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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

What’s exactly the “surprise” here!!?!

Captain Lawrence from the British Intelligence was a homosexual Jewish folk, who helped Sharif Hussein, Sauds etc. to kill the Ottoman Empire from inside so that Israel can be established in Palestine....

It’s like a formal marriage for the parties who have been in an illicit relationship for a quite long time! Great for the illegal kids for now they get the legal recognition....
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You uneducated trash ,

iranians share 90% same dna as their Persian,Median and other Aryan ancestors.

modern israelis do not even share 10% of dna to the people that lived there in bronze age and ancient times,

it was actually Iranians according Israeli studies that inhabited israel 6500 years ago,

"Genetic analysis shows ancient immigrants from Iran formed bronze age Israel"

you are uneducated , jews themselves are immigrants from africa (lol egypt) the land according Tel aviv and Jerusalem University Studies was inhabited by Galilean farmers and Iranians in bronze age,

Jews were african migrants. that came much later....
Original Iranians were Europeans, modern look like this:


That explains a lot ur fixation and obsession with the europeans and inventing silly genetic studies wont help u.

The dominant haplogroup in Iran is Semitic J.

Ironically Ashkenazi Jews dominant haplogroup is also J.
PDFers like to be more Arabs than Arabs themselves and more Ottoman than Turks themselves.
Please don’t forget your kind: the ones who want to be more white than the whiteys themselves. Now your list is complete.

I have had the privilege of interacting with Palestinians. I have no doubt in my mind that they treat us no different than other racist Arabs treat us.
Me too. The German refugee Palestinians are a spoiled entitled people involved in criminal activity mostly. Them being Arabs gives them the spotlight in the Ummah-pity-o-Meter, their politicians are useless and power hungry and will hug every enemy of Pakistan for their own sake. But Pakistan should make policy that benefits them? That’s crazy, but understandable.

There is a moral obligation. The fact that you and I don’t know any nice „muslim-y“ Palestinian and them having a corrupt leadership doesn’t negate the crimes of Israel and their landgrabbing.
Please don’t forget your kind: the ones who want to be more white than the whiteys themselves. Now your list is complete.
Not really but okay.

I don't hate whiteys like a Salahuddin Ayubi fanboy but I find criticise gori chamri plenty of times when need be.

As for being "like them", I like religious tolerance, scientific approach to life and liberal values. If that makes me a whitey or a chinky or a negro, so be it.
I don’t get is why Pakistanis here out cry when Saudis and Israel mix. But never when Iran & india do same which is the biggest threat to us!!! Middle East will move on better keep our mouth shut will come back and haunt us.
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