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Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'

What videos can we find on China? t- hilarious when Chinese show videos from the free world...

I see the free world you so cherish gave you a mouth and a few digits to run off topic with.

Where does China fit in the picture? I suggest you stick with the topic at hand.

Have you not learnt from the free world - 'What goes around comes around'?
The least you could do is to graciously accept the turd when it gets handed back to you, you can't always have things your way.

America thought they were in control, but Bibi thinks otherwise and have proven to the world so :lol:
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Yes, of coarse they do. Have you ever seen any Indian condemning Israels policies?
Speak for yourself. Go read the newspapers to see how many Indians condemn Israel's policies. And get a life. You sound deranged.
I see the free world you so cherish gave you a mouth and a few digits to run off topic with.

Where does China fit in the picture? I suggest you stick with the topic at hand.

Have you not learnt from the free world - 'What goes around comes around'?
The least you could do is to graciously accept the turd when it gets handed back to you, you can't always have things your way.

America thought they were in control, but Bibi thinks otherwise and have proven to the world so :lol:

Somewhere this morning a Chinese village is missing it's idiot.
Only radicals as a majority use the term Zionist on every occasion when describing Israel. The claim that people use it here all the time is a lie. Perhaps something you were told as a part of your upbringing. You may be a son of this soil but a homegrown Islamist you are, that is very self evident. Know this - your subtle bigotry and antisemitism is not fooling anyone. Just because you were born here- does not give you cover for your bigoted views. I do however suspect you were born , if you don't understand what it means when I say this is Judea christian country, just like India is a country based on Hindu principles and yet secular. You will always be a stain to this nation.

Now I see your agenda, I have gone through some of your posts and this sums it. As for your last sentence it is a good thing nobody cares what a Bharti thinks, I have summed up the reasoning behind the position of your people in a different thread perfectly you are free to go and find it for yourself as I will not rehash what I wrote for an insignificant person such as yourself.
Speak for yourself. Go read the newspapers to see how many Indians condemn Israel's policies. And get a life. You sound deranged.
those are fake Indian(Pakistani) or are brain washed muslims. Get a life
Just as post-war Germans, Palestinians should reject any false prophets of any political or religious persuasion such as Hamas.
You should be thanking the 'Jews' for showing remarkable restraint against the Palestinian extremists and their supporters; Germany in the final stage of the Second World War did not get those 'luxuries' as Palestinians in Gaza are getting today. If the 'Jews' were doing what the Russians and the Western allies did, we would be talking about millions of dead Palestinians.

Palestinians should reject the ideology of Hamas, a totalitarian ideology used to terrorize its own people. Anyone who asks you to leave your problems for him to solve in exchange for total obedience must be immediately removed like a tumour.
Israel is doing you guys a favour by removing those fascist elements from Gaza.

A disillusioned Palestinian explains:

The horrors that fanatical Islamists of Hamas are inflicting on their own. Told by Christian Palestinian Arab. Those infantile naive westerners that who think that Hamas is some sort of romantic pure freedom fighting white knights must watch this clip.

Islamist murderers of Hamas as told by Christian Palestinian Arab - YouTube!

The Palestinian children and women murdered by the israelis cannot see the tale of the israeli 'restraint' you're talking about. So, STFP!
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