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Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'

Getting Personal is Acceptance of Loss of words in a Debate and not a very graceful way to accept defeat .

It's your zionazi master who is suffering from loss of words, hence, there's no reply to what I said, instead a minion yelps from its hole.
for 3 Israeli 80 Palestinian are martyr of whom maximum are civilian nad children yet their thirst for blood yet to over
Even a single loss of life is too much. But the people who vow to push the Israelis into
the sea won't care.

Some people have been throwing Palestinians out of Palestine for the last half a century. I won't blame the Palestinians if they want to push the robbers into the sea.
Minions never have any personality, they are like a hollow balloon, so there's no question of getting personal.

LOL what a medieval and Picturesque use of language . Hollow balloon indeed .
Posted as a simple but true commentary:

Posted as a simple but true commentary:


Best comment by far, pretty much sums up everything that goes on. Most media channels are reporting Hamas started it while Hamas claim they are retaliating because of raids launched on the strip meanwhile Palestinians suffer regardless. Hopefully the zionazi netanyahoo does not prolong this further with a ground incursion.
So, according to many posters here, he is promising a Palestinian fairy tale...because the holocaust is a myth.

Which poster on this forum ever denied the Holocaust?? There have been posters who have disputed the numbers killed.
Which poster on this forum ever denied the Holocaust?? There have been posters who have disputed the numbers killed.

start a topic and watch all the Iran supporters do so. You should visit some the Jewish Holocaust historians, un bias ones, in new york- if you are confused about the numbers.
start a topic and watch all the Iran supporters do so. You should visit some the Jewish Holocaust historians, un bias ones, in new york- if you are confused about the numbers.

Nah, I don't have a problem with the numbers. I have a problem with the exploitation of the Holocaust nearly 70 years after the fact to justify violence and oppression.

"Never again"
terrorists must be dealt with iron hand and israel is doing the right thing
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