack of a national data base, not so effective taxing system, change of strategic policies as soon as governments change, a not supportive culture among people for made-in Iran... creating a link between science and tech and commercial industry...for your info, many of these problems are either fixed or on the verge of being fixed or just started to be fixed... good thing is that the leader noticed this at last and he made arrangements to keep good strategic programs in place even if the govs are changing... The best move of all are the national data base, taxing system and providing enough investment in high tech (21th century style) mostly private companies... which is almost done... I promise a constant +%5 economic growth in next decade or more if there is no war of course (which is very unlikely as I understand it from the leader perception)

When first I got informed of sceince and tech parks and its system, I was very pessimist... but the more I am informed the more I came to realize that Iran is firm on this one... Those who remember the "Tarh haye zood bazdeh" program know well that billions of dollar spent on it with little results... but this time, I see that gov and leader support you not matter what it takes.... I talked to a person in one of these parks board of decision... He said, this new system is not bound to gov change and will be supported directly by leader... He said, if you have anything high tech in mind, then these parks will give you a 99 year land, give you free infra, internet, telephone, labs, amenities and consultants for a year or two depending on the scale of your project, then after this period they will investigate if you could produce intended product, then they will give you an interest-free loan to make it commercial and marketing support.... I promise you that this single program will revolutionize Iranian economy in a decade...

Iran after surpassing ME is now have an eye on Europe,.. you can clearly see this in both public and private sector words... but how this end up in more results have many "IF"s ....

I was under the same influence that Turkey is becoming a role model let's say 10 year ago... then the more I engaged with them through my trips the more I cam to the point that Turkey is not only ahead but lacking behind Iran in many aspects... now, I can tell openly that Iran is miles ahead of Turkey in at least 8 out of 10 sectors...

The way Iran treats Kurds, Sunnis, jews, regional issues is way better than Turkey and I can assure you of that... but sure Turkey has better social freedom (by social I don't mean press freedom which is very bad but only freedom to wear, drink or go to discos) but social freedom is not the only thing that makes a country a better state...

Meaning no help. Like in the US
remember US government bail out after recent economic crisis in US? Help them in the process or after they fail...what's the difference?
Wow. Iran has a lot of potential (as do many nations), but all I was saying was let's see what happens in the next 10-15 years. Turkey is a good example as something to strive for in the near-mid term, why would that be an insult or unrealistic? Some people need to stand on the ground with both feet, and not keep dreaming. Sure Iran CAN be a lot more wealthy and powerful than Turkey (oil gas and strategic location mostly), but that's quite a way off..
Neoliberal economics=laissez-faire=hands off economics. Meaning no help. Like in the US. Still don't get it?
I guess it's you that don't get it:
Neoliberal economically, meaning hard work, long hours, little vacation, and little government handouts.

You know what? I don't care if someone is illiterate, but if someone is illiterate and tries to be "bachche porrou", then I have problem with it.

@IR-TR @rmi5 C'mon guys , same team .

Cut out the friendly fire .

He is really stupid and a religious bigot. He always chants racists slogans, and supports islamo-fasicsm of Turkey. He is genetically 50% Iranian as he says, but mentally he is fully a typical islamo-fascist turkish fanboy.
I guess it's you that don't get it:

You know what? I don't care if someone is illiterate, but if someone is illiterate and tries to be "bachche porrou", then I have problem with it.

He is really stupid and a religious bigot. He always chants racists slogans, and supports islamo-fasicsm of Turkey. He is genetically 50% Iranian as he says, but mentally he is fully a typical islamo-fascist turkish fanboy.

No need to be an as-shole. I guess you can check my posting history and see I disagree quite a lot with Erdogan's policies. If you can't get through your head what NEOLIBERAL economics mean (like in Turkey or Republicans in the US), then you're past saving. I am as secular as they come as well. Fascist? Sure I am. Racist? That too. But I'm not defending Turkey's foreign policy, nor am I attacking Iran's foreign policy (which I support mostly).
No need to be an as-shole. I guess you can check my posting history and see I disagree quite a lot with Erdogan's policies. If you can't get through your head what NEOLIBERAL economics mean (like in Turkey or Republicans in the US), then you're past saving. I am as secular as they come as well. Fascist? Sure I am. Racist? That too. But I'm not defending Turkey's foreign policy, nor am I attacking Iran's foreign policy (which I support mostly).

You don't know the basics, yet you continue talking BS like a villager who has come to city for the first time. You don't have slightest ideas about liberalism. Liberalism is about limiting government roles, which is completely opposite to forcing working hours(or long hours), and everything else that you said. I am happy that you finally searched this term in dictionary, though.
You are a racist douche whom constantly chants anti-Kurdish, anti-Arab, anti-semitist non-senses. Also, you are like typical turks in europe who live on western welfare but hate western countries, and support islamo-fasict countries like Turkey. All in all, you are strongly a racist, fascist, and islamist. How can such a person be a secular, I really don't know...

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