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Again, it's really hard to speak with a stupid person. You try to throw cheap non-senses and say that I hate Turkey to demonize me, instead of answering to what I said. why? because you have no proofs against what I said, and you are not grown up enough to listen to the other side in a debate.
Iran is already ahead of Turkey culturally, scientifically, ...
Economically, Turkey is drown in debt, and its currency is rapidly losing its value while she is not sanctioned, nor .... Turkish people need to work more than any other country just to be able to feed their family. Military? Are you kidding? what Turkey has? Bunch of M60? or the Leopard that turks are not allowed to use them against Kurds? Or maybe the copy of A-129 with shaky hull, which Italians abandoned its design long time ago. What about Altay which gets more close to Korean Tank by each upgrade in design, and yet they don't know what engine to use for it? Don't be ridiculous.
Again, I am sure you are going to reply by saying "You hate turkey". Pfff ... Continue living in your dream world.
Bunch of nonsense...

First of all, the way you picture Turks is clearly hateful, ironic considering you was calling Turks brothers not long ago, you never visited Turkey and im sure you never met one in your life but you still dare to generalize a 80 million nation based on your bias.

Secondly Turkey has 40% debt of its GDP, thats way lower than many developed countries, but Turkey doesnt have energy ressources so it can never be compared to Iran or Saudi.
Still Turkey managed to multiply its GDP by 4 in the last decade, it was able to pay back its debt to IMF and became a creditor country.
There are still flaws in some fields but it was still one of the most successful countries in the region in terms of economy recently, it even surpassed China in terms of growth rate in 2011 when i recall correctly.


About military, in terms of tanks we have old ones except the Leopards but we are gonna produce 1000 latest generation indigenous tank called Altay and no its not a Korean one, the Korean Hyundai Rotem gave technical assistance to Otokar, otherwise its a indigenous design, and about the engines, the first batch will probably be with German MTU engines till the development is finished by Tümosan.

T-129 isn not a copy A-129, the design is bought from Italians by ToT (Transfer of Technology). The T-129 is developed together with Italians to meet Turkish Armys requirements and Turkey has now the right to produce as much aircraft as it wants and export it wherever it wants and also develop other platforms based on this design, thats something whole different than copying.

Your recent posts about Turkey and Turks is clearly biased, hateful and largely incorrect, you are a person who hates whole nations based on discussions on the internet, that alone says enough about your objectivity.
You don't know the basics, yet you continue talking BS like a villager who has come to city for the first time. You don't have slightest ideas about liberalism. Liberalism is about limiting government roles, which is completely opposite to forcing working hours(or long hours), and everything else that you said. I am happy that you finally searched this term in dictionary, though.
You are a racist douche whom constantly chants anti-Kurdish, anti-Arab, anti-semitist non-senses. Also, you are like typical turks in europe who live on western welfare but hate western countries, and support islamo-fasict countries like Turkey. All in all, you are strongly a racist, fascist, and islamist. How can such a person be a secular, I really don't know...

I would have given you a positive rating if i could,. Especially for your last paragraph.

I totally agree with your last statement. He is one of the many hypocrites turks/iranians who immigrated to the west in huge numbers for a better life/freedom/lifestyle/better education they couldnt have back home, and yet use their keyboards in their comfortable home to bash the same west that offered them shelter/job/nationality/human rights they will never have dreamed having in their own 'holy' middle eastern countries.lol

In short true definition of a hypocrites(i know many of them here in U.K and even on PDF.lol). I have more respect for those turks and iranians who decided to remain/live in their own country and contribute to its growth, even if they criticize the 'evil' west irrationally ince in a while, they still have more credibility than this guy. :lol:

He's Fooling nobody.:disagree::coffee:
I would have given you a positive rating if i could,. Especially for your last paragraph.

