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Israeli FM: Peace deal 'impossible' after Palestinian unity agreement

The Palestinian in the West Bank have better life and more political freedom under Israel than Arabs around the ME.

He just took another chapter out of his hasbara playbook. :omghaha:

Dear God, are any of you pro-Israel shills not paid propagandists? :D

No, people like you must leave Iran.

Iran is his actual nation, Palestine is not your land, end your occupation.
He just took another chapter out of his hasbara playbook. :omghaha:

Dear God, are any of you pro-Israel shills not paid propagandists? :D

Iran is his actual nation, Palestine is not your land, end your occupation.

I am doing it for free and enjoying every minute :yahoo:
Show me your country's borders, I can show you Iran's.

in 2000! years ago we owned many countries too!

Good for you.
The Palestinians does not want peace but just to destroy Israel. Otherwise why they so afraid from Israel's offer for peace and a Palestinian state in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as they always said they want?

dude , you are occupying someone's Country , and now you are saying that they can resist ? don't you think its unfair ? ? the Site your are holding is Holy for All of us muslims , jews and Christians but I don't think we muslims have any plans to destroy any Church or Wall to create our kingdom ...

They were happy to see Palestinians killing each other so any unity means Palestinians will strive harder for an independent nation which Israel wants to delay for as long as possible. I really hope Hamas and Fatah stick together this time.

International community must put pressure on Israel for a two state solution. Hamas must also recognise Israel as part of the deal.
The Jews are behind everything - the spread of Aids, world hunger, global warming, earthquakes.

Whatever, so Israel cannot negotiate with an entity which poised to destroy it. Why do you complain?
Stop liying, Hamas are your dogs fighting palestinians
You tell them to make a fake peace with Fatah so you can destroy the peace processus again
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