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Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'

Nah, I don't have a problem with the numbers. I have a problem with the exploitation of the Holocaust nearly 70 years after the fact to justify violence and oppression.
Yeah, I get that now and then from anti-Semites who tell me to my face, "Hitler didn't finish the job" and threaten me. The Israelis get it even more, of course. Turning it about to claim that Israel is the party doing it to others is phony propaganda. It's popular, yes, but that doesn't make it any less phony.
Nah, I don't have a problem with the numbers. I have a problem with the exploitation of the Holocaust nearly 70 years after the fact to justify violence and oppression.

"Never again"

You can't say " never again" and then in the same breath call the Holocaust as some old thing being exploited. Holocaust is never used to oppress people, it is to remind the nut jobs that it is for real. sad, you are living in this country and would have such irresponsible views. I guess you maybe of this country but " not" of this country in your motives.
If India is to comment any thing on situation that will only be in Israel's favor. We are not like UK or US. We are anti terrorists.

As the saying goes " इज़्रेल तुम युध करो, हम तुम्हारे साथ है " Israel tum yudh karo hum tumhare saath hai
If India is to comment any thing on situation that will only be in Israel's favor. We are not like UK or US. We are anti terrorists.

As the saying goes " इज़्रेल तुम युध करो, हम तुम्हारे साथ है " Israel tum yudh karo hum tumhare saath hai

Good to know that. Almost 90% Hindus do believe like you.
You can't say " never again" and then in the same breath call the Holocaust as some old thing being exploited. Holocaust is never used to oppress people, it is to remind the nut jobs that it is for real. sad, you are living in this country and would have such irresponsible views. I guess you maybe of this country but " not" of this country in your motives.

You obviously took my quote of never again out of context. The zionists say never again whenever somebody questions their motives which was what I was referring to. Second, you do not need to agree with the zionists to be American. There are plenty of Americans like me who think they do nothing but cause us trouble (you can find examples of this on the internet if going outside and talking to people is too much, just check out comments on ny times online pieces or even cnn. I am going to guess you are much older than me but you should ask some of the college folk how they feel about the zionists, a lot of people are sick of our tax money going to them while our economy is in shambles). If you think you have to support zionists to be American than in reality you are not an American. The beauty of this nation is that everyone can form their own opinions, if you do not see that it is your loss. America first and foremost before anybody else. The zionist lobby poured millions of dollars into the Romney camp and yet he failed to win the presidency (when was the last time that ever happened??). Goes to show you that the majority of Americans are more worried about this country (our latinos, and blacks do not sympathize with people thousands of miles away from us and they are the ones who decided this election and will be deciding most future elections. Only christian evangelicals are rampantly pro zionist even the majority of American Jews voted Obama because they care about America first).
You obviously took my quote of never again out of context. The zionists say never again whenever somebody questions their motives which was what I was referring to. Second, you do not need to agree with the zionists to be American. There are plenty of Americans like me who think they do nothing but cause us trouble (you can find examples of this on the internet if going outside and talking to people is too much, just check out comments on ny times online pieces or even cnn. I am going to guess you are much older than me but you should ask some of the college folk how they feel about the zionists, a lot of people are sick of our tax money going to them while our economy is in shambles). If you think you have to support zionists to be American than in reality you are not an American. The beauty of this nation is that everyone can form their own opinions, if you do not see that it is your loss. America first and foremost before anybody else. The zionist lobby poured millions of dollars into the Romney camp and yet he failed to win the presidency (when was the last time that ever happened??). Goes to show you that the majority of Americans are more worried about this country (our latinos, and blacks do not sympathize with people thousands of miles away from us and they are the ones who decided this election and will be deciding most future elections. Only christian evangelicals are rampantly pro zionist even the majority of American Jews voted Obama because they care about America first).

the one people who keep referring to the Jews as Zionist are anti Semites and largely Muslims in the US. I don't need to read the " some" on the internet or the " some " in our universities. Those who are against Israel, 99.99% don't do so because because they feel Zionists have taken over. Nor did Zionist give to Romney, a handful of Jews did and twice as many if not 4 x as many gave to Obama , just their dollar amounts could not match Sheldon's checks. Those who gave to him largely did so for their business in the US not because of some Zionist plot .