I totally agree with your last statement. He is one of the many hypocrites turks/iranians who immigrated to the west in huge numbers for a better life/freedom/lifestyle/better education they couldnt have back home, and yet use their keyboards in their comfortable home to bash the same west that offered them shelter/job/nationality/human rights they will never have dreamed having in their own 'holy' middle eastern countries.lol

In short true definition of a hypocrites(i know many of them here in U.K and even on PDF.lol). I have more respect for those turks and iranians who decided to remain/live in their own country and contribute to its growth, even if they criticize the 'evil' west irrationally ince in a while, they still have more credibility than this guy. :lol:

He's Fooling nobody.:disagree::coffee:

Most Turks in Europe are descendants of simple illiterate workers coming from Anatolian villages who immigrated to West Germany. Because of being illiterate, ... they and their children could not adapt themselves with European societies and culture; Hence, you can see why typical Turks in Europe have the mentality and behavior that I described.
About Iranians, there was almost zero immigration before revolution. There were just small number of Iranian young professionals immigrating to west Europe. After revolution, there was a huge mass-emigration from Iran. Rich and educated Iranians and also royalists and religious minorities, immigrated to US, while communists(Fadaiyan e Khalgh), lower class, and islamo-socialists(MEK) supporters immigrated to Europe. European governments are the one which regulated these emigration laws. You could have acted more selective like US and accept Middle Eastern professionals, and intellectual/financial elites but your governments supported leftists, islamists, communists, ...
Most Turks in Europe are descendants of simple illiterate workers coming from Anatolian villages who immigrated to West Germany. Because of being illiterate, ... they and their children could not adapt themselves with European societies and culture; Hence, you can see why typical Turks in Europe have the mentality and behavior that I described.
About Iranians, there was almost zero immigration before revolution. There were just small number of Iranian young professionals immigrating to west Europe. After revolution, there was a huge mass-emigration from Iran. Rich and educated Iranians and also royalists and religious minorities, immigrated to US, while communists(Fadaiyan e Khalgh), lower class, and islamo-socialists(MEK) supporters immigrated to Europe. European governments are the one which regulated these emigration laws. You could have acted more selective like US and accept Middle Eastern professionals, and intellectual/financial elites but your governments supported leftists, islamists, communists, ...

I agree. Our governemnts should have been more selective like the U.S. Our governments have been allowing any scum to come here/give them asylum without even proper screening. Some of them turn out to be very anti-western/islamic bigots and anti the very country that welcomed them. Some even preaching hate and calling for the destruction of our country. Its high time our governemnts review their immigration policies, and allow only educated/intellectuals and professionals who can add value to our country like the U.S does, not islamo crazies who come here and beg for aylu then sit on their *** and start preaching hate and how evil the west is .lol

But then again, maybe if we did that i dont think @IR-TR parents would have been allowed to come here, so he probably wont be here ranting against the evil west day and night. Lool
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Bunch of nonsense...

First of all, the way you picture Turks is clearly hateful, ironic considering you was calling Turks brothers not long ago, you never visited Turkey and im sure you never met one in your life but you still dare to generalize a 80 million nation based on your bias.

Secondly Turkey has 40% debt of its GDP, thats way lower than many developed countries, but Turkey doesnt have energy ressources so it can never be compared to Iran or Saudi.
Still Turkey managed to multiply its GDP by 4 in the last decade, it was able to pay back its debt to IMF and became a creditor country.
There are still flaws in some fields but it was still one of the most successful countries in the region in terms of economy recently, it even surpassed China in terms of growth rate in 2011 when i recall correctly.


About military, in terms of tanks we have old ones except the Leopards but we are gonna produce 1000 latest generation indigenous tank called Altay and no its not a Korean one, the Korean Hyundai Rotem gave technical assistance to Otokar, otherwise its a indigenous design, and about the engines, the first batch will probably be with German MTU engines till the development is finished by Tümosan.

T-129 isn not a copy A-129, the design is bought from Italians by ToT (Transfer of Technology). The T-129 is developed together with Italians to meet Turkish Armys requirements and Turkey has now the right to produce as much aircraft as it wants and export it wherever it wants and also develop other platforms based on this design, thats something whole different than copying.

