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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Kids rockets Vs hell bombs
People are dying between them
What hamas think can do with this rockets?
Not just killing Palestinians?
Always we see some injured Israelis but what is result ruin Palestinians houses and killing kids and women
This is false war hamas should accept this if they want war they should have better equipment

There's 5 Israeli's killed by the rockets so far, 4 of them today. I will start posting from Palestinian sources, a lot has happened over night.
Oh Israel, carpet bomb this entity. Carpet bomb Gaza. Finish this rotten Islamist cancer once and for all.

This van was transporting soldiers, hit by anti-tank missile from Gaza killing one soldier:


Gaza rocket obliterating home in occupied Be'ir Alsab3:

Breaking: Car bombed in Gaza city

Breaking: Sirens in Negev


Khamenai/Qatari mercenary commander eliminated.

You mean Lion of Ahl Sunnah? I'll bring mods into this if you bring in shameless smears like that. I haven't done that. Palestinian soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause and may the Great Lord accept them. So you better watch your mouth, you are on a Muslim forum.
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Breaking: Car bombed in Gaza city

Breaking: Sirens in Negev

You mean Lion of Ahl Sunnah? I'll bring mods into this if you bring in shameless smears like that. I haven't done that. Palestinian soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause and may the Great Lord accept them. So you better watch your mouth, you are on a Muslim forum.
Fact: Israel did not attack Gaza. They attack Israel.
Fact: Hamas gets all their money from Qatar and Iran. Their leaders are in Qatar.
Fact: Palestinian Islamic Jihad gets all their money from Iran. Their leaders are in Assad's Damascus. Same Assad who killed over 1 million Muslims and slaughtering them right now.
You're detested by the people. No one wants your paedo gangs.

Quite to the contrary
I work in health. I wont specify where on a public forum.

Spend most of the day trying to cure people. They are all grateful for my expertise.

I'm liked by everyone i treat and I lead a large team.

Answer my point raised about zionists starting it by invading Palestine under the terrorists such as stern gang *lehis* or stay silent.

This was all started by you guys. Not the Palestinians. End of story.

Many Jews such as breaking the silence and JVP will agree with me. So at least not all of you are terrorist.
Breaking: Israeli(possibly soldier) critically injured in Palestinian strikes on Eshkol

Breaking: Several Israeli air strikes target military camp and watch tower in Rafah

Breaking: Joint opérations room says Hamas/IJ once again target another military vehicle with AGTM missile's


Glory to the Great God , AGTM's hitting IDF transport vehicles far from Gaza border. This one is also filmed. One hit an IDF vehicle north of Gaza's border, and this one east of Gaza's border.


Breaking: Israeli naval shells hitting near Gaza's coast
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U have little chance against the israelis.

Who are you talking to? I'm not participating in the hostilities, but it's a retaliation for Friday's targeted shooting of a 17 year old female demonstrator by an Israeli sniper. As well as Israeli government renegading on ceasefire deal post-elections. So I pray for them to achieve their objectives. That's the least we can do.


Breaking: Israeli artillery strike in Rafah, likely hitting border outpost

Breaking: Palestinian soldiers firing mortars at area of struck IDF vehicle

Breaking: Palestinian drone fires munition at IDF vehicle inside Israeli airspace and then shot down over Sderot

Breaking: Preliminary reports of killed Israeli soldiers in the recent AGTM strike, raising Israeli death toll to over 5

Breaking: Israeli air strikes in Central Gaza injure two

Breaking: Sirens in Ashkelon



Breaking: Two Israeli air strikes in Western Gaza moments ago

Breaking: Sirens in Nahal Oz


Israeli death toll is at least 5, Israeli media in English is not updating this, however the Hebrew media is. Meanwhile video from earlier, Gaza mortars or rockets launched at IDF infrastructure across the border, very close to hitting a bus full of Israeli soldiers:

U have little chance against the israelis.
Hamas and PIJ get money for war not for peace. So every couple years they start a conflict. They know they will achieve NOTHING but misery of own people but thats only way to get money for them.

After two years they will repeat it again.

And again

And again. Until Qatar and Iran wil run out of petrodollars.
Breaking: Two Palestinians killed in recent strikes in Central Gaza raising Palestinian death toll to 14 since Friday

Meanwhile at least 5 Israeli's killed, Israeli media published these casualties in the morning then changed it to 3 on their english platforms. It is actually 5, 1 from yesterday and 4 today. They have a gag order going so as to not raise morale of the Palestinians.


Moments ago Israeli strike in Gaza city:
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