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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

How about you give up your hatred for Gulf Arabs and work together with them to liberate Palestine? The reason they're making nice with Israel is cause of their beef with you. Or how about working with Turkey?

Let's face it, neither you guys, nor Turkey, nor Arabs give a damn about Palestine. You all with cut each other if it suits your interests. Palestine is just a smokescreen for your leaders to delude the ummah and their voters at home.
Ooo, PGC states are so upset about Iran that they are willing to betray their Arab brothers.
How about you give up your hatred for Gulf Arabs and work together with them to liberate Palestine?

can you deal with two-faced people...i know you can not...no treaty can hold...no promises can be uphold. one just cant..
* Arab countries provide BILLIONS of aid to Palestinians.

* Iranian shia militias slaughtered, gassed, tortured and starved to death tens of thousands Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria.

Do you condemn these actions?
You have been owned and hung to dry on this forum many times.So i am not going to further waste my time on you. However Israel has no right to import Polish and Ukrainian jews and give them Palestinian lands.

The Jerusalem Law and the Golan Heights Law have both been deemed illegal by the UN Security Council (resolutions 478 and 497 respectively), and are not recognized by the international community.

European imported Jew trash, get out!

Ooo, PGC states are so upset about Iran that they are willing to betray their Arab brothers.
Why don't you work with Turkey in liberating Palestine then my bro?

Israel is no match for Turkey and Iran's combined military power.

Oh but that would mean putting your rivalries with each other in Syria and Azerbaijan aside.

Stop fooling the world man. No one believes you anymore.
Persian Gulf milk COWs are in trouble and the owners have gathered to revive the cows.
  1. International groups note first ever seen pockets of starvation in Saudi Arabia and Dubai
  2. Pro-democracy group emerges in Saudi Arabia (prohibited)
  3. Populations of all GCC countries dropping as foreign workers flee
  4. UAE contracting companies risk default and closure; workers unpaid, projects abandoned
  5. Foreign contract workers still there: no jobs in KSA, sleeping in cars
  6. Saudi hotels nearly all bankrupt; no staff, no kitchen
  7. Private school owners catering to KSA wealthy are closing and leaving
  8. Saudi airline traffic down 93%
  9. Kuwait broke; can't pay gov't salaries next month; debt downgraded on liquidity risks
  10. UAE flag carrier Eithad Airlines still losing money; $6 billion last 5 years
  11. Two largest oil companies in UAE cash crisis; broke
  12. Saudi Armaco profits now down 50% yoy on top of two previous bad years
  13. Saudi Arabia triples VAT = austerity for import-dependent KSA
  14. UAE international property manager Emaar bonds rated junk
  15. Dubai International Financial Center nearly bankrupt, debt rated junk
  16. Dubai GDP peaked years ago an is now at 2005 levels - and dropping
  17. UAE Emirates Airlines defaults on bonds, then
  18. UAE bails out broke Emirates Airline; owned by gov't via Dubai Investment Financial Corp.
  19. Pretty much every company DIFC invested billions in is a sham, ponzi or outright fraud
  20. Dubai borrowing more money to survive
  21. GCC property value continues plummeting; Empty skyscrapers; Rents lowest in three decades
  22. UAE banks found to be laundering Taliban money
  23. Arabtec Holdings largest infrastructure construction company in ME now in liquidation
  24. $15 Billion investment firm Abraaj Group in liquidation .
  25. UAE's largest healthcare provider, shady NMC Hospitals on verge of liquidation
Why don't you work with Turkey in liberating Palestine then my bro?

Israel is no match for Turkey and Iran's combined military power.

Oh but that would mean putting your rivalries with each other in Syria and Azerbaijan aside.

Stop fooling the world man. No one believes you anymore.
Unfortunately, Turkey is still a NATO country and its interests lie with the Americans and indirectly with Israel. Now you tell me how Iran can work with Turkey to deter Israeli aggression against Palestine. Iran on its own did enough to help Palestine armed factions despite the blockade and numerous difficulties. Iran alone can not do much more unfortunately. As we in Persian say.. you can not clap with one hand.
meanwhile ...

