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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Hamas and PIJ get money for war not for peace. So every couple years they start a conflict. They know they will achieve NOTHING but misery of own people but thats only way to get money for them.

After two years they will repeat it again.

And again

And again. Until Qatar and Iran wil run out of petrodollars.

There needs to be much heavier carpet bombing and Israel will just have to ignore the European pro-Jihadists who will cry in the streets of Paris and London.

Areas of Gaza need to be flattened. Not empty fields and roof knocks. A few broken buildings and squalor mean nothing to these people, they actually thrive off of it.

Their leaders have to be mercilessly hunted and killed. They have to permanently live in their caves in bunkers. Their internet needs to be wiped out, their cell phone coverage needs to be wiped out. Their harbour, their beaches - all need to be annihilated.
Breaking: Israeli air strike in Dayr-al-Balah, injuries reported

Breaking: Israeli media(hebrew) now confirms one killed in AGTM strike near northern Gaza earlier today

Breaking: Coordinated naval shelling campaign on Gaza's coast, they are likely to try a special force incursion like in 2014 during the night time

Breaking: Coordinating artillery shelling Gaza's eastern border, while on the West naval shelling, which is prelude to ground op

Breaking: IDF Jeep struck with AGTM missile moments ago near Gaza's border

There needs to be much heavier carpet bombing and Israel will just have to ignore the European pro-Jihadists who will cry in the streets of Paris and London.

Areas of Gaza need to be flattened. Not empty fields and roof knocks. A few broken buildings and squalor mean nothing to these people, they actually thrive off of it.

Their leaders have to be mercilessly hunted and killed. They have to permanently live in their caves in bunkers. Their internet needs to be wiped out, their cell phone coverage needs to be wiped out. Their harbour, their beaches - all need to be annihilated.

Paris and London are reason your country existed, they started your nuclear program and fought your wars against Egypt and most importantly established a nation for you, but you are not wanting to recognize that they created you.

This van was transporting soldiers, hit by anti-tank missile from Gaza killing one soldier:
Its simple civilian van. Stop spreading lies.

Breaking: Israeli's seem to declare an official 'operation' now

US Secretary of State Pompeo:
We hope to see a ceasefire in coming hours

Confirmed: IDF vehicle with senior officer hit near Gaza's border with an AGTM strike

Breaking: Renewed Israeli air strikes in Rafah

Breaking: Israeli drone strike reported in Northern Gaza

Breaking: Israeli air strike hits house in Rafah

Breaking: Sirens in Nahal Oz(the cutout strip of land is the Gaza Strip, around it is southern Israel)


They're trying to prepare the area for a special force incursion

Its simple civilian van. Stop spreading lies.


That's not the IDF transport vehicle hit with an AGTM, that was hit by a mortar.
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May god continue to smite the perennial palestinian terrorists forever more.

We will see who will run to the international community as usual after starting this.

Oh dear IDF, unleash all of your arsenal.
IDF? Or AEZ ...

Unleash all of YOUR arsenal?
Lol, more like US arsenal and pirated copies...

...barfed in AID of the most heinous, murderous, criminal, and degenerate existence on the face of the Earth - the sleazy bag of shit American Excrement Zionist Army.

The brave Palastenian - Occupied, defenceless, literally empty handed military and at the mercy of AEZ forces, yet keeping their head high and laying their lives as Martyrs for their Muslim identity. Salute!!!
Breaking: Palestinian in West Bank runs over Israeli soldiers with his car

3 Palestinians killed, others injured after Israeli air strikes target home in northern Gaza, reports now of 6 children severely injured

Breaking: Palestinian killed after Israeli air strikes target a home in Rafah

Breaking: Israeli air strikes target a home in Khan Yunis


They are starting to purposely bomb homes to increase Palestinian death count like in 2014.

Separate incident:

Targeting of another multi story commercial building in Rafah, Israel is intentionally destroying these commercial buildings to try getting the Palestinians to submit to high price of the infrastructure

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Good to see the death toll of rancid terrorists in Gaza starting to climb quickly.

Enough with bombing fields and empty posts. Every Israeli life lost to the terrorists needs to be met with 100 terrorists in Gaza eliminated.

Take out all of their infrastructure. Smash their internet and cell communications. Destroy their hotels, their harbour. Strike their electricity supply. Hit their main roads and make them unusable.
Breaking: The Israeli strikes in northern Gaza targeted Al-Madhoun family, killing/injuring all members of the family


Pregnant woman killed, possibly two other children.
Good to see the death toll of rancid terrorists in Gaza starting to climb quickly.

Enough with bombing fields and empty posts. Every Israeli life lost to the terrorists needs to be met with 100 terrorists in Gaza eliminated.

Take out all of their infrastructure. Smash their internet and cell communications. Destroy their hotels, their harbour. Strike their electricity supply. Hit their main roads and make them unusable.

You Jewish rats are known for killing civilians and incompetent when fighting the resistance forces.

The world knows about your cowardice.
You Jewish rats are known for killing civilians and incompetent when fighting the resistance forces.

The world knows about your cowardice.

The Islamist entity in Gaza, that disgusting death cult, are being dealt with now. Pummelled into the ground from land, sea and air.
Keep in mind folks there are spies/collaborators all over Gaza feeding information on movements of the Palestinian soldiers to Israel. They belong to the Palestinian authority, USA, Germany, France, Egypt(under Sisi regime), UAE and so on.

Now they are firing drone warning missiles at the 'Moon' high-rise commercial building in preparation to destroying it. There are strikes all over Gaza now every minute as they are trying to up the ante to force the Palestinians into submission. Mind you post-elections they stopped implementing the ceasefire understandings and Gaza remains under a very tight siege still.


Breaking: Sirens in Nahal Oz(IDF presence mostly), again now

Breaking: High rise 'Moon'' building targeted by F16's moments ago


The Islamist entity in Gaza, that disgusting death cult, are being dealt with now. Pummelled into the ground from land, sea and air.

95% of those killed are civilians, you moron.

While you are cheering of the massacred children you should remember that the tables will turn.
Commercial building in Western Gaza targeted earlier in an Israeli strike:
Hamas and PIJ get money for war not for peace. So every couple years they start a conflict. They know they will achieve NOTHING but misery of own people but thats only way to get money for them.

After two years they will repeat it again.

And again

And again. Until Qatar and Iran wil run out of petrodollars.

Well lets hope that turkey becomes neutral in this matter again.
95% of those killed are civilians, you moron.

While you are cheering of the massacred children you should remember that the tables will turn.

All of Israeli casualties so far are civilians after that disgusting Islamist death cult, those perennial terrorist scum. those murderous 'people' that have been murdering every day since their invention by the Egyptian terrorist Arafat decided to attack Israel during the Eurovision song contest. This what it's all about. Those sick co-religionists of yours are simply wanting to create an international scene during the contest knowing it will give them maximum publicity.

May they burn in hell.
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