What's new

Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Reports that Hamas have asked for a ceasefire.

Israel should reply with bunker buster munitions on Shifa hospital.
Gaza Health Ministry: 17 Palestinians killed, 110 injured since Israeli strikes on Friday

Israeli drone strike in Rafah

Breaking: Israeli air strikes in Khan Yunis hit training camp

Breaking: Sirens in Nahal Oz

Reports that Hamas have asked for a ceasefire.

Israel should reply with bunker buster munitions on Shifa hospital.

Actually it's Egypt and the whole world pressuring Palestinians not to fight back. There was a ceasefire which Netanyahu agreed to prior to elections, he then ignored the timetable and the conditions of the ceasefire post elections. So Israel needs to agree to a real ceasefire by now.
No ceasefire. You've killed Israeli civilians and now you'll pay the price.

The only thing that might save Gaza is the fact that Israel will want to keep things limited during Eurovision. As soon as that competition is over, your leaders will be assassinated.
Pictures of moon commercial building destroyed recently in Israeli air strikes:


Breaking: Sirens in Sderot

Al-Aqsa station: Video of AGTM strike to be aired soon


Israel interfering with the television signal now
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Israel is loading India with its weapon, even though Pakistan made mockery of Israeli systems, I do not understand why Pakistan is not introducing its weapons among those who are fighting Israel.

Pakistan must supply its weapons to Palestinians. Let's pit them against Israelis and gauge their effectiveness. Get the feedback and improve if needed.
Israel is loading India with its weapon, even though Pakistan made mockery of Israeli systems, I do not understand why Pakistan is not introducing its weapons among those who are fighting Israel.

Pakistan must supply its weapons to Palestinians. Let's pit them against Israelis and gauge their effectiveness. Get the feedback and improve if needed.

That would be great brother but it will make your country a target for sanctions and we don't wish to see that. Palestinians have sources for weapons but the Egyptians make it hard to smuggle them through into Gaza. To be fair sometimes their army lets it fly as it is in their interest for Gaza to be armed in the face of Israel.


Breaking: Sirens in Erez and Sderot, Kfar Gaza




Breaking: Police station targeted in Israeli air strike in Gaza city

Breaking: Sirens in Yad Mardchaei

Breaking: Sirens in Ashdod


Breaking: Once again sirens in Ashdod, and now for third and fourth time



Over 60 rockets fired at Ashkelon and Ashdod within 5 minute span


Photo of IDF jeep targeted with AGTM, will upload video once there is a link:


Breaking: Sirens in Kiryat Gat


Video of rockets being fired out of Gaza(skip to 0:51):


Breaking: Sirens in Ashkelon

Breaking: Israeli air strikes continue in Gaza, most recent in Khan Yunis targeted a motorcycle

Breaking: Preliminary reports of Israeli killed in rocket strike in Ashdod

Breaking: Renewed sirens in Ashdod again


Someone please bump the thread, it's getting too cluttered
That would be great brother but it will make your country a target for sanctions and we don't wish to see that. Palestinians have sources for weapons but the Egyptians make it hard to smuggle them through into Gaza. To be fair sometimes their army lets it fly as it is in their interest for Gaza to be armed in the face of Israel.


Breaking: Sirens in Erez and Sderot, Kfar Gaza




Breaking: Police station targeted in Israeli air strike in Gaza city

Breaking: Sirens in Yad Mardchaei

Breaking: Sirens in Ashdod


Breaking: Once again sirens in Ashdod, and now for third and fourth time



Over 60 rockets fired at Ashkelon and Ashdod within 5 minute span


Photo of IDF jeep targeted with AGTM, will upload video once there is a link:


Breaking: Sirens in Kiryat Gat


Video of rockets being fired out of Gaza(skip to 0:51):

Israel is already providing all sort of support to our mortal enemy India against us.

Sanctions mean jackshite when our national security is endangered by these Zionists pigs in collaboration with hindu terrorist regime of India.

I dont see this as economic issue for us rather an opportunity to get even with these pigs , a tit for tat. There has been no consequences for Israel for its relentless support to India. Israeli spice 2000 bombs dropping on our soil, albeit destroying few trees should have been the redline for us.
Israeli channel 8(Hebrew): One killed in rocket strikes at Ashdod

Breaking: Israeli strikes hit home of Gaza police chief

Breaking: Rocket hits home of Israeli security official in Ashdod

Breaking: Sirens in Ashkelon

Breaking: Two apartment buildings targeted in Israeli air strikes in Sheikh Zwyaid , injuring a number of Palestinians


Tel Aviv will be stuck soon as they keep targeting families. Reports of up to 8 Palestinian civilians killed in the attacks.


Breaking: Sirens in Ashkelon again

Israel is already providing all sort of support to our mortal enemy India against us.

Sanctions mean jackshite when our national security is endangered by these Zionists pigs in collaboration with hindu terrorist regime of India.

I dont see this as economic issue for us rather an opportunity to get even with these pigs , a tit for tat. There has been no consequences for Israel for its relentless support to India. Israeli spice 2000 bombs dropping on our soil, albeit destroying few trees should have been the redline for us.

Inshallah brother, I wish to see that day come.
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Keep bombing Gaza 24/7 from land, sea and air. Hit all of their infrastructure. Give these ISIS clones no mercy.
The 'palestinian' terrorist entity is being blamed by Europe and condemned. This is quite a development because most of the time they try and either give equal blame or more on Israel.

This shows a growing understanding in Europe that the 'palestinians' are actually perennial terrorist filth.

There is also very little in the way of support on the European street. In years gone by they would have been out in their tens of thousands to protest against Israel. Now they will muster no more than a few hundred hard leftists and Islamists.

Part of the reason is that Europe is now a victim of Muslim terror which was all pioneered by the 'palestinian' terrorist entity. That grotesque cult of death squatting in Gaza & Judea.

Also anyone with a few brain cells can see the 'palestinians' just love to murder and will always find an excuse to murder people. They have murdered people from so many nationalities.
After massacre of civilians in apartment complex, Palestinians respond now:

Breaking: Sirens in Yad Mardchaei
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