Finally, those oppose Israel in the US, again 99.99% of them, don't challenge the holocaust like you do. You are Islamist to scared to move to your kind of country but plenty free to push your Islamist agenda( I've seen your posting history here) from the bosoms of this Judea christian country.
the one people who keep referring to the Jews as Zionist are anti Semites and largely Muslims in the US. I don't need to read the " some" on the internet or the " some " in our universities. Those who are against Israel, 99.99% don't do so because because they feel Zionists have taken over. Nor did Zionist give to Romney, a handful of Jews did and twice as many if not 4 x as many gave to Obama , just their dollar amounts could not match Sheldon's checks. Those who gave to him largely did so for their business in the US not because of some Zionist plot .

Finally, those oppose Israel in the US, again 99.99% of them, don't challenge the holocaust like you do. You are Islamist to scared to move to your kind of country but plenty free to push your Islamist agenda( I've seen your posting history here) from the bosoms of this Judea christian country.

You are obviously misinformed like most of your compatriots here. It is not anti-semiticism to refer to Israelis as Zionists, in fact they take pride in it ask any of the Israeli posters here. Yes AIPAC threw money behind Romney that is a fact even they do not deny nor did I say it was a plot, I just said he was their preferred choice. Lmao I am a son of the soil unlike you, you are an immigrant. My family has paid its dues to this nation for more years than you have probably even been on this planet. Judea Christian country is something Republicans throw around. Look up separation of Church and state for your answer to that baloney and if there are some values from Christianity taken it is the universal laws common to all religions like thou shall not kill. The founding fathers all held various different beliefs (different sects of Protestantism) which is why secularism was a must in order to maintain the union. Accusing me of being an Islamist is something new even the Zionists on this forum have never accused me of that and I have had more heated conversations with them than you. However by all means run and tell the world about my nefarious agenda. :rolleyes:

Yeah, your grandparents were also spreading 'disinformation' about the Nazis from their concentration camps, don't forget that!

Just as post-war Germans, Palestinians should reject any false prophets of any political or religious persuasion such as Hamas.
You should be thanking the 'Jews' for showing remarkable restraint against the Palestinian extremists and their supporters; Germany in the final stage of the Second World War did not get those 'luxuries' as Palestinians in Gaza are getting today. If the 'Jews' were doing what the Russians and the Western allies did, we would be talking about millions of dead Palestinians.

Palestinians should reject the ideology of Hamas, a totalitarian ideology used to terrorize its own people. Anyone who asks you to leave your problems for him to solve in exchange for total obedience must be immediately removed like a tumour.
Israel is doing you guys a favour by removing those fascist elements from Gaza.

A disillusioned Palestinian explains:

The horrors that fanatical Islamists of Hamas are inflicting on their own. Told by Christian Palestinian Arab. Those infantile naive westerners that who think that Hamas is some sort of romantic pure freedom fighting white knights must watch this clip.

Islamist murderers of Hamas as told by Christian Palestinian Arab - YouTube!
You are obviously misinformed like most of your compatriots here. It is not anti-semiticism to refer to Israelis as Zionists, in fact they take pride in it ask any of the Israeli posters here. Yes AIPAC threw money behind Romney that is a fact even they do not deny nor did I say it was a plot, I just said he was their preferred choice. Lmao I am a son of the soil unlike you, you are an immigrant. My family has paid its dues to this nation for more years than you have probably even been on this planet. Judea Christian country is something Republicans throw around. Look up separation of Church and state for your answer to that baloney and if there are some values from Christianity taken it is the universal laws common to all religions like thou shall not kill. The founding fathers all held various different beliefs (different sects of Protestantism) which is why secularism was a must in order to maintain the union. Accusing me of being an Islamist is something new even the Zionists on this forum have never accused me of that and I have had more heated conversations with them than you. However by all means run and tell the world about my nefarious agenda. :rolleyes:

Only radicals as a majority use the term Zionist on every occasion when describing Israel. The claim that people use it here all the time is a lie. Perhaps something you were told as a part of your upbringing. You may be a son of this soil but a homegrown Islamist you are, that is very self evident. Know this - your subtle bigotry and antisemitism is not fooling anyone. Just because you were born here- does not give you cover for your bigoted views. I do however suspect you were born , if you don't understand what it means when I say this is Judea christian country, just like India is a country based on Hindu principles and yet secular. You will always be a stain to this nation.
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