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Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

Ahle Rasool they said.

I am glad this has happened.. At least now the al-Bakistani would stop kissing asses of arabs.

Dr.Israr Ahmed predicted this 15 years ago.
Saudi Arabia got too cocky the last time and Iran showed the world what a garbage army they have. The IRGC launched a direct attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and knocked out 50% of their oil industry with a single coordinated attack from Southwestern Iran. Strangely the Saudis are quite on the silent mode side since then. Their airforce is the same, super shiny weapons but garbage talent. Their airforce are fixed and repaired by American engineers and technicians. The Saudis wont be able to put up a few jets in the sky without American help even if their lives depended on it. You can not buy talent, you need skilled and educated people for that. You need decades of hard work and effort. You need patriotism. Saudi Arabia is a soft target for Iran.

The only real threat to Iran is from the US and they are currently too divided to do anything. Only hope for these pathetic Persian gulf states and Israel is Trump. He might be insane enough to do something in the coming weeks but even that i doubt.

I wonder where your country's confidence went when your top general was killed ...
More Irani Mullah conspiracy against Pakistan. They have bribed our elder brother Saudia to join the Zionists. Now Pakistan must rescue UAE and Saudia Arabia from Irani clutches.

Ps. What have I been saying for a decade on this forum? I would literally get swamped by Paks acting more Saudi then Saudis. The the desert idols have fallen and exposed what anybody with a funtioning brain knew. Saudia was bastion of America in Middle East. Israel, UAE and Saudia made the triple US alliance against Iran. Yet on this very forum Saudia was idolized by sectarian zombies. Now time to wake up. Even now some zombies will refuse to accept the reality. Not even when they see Mohammed Bin Salman hugging Netanyu in Riyhad together scheming against evil Iran.

Once Saudi officialy recognizes Israel with decade so will Pakistan. But it will be too late. It will be a defeated and humbled Pakistan. Instead of setting a trend Pakistan will be seen as follower. There is much geo-political capital to be had by being first and nothing but shame to be last. And I know people will say "never" but they said same thing for the guardians of the two holy places of Islam. The clock now is ticking. Give another ten years or by 2030 so will Pakistan.

Pakistan will literally be forced. And as we saw in 2001 Pakistan can be forced easily by using economic blackmail. The Pakistani establishment knows that it will have to accept Israel but after 70 years of brainwashing the ignorant masses it is impossible to do it. So they will slowly make a sofdt lanbding over ten years. As pressure mounts don't expect China to help out. China will push Pakistan to accept Israel as they have very good relations with Tel Aviv.

Anyway I am chuckling here ..... hahahaha !!!

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Saudi's have nothing to do with Islam. That they have usurped Hijaz remains the biggest calamity of the last century.
Bloody sellout.
we were always sold the narrative that Iran and Israel are actually working together against the Islam and Muslim world.
And there are still people who believe that to be true that Iran is a secret ally of Israel.

I must say if its true that Israel and the mad Khomeeni mullahs of Iran are actually pulling a wool through the Muslims then this visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli PM must be on the orders of Khomeni to keep the Muslims confused.
or all such opinion makers and my fellow Pakistanis are full of crap.

on side note. the Saudi crown prince has eliminated , removed and imprisoned his extended family members and restricted notable non royal but rich and influential people in a hotel to consolidate his position and prevent any risk to his grip.

visit of Israeli PM maybe just a bilateral meeting to pave the way to openly establish close relations together.
Saudi's have nothing to do with Islam. That they have usurped Hijaz remains the biggest calamity of the last century.
they bulldozed the Janat Al Baqeeh tomb as well and desecrated the place. yet this blasphemy of highest order caused no outrage among Muslim world.
I cant believe how people still worship the bunch of this tribal robbers who used to loot and kill Pilgrims before they were handed over the rule by the British empire.
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I cant believe how people still worship the bunch of this tribal robbers who sued to loot and kill Pilgrims before they were handed over the rule by the British empire.

