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Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

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Not long ago Pakistani's on PDF used to offer without invite PAF, Pakistan Army to defend GCC/UAE. They would tout Pakistani military officers detailed to train UAE forces. Today the GCC has found a better partner - Israel. And I personally wish USE the best. I believe they made the right decision. It can't have been easy. UAE-Israel Zindabad.

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For the benefit of Pakistan I wish we too would establish full diplomatic and bilateral ties to Israel. Problem is that the low IQ religious retards won't let us. They'll burn Pakistan to the ground.
I am off but please teach these ignorant Bakistani's that recognition of Israel is a smart thing to do and their manhoods will not fall of because of some Israeli conspiracy. We will get to where you are maybe ten or twenty years.

take care. Pakistan is WAY ahead of the UAE in many technologies and sciences, and would benefit GREATLY if they build relations with Israel.

to be clear though, I would much rather Pakistani scientist do all the work themselves, i would be MUCH more proud.
I don't know the situation but I'm just guessing here.
We will be decried as western, westoxified libtards at best or Zionist agents and get lynched at worse. The only way we would fit is if we sang even bigger songs against Israel, even bigger against West and then gave up anything remotely western. Then openly tout all that is primitive and that has destroyed Pakistan. Then we might gain some currency. But what would that achieve? We would have become part of the problem and not the solution.

Just look at Imran Khan today and 25 years ago. In the land of blind you have to act blind.
I believe israel is a major hub for trafficking women.
Pakistan is WAY ahead of the UAE in many technologies and sciences
No nig deal. That was because we had a earlier tangle with the British that was also deeper than you. So two or even three generations ago some of our people got influenced by British. Some went to Britain or USA and came back highly educated. It was these people that gave Pakistan the edge. This has nothing to do with native or local desi culture. It's just Westenisation imported.
We will be decried as western, westoxified libtards at best or Zionist agents and get lynched at worse. The only way we would fit is if we sang even bigger songs against Israel, even bigger against West and then gave up anything remotely western. Then openly tout all that is primitive and that has destroyed Pakistan. Then we might gain some currency. But what would that achieve? We would have become part of the problem and not the solution.

Just look at Imran Khan today and 25 years ago. In the land of blind you have to act blind.

I have a lot to learn , did not imagine it to be this bad to be honest.
I believe israel is a major hub for trafficking women.
Nope. Istanbul, Turkey, Albania, Berlin, Germany are.
have a lot to learn , did not imagine it to be this bad to be honest.
It is. To be sure you also had the same primitive thinking. But good rule and massive amount of money mean't veery quickly your small population was dragged into the 21st century. Now Emiratis have become increasingly cosmopolitan and global minded. In Pakistan maybe 5% are progressive, 5% sit on the fence, 40% apologetic to primitive thinking, 50% are primitive. Even most Pakistan's living in west are mentally primitive.
I pray from allah that he makes these poor hira mandi girls rich so that they are not forced by pajeets in to prostitution .
you should replace them & earn for their bread & better by working your as$ off in heera mandi.
  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.


حد ہو گئ
ہم رہ گئے
To Tumhay Kia ? Un Ka Mulk Wo Janay.. :bunny:

Ab Mia Khalifah kay baad, Habibah Khalifah k anay se tumharay pait mein maroorr uthnay lagay hain ? :rofl:
  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.

You cannot make this up:laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:

Israeli men run away from strict Jewish matrons? I always though of Gulf Arabs as a very eclectic bunch, but this!

Last time I've been to Dubai, streets were littered with business cards of their "professionals." You don't get this level of obnoxiousness even in the most shitty hotels in China.
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