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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

Principally speaking we didn't accept Israel because of the Umma Chuma mentality and since now they themselves are in bed with them we should not be running like a headless chicken and accept it. If we have to consider, negotiate or even think about it, we should do it on the time of our choosing, with our conditions. Period. These al shaikhs can go climb a tree.
This is about principles and human dignity. Do you just accept other humans getting bullied and their homes destroyed?
the king dont want peace with israel the son does want the king block him
It's amazing to see that any post which denounces the Najdi State, is deleted. But I commend the Moderator Team for their consistency and vigilance.
Don't mind but we should not jump on the gun unless knowing the facts. Do you even know why Pakistan didn't recognize Israel in first place and what was the reason and who said so?
I believe the problem started from Balfour Declaration as it was an unjust solution and Quaid rightfully rejected it.

This is about principles and human dignity. Do you just accept other humans getting bullied and their homes destroyed?
I agree with you. My point was not accepting or rejecting it, rather saying a big no to these thick skulled Al-shaikhs.

In all practical purpose our aim should be to get a just settlement for the Palestinian people, as far as I know we have been standing in line behind KSA/UAE nexus and they have been enjoying a self-proclaimed leadership position of the entire Muslim ummah (I have a problem with this).

So having said that I believe instead of saying YES SIR to KSA we should say a big no. Parallel to that, all the Muslim countries who are on-board and do not accept Israel, we should engage with Israel on only one point initially; "a fair solution for Palestine" but not in the leadership of KSA/UAE etc.
It's amazing to see that any post which denounces the Najdi State, is deleted. But I commend the Moderator Team for their consistency and vigilance.

You should consider your posting behaviour and use of abuse in the same post where you referred to Hadith Mubarka & Prophet Muhammad (SAWW). Forum will not tolerate such abusive & low quality posts. You can comment & condemn KSA actions but that doesn't warrant use of abusive language against a whole nation and justifying the same by Islamic References.
I believe the problem started from Balfour Declaration as it was an unjust solution and Quaid rightfully rejected it.

Read in details and this is not the thread about Pakistan stance on Israel. Posts are already moved to relevant discussion.
The secret meeting at NEOM: Saudi Arabia's Prince MBS arrived from Riyadh on an executive plane (HZ-MS5A), Prime Minister Netanyahu arrived from TLV on an executive plane (7T-CPX), U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo arrived from Abu Dhabi on a USAF C32A (99-0003)

Isn’t israeli PM dual nationality holder Israeli and American ?
So could be that an American visiting Saudi Arabia only.... depends on which passport he is flying. :partay:

Arabic morons And their illegitimate governments are cornered by on one side Iranian expansion and on another side by the Arabs Spring movements.... add to that we Pakistanis refused to fight their war in Yemen ( and rightfully) so no ray of hope that was exploited by Israelis.

or was it planified by Israelis and US strategists ?

Poor Palestinians, will they disappear from the surface of the earth as disappeared the red indians the natives of America ?

Now that the chess game seems to be lost for Palestinians, and a win for Israelis, what could be done for a true peace between Israelis and Palestinians ?
Could the arabics morons have an atome of neuronal cell in their brain and use this new situation to push Israel and Palestinians to move to real peace between them ? Maybe Iran is not helping at all....

so now I’m expecting a more stronger (military) push openly or covertly against Iran.

Watch this YouTube link :

Ok it’s only a video on YouTube, but it’s a video from a Rabbin (= our mufti ?).

it’s in French, don’t know if YouTube offer translation in English, but I will try to translate to English whenever I have time.

It’s a 2 years old video and he is talking about what is happening now in the Middle East. Next on the target list is Iran according to him... be sure they will do everything to destroy it.!

@denel what do you think about what Rav Ron Chaya is telling ? Update : oops you don’t speak French so you would have to wait the translation

@people @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan, @Clutch @waz who have knowledge about what is said in Quran about the current situation ?
I do not want enter in religious debate but only if you could tell what it is said ?

It would be interesting to compare both point of views

please Stay polite thanks.

@Mods if it’s off topic, then delete my message thanks.

With the Palestinians, Israel is playing the long game. It understands three things:

1. As long as Israel retains its military, technological and geopolitical supremacy over its Arab neighbors, its position won't be threatened.

2. The Arabs, particularly, the Gulf Arabs, are deeply corrupt and their friendship can be bribed. Particularly if they are facing grave threats from a rising Shi'ite Iran.

3. The Palestinian issue will eventually be resolved when Israel cements its settlements and salami slicing through the West Bank. Life for the Palestinians in their walled off and isolated communities will become more and more unbearable leading many wanting to leave. Eventually, Israel's presence will be accepted by the other Arab neighbors and they will turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Palestinians. In the end, perhaps 50 years from now, a negotiated settlement on the transfer of the Palestinian population to neighboring Arab countries may be concluded and then Israel would be successful in its ethnic cleansing of the region.
Petty Saudi Arabia. Whole nation is held hostage at the whims of just one man!

We used to hear stories about North Korea, as to how tightly controlled that nation is, but my god, these camel jokies are on some other level, not a single protest, a voice of opposition on the streets of GCC countries?
Apparently some media sources claiming that flight data of a private jet travelling from Tel Aviv to Saudi city of Neom has been seen confirmed.
On a side note, say if Israel agrees to gives Palestine some autonomous powers in return for it's recognition by the Kingdom , then the Saudis will have a strong point to their stand.
There is a bit of difference between foreign terrorists pouring into a sovereign nation and european jews settling down on palestinian land, bro.
How about you give up your hatred for Gulf Arabs and work together with them to liberate Palestine? The reason they're making nice with Israel is cause of their beef with you. Or how about working with Turkey?

Let's face it, neither you guys, nor Turkey, nor Arabs give a damn about Palestine. You all with cut each other if it suits your interests. Palestine is just a smokescreen for your leaders to delude the ummah and their voters at home.
On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?
* Arab countries provide BILLIONS of aid to Palestinians.

* Iranian shia militias slaughtered, gassed, tortured and starved to death tens of thousands Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria.

Do you condemn these actions?
I do not want to be a prophetic but...what is going on is a clear to me ...Its not about Iran they are after ...they are after Pakistan. Its all about Pakistan!

There is a time coming when i think naimat ullah wali predictions are about to get true..
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