Every human with a bit of self respect has to stand up against tyranny wherever it may be. Now the clowns that bark about foreign CIA jihadis masquerading as ''Syrian civilians'' pouring into a sovereign nation and getting killed in the process have no leg to stand on.

The Syria, Lebanon,Iraqi wars are all a Jewish complot to keep the region busy while they continue looting and raping the native Palestinians there.
Take a look at the map. You will see a giant Iranian land literally surrounding tiny UAE,Bahrain,Kuwait etc
There is no way that after a Israeli attack from UAE those bases will survive volley after volley of mach 6 impacting BM's. It is a suicide mission for them.

They can carry out sabotage, hit&run tactics though but that won't change much on the ground.
And USN and USAF don't stay in Persian gulf and adjacent countries with latest weapons take a hike dude
You have been owned and hung to dry on this forum many times.
In your dreams.

So i am not going to further waste my time on you. However Israel has no right to import Polish and Ukrainian jews and give them Palestinian lands.
You shed crocodile tears about Palestinians in Jerusalem who live perfectly and in same time support gassing, slaughter, torture and starvation of Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria.
In your dreams.

You shed crocodile tears about Palestinians in Jerusalem who live perfectly and in same time support gassing, slaughter, torture and starvation of Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria.
Yes you soulless European jew gypsy. The native Palestinians living on their land for over thousands of years are so happy to see their favourite ancestral trees and houses being bulldozed by Israel. They are so happy to be expelled from their own land by european jews.

You may bribe the useless Arab leaders into publicly admitting your relationship but the international community still despises you. And you know this very well :)
You should consider your posting behaviour and use of abuse in the same post where you referred to Hadith Mubarka & Prophet Muhammad (SAWW). Forum will not tolerate such abusive & low quality posts. You can comment & condemn KSA actions but that doesn't warrant use of abusive language against a whole nation and justifying the same by Islamic References.

I appreciate the honesty and your message has been duly noted. I will make sure of it, in all of my future posts.
He can be a murderer or worst human possible but does it really matter when he has all the power and indiscretion... ??

Looks like the arabs have finally decided to recognize Israel and make west , the qibla direction.....

Also , no one gives a shit about morality , especially the guys at top.....

correct - it is not that - these are the same shitheads who claim to be the custodians of holy places and yet are murdering bastards.

I do fear that Pak is already facing severe sanctions vs UAE. In my honest opinion, Pak leadership should have been very hard with KSA/UAE in terms of 2 way relationship. It was always taken for granted that Pak was the inferior partner. Actually it is opposite way.
Attack by who ? Israel ? Too far from Iran for a direct attack. Their only hope is to strike Iranian interests in Syria,Lebanon etc
Saudi Arabia is a joke. They for sure do not want their oil industry to be razed to the ground. Last Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia was a warning.

The only nation on the planet to effectively attack and degrade Iranian power is the USA and we all know what is going on there right now.

On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?

On topic : I wonder how the Palestinians feel about their arab ''brothers'' ?

The damage done by these sheikhdoms in private was much dire and consequential than their overt acceptance and eventual show of hand. This hand has been played and there is no turning back... yahoo knows it and which is why all this nose rubbing routine on steroids, seemingly for no apparent reason... or is there? Jews are big on symbolism, are they expecting the mashiach? Or perhaps laying groundwork in earnest on behest of someone? But the genie is out of the bottle and no putting it back this time around.

They had fooled many and used the sanctity of the Holy places to their advantage... used it, to soften, brow beat or plain veneration of the place to blackmail and hijacked the mandate of Muslims worldwide. It is high time that the mandate of Hijaz be taken away from these usurper and handed over to a common body of worldwide or at the very least under local patronage, people with historic connection, acclaim and ancestral stewardship.
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