No education , no critical thinking skills , no objective assessment of History and above all idealizing people.

Pathetic inferiority ridden Pakistani awam vis a vis Arab or Persians.
Many of you don't know this but this is opening of a new age of enlightenment in Pakistan. This is what I have always dreamed of and it's happening. To be sure it will take decades and probably be well 2050 before the events unfolding today manifest and consolidate in Pakistan.

How so? Ever since early 1970s with the oil boom the most backward, the most primitive peoples in the Muslim world - Saudi's and other Gulfies became awash with money. That money gave them the influence to spread their primitive culture abroad and in Pakistan it had devastating effect., Through mullahs sponsored by these Gulfies the most backward and reactionery interpretation and politics of Islam took hold that literally the country is hostage to in 2020. Namaz became Salat, Khudahafiz became Allah Hafiz and in many others ways Pakistan changed at the push of petrodollars. Indeed I even began seeing by 1980s Pakistani's wearing the Arabi styl;e gowns.

Prior to 1970 the primary Islamic civiizational influence on Pakistan had been Perso-Turkish. You can see how Allama Iqbal often wrote in Persian. The national anthem is almost all in pure Persian. The fact is Turkish and Persian cultures have historically been more sophisticated in art, culture, science, war, administration etc as seen in Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia. Istanbul, Tehran were replaced by Riyad and Dubai after 1970s.

The events we see unfolding today will augur a change by begining the process of freeing Pakistani society from the poison of the Gulf cultures. I earnestly hope that Istanbul begins to gain influence on Pakistan and even as I write this we can see Turkish stock increasing in Pakistan. With such things as Ertrugul hit in Pakisatan. Some might decry this as craven inferiority. Maybe but I would rather have Istanbul' Ertrugul then a Bollywood garbage or Riyad "dial a mullah" mouthpiece influencing the Pakistani masses.

The first step in a 50 year reformation has began.
most primitive peoples in the Muslim world - Saudi's
Please read this to see my point -

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we were always sold the narrative that Iran and Israel are actually working together against the Islam and Muslim world.
And there are still people who believe that to be true that Iran is a secret ally of Israel.

I must say if its true that Israel and the mad Khomeeni mullahs of Iran are actually pulling a wool through the Muslims then this visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli PM must be on the orders of Khomeni to keep the Muslims confused.
or all such opinion makers and my fellow Pakistanis are full of crap.

on side note. the Saudi crown prince has eliminated , removed and imprisoned his extended family members and restricted notable non royal but rich and influential people in a hotel to consolidate his position and prevent any risk to his grip.

visit of Israeli PM maybe just a bilateral meeting to pave the way to openly establish close relations together.

they bulldozed the Janat Al Baqeeh tomb as well and desecrated the place. yet this blasphemy of highest order caused no outrage among Muslim world.
I cant believe how people still worship the bunch of this tribal robbers who used to loot and kill Pilgrims before they were handed over the rule by the British empire.
Clown donkey salman is a murderer and anyone who thinks he is worthy of leading needs to check their record. From the murdering campaign by the Emiratis in Yemen and now having a direct hand in Ethiopia. They bulldozed all ancient sites in the name of progress. The mosque you talk about is just one - hundreds of others have been demolisted to make highways over them.

They are puppets who will sell their mothers for a buck.

Kuchy babe really did a number for his adopted uncle Bibi who used to stay at his house long before he came PM. They have a family relatioship going back decades.
Clown donkey salman is a murderer and anyone who thinks he is worthy of leading needs to check their record. From the murdering campaign by the Emiratis in Yemen and now having a direct hand in Ethiopia. They bulldozed all ancient sites in the name of progress. The mosque you talk about is just one - hundreds of others have been demolisted to make highways over them.

They are puppets who will sell their mothers for a buck.

Kuchy babe really did a number for his adopted uncle Bibi who used to stay at his house long before he came PM. They have a family relatioship going back decades.

