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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

The EV bring disaster to oil dependent economies .... Saudis may be stay in good shape. They raise the cost of Hajj and Umra .. which is already too high , they will increase the cost again.
In Saudi Arabia, Jewish sites with ancient resonance beckon
For now, Israelis are not allowed into the kingdom, and Jews are at best grudgingly admitted. But with ties just possibly warming, a Jewish history dating back millennia might soon be more accessible
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Just seen this on news night. They even had the aircraft registration number and Israel has admitted the meeting. Saudi's have denied it.
I hope the Saudi people rise against the house of Saudi and the house of wahab. They have sold the people
Just seen this on news night. They even had the aircraft registration number and Israel has admitted the meeting. Saudi's have denied it.
I hope the Saudi people rise against the house of Saudi and the house of wahab. They have sold the people

hadith-- prophet saw was ak to pray for arabs of najid he replied the will creat fasad in muslim ummah and they are close to shatan he refuse to pray and alsaud is from najad
Funny not seeing the usual pro-wahhabi's on this thread who always threw Pakistani Shia's under the bus for even loosely supporting Iran. Try and spin this one into Irani propaganda now lol. Oh wait, I think you're busy finding directions to your new qibla.
we were always sold the narrative that Iran and Israel are actually working together against the Islam and Muslim world.
And there are still people who believe that to be true that Iran is a secret ally of Israel.

I must say if its true that Israel and the mad Khomeeni mullahs of Iran are actually pulling a wool through the Muslims then this visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli PM must be on the orders of Khomeni to keep the Muslims confused.
or all such opinion makers and my fellow Pakistanis are full of crap.

on side note. the Saudi crown prince has eliminated , removed and imprisoned his extended family members and restricted notable non royal but rich and influential people in a hotel to consolidate his position and prevent any risk to his grip.

visit of Israeli PM maybe just a bilateral meeting to pave the way to openly establish close relations together.

they bulldozed the Janat Al Baqeeh tomb as well and desecrated the place. yet this blasphemy of highest order caused no outrage among Muslim world.
I cant believe how people still worship the bunch of this tribal robbers who used to loot and kill Pilgrims before they were handed over the rule by the British empire.

The cultural domination within the Islamic world through Wahabbi/Salafi-funded madrassas and mosques has destroyed our religion and region. It was a state policy. Oil dollars directly went into promoting their version of the religion, which then also included blind worship of the House of Saud. This is something the West / Israel watched happily and potentially even orchestrated/supported.
hadith-- prophet saw was ak to pray for arabs of najid he replied the will creat fasad in muslim ummah and they are close to shatan he refuse to pray and alsaud is from najad
Can you give me a reference to this hadith?
Can you give me a reference to this hadith?
some detail on the subject . take it or reject it to your liking

Volume 2, Book 17, Number 147:
end of days are close to us.
the Munafiqs are closing ties with Israel. helping it to become greater Israel staying quiet as it made Jerusalem its capital and in its quest to make Hackl Solemani. they will join Israel to bring war on Muslims but
despite that the Israel will devour them as well.
these are difficult times of confusion and emotions will cloud our judgement.
limited by sectarianism, illiteracy and violent nature we will scatter and bring chaos in our own country paving the way for the enemies to conquer us.
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conquer us.

If we do take all the predictions/hadith, the above part will not be fulfilled. Though as you said tough times ahead but so does the Return of Isa & coming of Mehdi facing the fitna of Dajjal.

May Allah have mercy upon us.
some detail on the subject . take it or reject it to your liking

Volume 2, Book 17, Number 147:

end of days are close to us.
the Munafiqs are closing ties with Israel. helping it to become greater Israel staying quiet as it made Jerusalem its capital and in its quest to make Hackl Solemani. they will join Israel to bring war on Muslims but
despite that the Israel will devour them as well.
these are difficult times of confusion and emotions will cloud our judgement.
limited by sectarianism, illiteracy and violent nature we will scatter and bring chaos in our own country paving the way for the enemies to conquer us.
I did a bit if research and found quite a bit. Shocking how deaf dumb and blind we Muslims are
I have been telling that normalization of relationships between Arabs and Israeli for past few years. Few of my posts were deleted by admin because some of them thought about grave danger to Palestine.
Reality strikes now, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Morocco have opened up about ties with Israel.

I guess admin should keep his personal believe at home. Wake up Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indonesian and Malaysian!!

If Pakistan wants to counter India then they should follow Bahrain and UAE, establish diplomatic and military relations with Israel.

Yes you soulless European jew gypsy. The native Palestinians living on their land for over thousands of years are so happy to see their favourite ancestral trees and houses being bulldozed by Israel. They are so happy to be expelled from their own land by european jews.

You may bribe the useless Arab leaders into publicly admitting your relationship but the international community still despises you. And you know this very well :)
The original Iranians (like Darius) came from Europe. Modern Iranians however have very little of them. Thats why u have an inferiority complex towards the Europeans.

Anothe irony that you whine about Palestinians in Jerusalem which live much better than average Iranians and in same time you support slaughter, gassing and starvation of hundreds of thousands Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria.

I have been telling that normalization of relationships between Arabs and Israeli for past few years. Few of my posts were deleted by admin because some of them thought about grave danger to Palestine.
Reality strikes now, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Morocco have opened up about ties with Israel.

I guess admin should keep his personal believe at home. Wake up Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indonesian and Malaysian!!

If Pakistan wants to counter India then they should follow Bahrain and UAE, establish diplomatic and military relations with Israel.

PDFers like to be more Arabs than Arabs themselves and more Ottoman than Turks themselves.

I have had the privilege of interacting with Palestinians. I have no doubt in my mind that they treat us no different than other racist Arabs treat us.
more saudi oil facilities hit.

The persian gulf arabs have been geopolitically checkmated by Iran. and their response is to cut of their nose to spite their face.

becoming friends with the biggest enemy of the arab world, just to be anti-Iran.

I think some more fireworks over expensive saudi oil infastracture might whip them back into reality
PDFers like to be more Arabs than Arabs themselves and more Ottoman than Turks themselves.

I have had the privilege of interacting with Palestinians. I have no doubt in my mind that they treat us no different than other racist Arabs treat us.
InshAllah soon we will be proud of ourselves...buts sadly we have no heros or history
The original Iranians (like Darius) came from Europe. Modern Iranians however have very little of them. Thats why u have an inferiority complex towards the Europeans.

You uneducated trash ,

iranians share 90% same dna as their Persian,Median and other Aryan ancestors.

modern israelis do not even share 10% of dna to the people that lived there in bronze age and ancient times,

it was actually Iranians according Israeli studies that inhabited israel 6500 years ago,

"Genetic analysis shows ancient immigrants from Iran formed bronze age Israel"

you are uneducated , jews themselves are immigrants from africa (lol egypt) the land according Tel aviv and Jerusalem University Studies was inhabited by Galilean farmers and Iranians in bronze age,

Jews were african migrants. that came much later....
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