Your recent posts about Turkey and Turks is clearly biased, hateful and largely incorrect, you are a person who hates whole nations based on discussions on the internet, that alone says enough about your objectivity.

Turkey's government has only %33 of GDP as of Dept

Turkey Government Debt to GDP | 2000-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar
and this is the future forecasts:

• Turkey - National debt in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2020 | Statistic


Turkey has an external dept of nearly %50 of its GDP...

List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree. Our governemnts should have been more selective like the U.S. Our governments have been allowing any scum to come here/give them asylum without even proper screening. Some of them turn out to be very anti western and anti the very country that welcomed them. Some even preaching hate and calking for the destruction of our country. Its high time our governemnts review their immigration policies, and allow only educated/intellectuals and professionals who cam add value to our country like the U.S does.

But then again, maybe if we did that i dont think @IR-TR parents would have been allowed to come here, so he probably wont be here ranting against the evil west day and night. Lool

Yeah, That's the problem. Nowadays, if you are an educated young person, you will face a lot of barriers to immigrate to Europe, while if you are an uneducated low-class islamist or leftist, you can easily illegally go to Europe, and seek asylum, and leftists organizations will make sure that you can easily get asylum and monthly pension.
The Western nations have tons of debt as well. Turks right now have a higher standard of living than Iranians
standard of living is measured by HDI index, you can see what is the position of Turkey and Iran in the list. It is not as you think. Despite your perception more Iranians own houses than Turkey

List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in 2012 at least %68 of Iranians owned their house while this number is before "Maskane Mehr" which boosted the number of house owners specially among lower income families. Even if sanctions made more people to lose their houses it is still identical to that of Turkey's.

چند درصد خانوارها صاحبخانه هستند(+جدول)

The percentage of car owners of Iran is identical to Turkey:

List of countries by vehicles per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iranians buy 1.3 million new cars every year this means Iranian vehicle per capital now is around 230-240 per 1000 people.

Even the HDI numbers of Iran was well ahead of Turkey for almost all the time until 2013 that sanctions hit Iran harder so Iran lost a few positions and got behind Turkey, though it is almost the same even now... Now that sanctions are lifted Iran will jump at least 5 to 10 steps in the list in next 3 to 4 years and again will lead the competition.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would have given you a positive rating if i could,. Especially for your last paragraph.

I totally agree with your last statement. He is one of the many hypocrites turks/iranians who immigrated to the west in huge numbers for a better life/freedom/lifestyle/better education they couldnt have back home, and yet use their keyboards in their comfortable home to bash the same west that offered them shelter/job/nationality/human rights they will never have dreamed having in their own 'holy' middle eastern countries.lol

In short true definition of a hypocrites(i know many of them here in U.K and even on PDF.lol). I have more respect for those turks and iranians who decided to remain/live in their own country and contribute to its growth, even if they criticize the 'evil' west irrationally ince in a while, they still have more credibility than this guy. :lol:

He's Fooling nobody.:disagree::coffee:

Mike, you drunken English blob, I don't hate the west, I love the freedoms, and everything else. What I dislike is how they have treated Iran and Turkey. In short: foreign policy. Why can't you get that through that misshapen head of yours?

Most Turks in Europe are descendants of simple illiterate workers coming from Anatolian villages who immigrated to West Germany. Because of being illiterate, ... they and their children could not adapt themselves with European societies and culture; Hence, you can see why typical Turks in Europe have the mentality and behavior that I described.
About Iranians, there was almost zero immigration before revolution. There were just small number of Iranian young professionals immigrating to west Europe. After revolution, there was a huge mass-emigration from Iran. Rich and educated Iranians and also royalists and religious minorities, immigrated to US, while communists(Fadaiyan e Khalgh), lower class, and islamo-socialists(MEK) supporters immigrated to Europe. European governments are the one which regulated these emigration laws. You could have acted more selective like US and accept Middle Eastern professionals, and intellectual/financial elites but your governments supported leftists, islamists, communists, ...

