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Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

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What an idiotic article - what is unique about Dubai? Israelis can go to any country to indulge these things and they probably have been - why make a political point about UAE??

Any country open to outsiders, may be exploited by those outsiders for immoral purposes. This is not unique to Israelis or Dubai.
Apparently they are so afraid of their wives, they have to fly as far as Dubai to untie their wonkie

Israeli/Jewish women although very pretty, are very cold, difficult, awkward and frigid. They will never give you anything yet they all want to live the lives of rich princesses. They are the biggest gold diggers ever known to mankind. That is why in New York, Jewish men are increasingly even marrying black and latino women. There is a reason why Jewish men call Jewish women, "ball breakers".
  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.


what is news worthy about this ?
I assume most of the prostitutes are Russian or East European
It is not Emirati woman, it is mostly European, and African prostitutes.

Lol... Keep dreaming... Young Emirati women are watching... Maybe not today but tomorrow they be following in daddy's footsteps into the whore house.... La,la,la ... La, la
Of course its mostly Russians/Ukies probably I doubt Emiratis are that too open I mean Dubai is like 70-80 percent Expat

Immorality in society sooner or later percolates throughout...

That is the nature of sin... It's cannot made an acceptable segregated issue. It's like cancer. It spreads.
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He looks Israeli? He has his blonde love slave aka love bot. He is no Mr. Universe though. Often see Israelis or rich men with their blonde love slaves. Charlie Sheen had two.
Oh, Superman's cousin is a blonde, isn't she? So I guess all those love slaves, women made into robots, so men around the world can use them would be related to Clark Kent and also Zod. Other supposed entertainment fictional events and people are real perhaps so are Superman and Zod. If they are real then a whole bunch of abusers are going to be in deep shit.

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It is not Emirati woman, it is mostly European, and African prostitutes.

Yep Eastern European, Russian, Ukraine, Africa and Latin American countries.
Also many US and UK instagram 'models' also moonlight in Dubai i.e. rich dude sees her profile and makes her an offer. They fly over and do the deal. It's actually very common.

Arab women don't do this.
Yep Eastern European, Russian, Ukraine, Africa and Latin American countries.
Also many US and UK instagram 'models' also moonlight in Dubai i.e. rich dude sees her profile and makes her an offer. They fly over and do the deal. It's actually very common.

Arab women don't do this.

are you sure...
Lol... Keep dreaming... Young Emirati women are watching... Maybe not today but tomorrow they be following in daddy's footsteps into the whore house.... La,la,la ... La, la

Immorality in society sooner or later percolates throughout...

as though pakistan is free of such sins
Interestingly Google has statistics of which countries lead in downloading P0rn. And don't be surprised to learn that the most conservative societies where sex is taboo lead both straight and unconventional sex video downloads.
It is not Emirati woman, it is mostly European, and African prostitutes.

Well done, Philip. What a justification. Well, if that makes some people sleep better at night... This is how far Muslims have come. Arab countries like the UAE expect others to follow their lead as an Islamic country LOL What a joke.
Well done, Philip. What a justification. Well, if that makes some people sleep better at night... This is how far Muslims have come. Arab countries like the UAE expect others to follow their lead as an Islamic country.
I'm simply stating the facts, don't kill the messenger.
as though pakistan is free of such sins

Pakistan doesn't import hookers from Eastern European countries for others to enjoy. You cannot compare local prostitution to international scale prostitution perpetrated by the UAE. Let's call it how it is. Exploitation.

I'm simply stating the facts, don't kill the messenger.

Where is your condemnation though? Your facts are obvious and needless to state. The UAE is acting immorally depraved and you know it.
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  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.

Even Bollywood is involved in this heinous business. Even top heroine of Bollywood are involved.
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