He can be a murderer or worst human possible but does it really matter when he has all the power and indiscretion... ??

Looks like the arabs have finally decided to recognize Israel and make west , the qibla direction.....

Also , no one gives a shit about morality , especially the guys at top.....
Saudi Arabia Israel secret relation are coming out from the closset. After few more important countries recognizes Israel then Saudi Arabia will recognize Israel.
Pakistan must not anyway cease support for SA and UAE. I am not talking about some alliance, but number of times IK has said that Pak future is with China, I don't want US to play SA and UAE against Pak. So Pak must retain its friendship with SA. Excluding current leadership, SA has always been supportive of Pak even after nuclear blast. Whereas both Iran and Libya, despite having good relations, sold us out for US deal. Fair enough. We sill regard Iran a regional friend. So apply same for SA, who has been a close friend until recently.
US friendship is seasonal anyway so don't leave SA alone as US will leave them.
we should support Iran in case of any miss adventure by Israel, UAE or KSA for that matter
For that matter we mustn' support any invader.. be it Iran on SA or vice versa. We mustn't have more tension in our neighbours. Oil price will go high and our remittance will cease also besides refugee and desperation in region.
These middle-easterns are just a liability on this planet and to all these Umma Chumas, Allah apko hadayet naseeb keray.
Politics. Else they are our brothers. They supported us a lot. But current western educated leadership looks towards west more than Muslims.
Isn’t israeli PM dual nationality holder Israeli and American ?
So could be that an American visiting Saudi Arabia only.... depends on which passport he is flying. :partay:

Arabic morons And their illegitimate governments are cornered by on one side Iranian expansion and on another side by the Arabs Spring movements.... add to that we Pakistanis refused to fight their war in Yemen ( and rightfully) so no ray of hope that was exploited by Israelis.

or was it planified by Israelis and US strategists ?

Poor Palestinians, will they disappear from the surface of the earth as disappeared the red indians the natives of America ?

Now that the chess game seems to be lost for Palestinians, and a win for Israelis, what could be done for a true peace between Israelis and Palestinians ?
Could the arabics morons have an atome of neuronal cell in their brain and use this new situation to push Israel and Palestinians to move to real peace between them ? Maybe Iran is not helping at all....

so now I’m expecting a more stronger (military) push openly or covertly against Iran.

Watch this YouTube link :

Ok it’s only a video on YouTube, but it’s a video from a Rabbin (= our mufti ?).

it’s in French, don’t know if YouTube offer translation in English, but I will try to translate to English whenever I have time.

It’s a 2 years old video and he is talking about what is happening now in the Middle East. Next on the target list is Iran according to him... be sure they will do everything to destroy it.!

@denel what do you think about what Rav Ron Chaya is telling ? Update : oops you don’t speak French so you would have to wait the translation

@people @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan, @Clutch @waz who have knowledge about what is said in Quran about the current situation ?
I do not want enter in religious debate but only if you could tell what it is said ?

It would be interesting to compare both point of views

please Stay polite thanks.

@Mods if it’s off topic, then delete my message thanks.
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Take a look at the map. You will see a giant Iranian land literally surrounding tiny UAE,Bahrain,Kuwait etc
There is no way that after a Israeli attack from UAE those bases will survive volley after volley of mach 6 impacting BM's. It is a suicide mission for them.

They can carry out sabotage, hit&run tactics though but that won't change much on the ground.
How about the recent procurement of F35s
Anyway I am chuckling here ..... hahahaha !!!

Never thought I'd see these two flags together 😢
For past 7 decades Iranians have been pointing at the king that he is indeed naked while others didn't have the courage to admit .. by Trump administration and its policy make it clear for everyone that the king is naked ... so when the king is naked what about its clients and pawns?

How about the recent procurement of F35s
Maybe the jets are stealth but not the airports ... once they do something stupid they have no place to land ...
and has much as they get farther to get protection less they can do ... last time we hit american base their ships got 1000kms away from our shores ... everyday this distance getting further.
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