I agree. Our governemnts should have been more selective like the U.S. Our governments have been allowing any scum to come here/give them asylum without even proper screening. Some of them turn out to be very anti-western/islamic bigots and anti the very country that welcomed them. Some even preaching hate and calling for the destruction of our country. Its high time our governemnts review their immigration policies, and allow only educated/intellectuals and professionals who can add value to our country like the U.S does, not islamo crazies who come here and beg for aylu then sit on their *** and start preaching hate and how evil the west is .lol

But then again, maybe if we did that i dont think @IR-TR parents would have been allowed to come here, so he probably wont be here ranting against the evil west day and night. Lool
Yeah, That's the problem. Nowadays, if you are an educated young person, you will face a lot of barriers to immigrate to Europe, while if you are an uneducated low-class islamist or leftist, you can easily illegally go to Europe, and seek asylum, and leftists organizations will make sure that you can easily get asylum and monthly pension.

The only people that can 'migrate' or seek asylum in Europe are either 'converts' or 'gays'. Political leaning doesn't get you in ANYWHERE. I know this because I have a lot to do with immigration law.
Mike, you drunken English blob, I don't hate the west, I love the freedoms, and everything else. What I dislike is how they have treated Iran and Turkey. In short: foreign policy. Why can't you get that through that misshapen head of yours?

Pfff ... All hypocrite muslims of your type, say the same thing. Indeed, you hate west and its culture to the bone, because it is against your barbarism culture and mentality, but you try to save face by blaming the "governments". Haha ... I know your type very well.
BTW, please don't use Iran and Turkey in the same sentence. In general, Iranians are not like your islamo-fascist mooslem clan.

The only people that can 'migrate' or seek asylum in Europe are either 'converts' or 'gays'. Political leaning doesn't get you in ANYWHERE. I know this because I have a lot to do with immigration law.
Sure, you do. :lol:
Pfff ... All hypocrite muslims of your type, say the same thing. Indeed, you hate west and its culture to the bone, because it is against your barbarism culture and mentality, but you try to save face by blaming the "governments". Haha ... I know your type very well.
BTW, please don't use Iran and Turkey in the same sentence. In general, Iranians are not like your islamo-fascist mooslem clan.

Sure, you do. :lol:

He really cracks me up man. i have seen his types here in U.K several times and even here on PDF, Facon29 or whatever his name, is one of them as well. :lol:
Pfff ... All hypocrite muslims of your type, say the same thing. Indeed, you hate west and its culture to the bone, because it is against your barbarism culture and mentality, but you try to save face by blaming the "governments". Haha ... I know your type very well.
BTW, please don't use Iran and Turkey in the same sentence. In general, Iranians are not like your islamo-fascist mooslem clan.

Sure, you do. :lol:
are you a convert yourself rmi5 or still a shia?
are you a convert yourself rmi5 or still a shia?
I am not a convert to anything. @2800 explained what does islamo-fascism mean:
He is meaning wahhabi and extremist turkish ideology.
aka Wahabites and Muslim Brotherhood ...
Also, we need to add islamo-socialists like MEK.
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Pfff ... All hypocrite muslims of your type, say the same thing. Indeed, you hate west and its culture to the bone, because it is against your barbarism culture and mentality, but you try to save face by blaming the "governments". Haha ... I know your type very well.
BTW, please don't use Iran and Turkey in the same sentence. In general, Iranians are not like your islamo-fascist mooslem clan.

Sure, you do. :lol:

You're a sad little puppy. I'm done talking to you.

He really cracks me up man. i have seen his types here in U.K several times and even here on PDF, Facon29 or whatever his name, is one of them as well. :lol:

Mike. you dumb idiot. Who are you to tell me what I am? How can you not be liberal and HATE foreign invasions and meddling? Those go hand in hand. I'm western to the bone, but I just hate how the US and Brits invade, rape and pillage nations in the middle east. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for you to nuke Saudi Arabia or what not, but unleahing ISIS to redraw the map in the middle east? Same for the anti-Iran policies. That's about all. Dickhead. .

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