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Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

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What is so funny? Eastern European women getting exploited in a country that calls itself Islamic?

Cut the crap! They go their willingly and knowing what kind of business they are getting into. Also, what is the source of the bogus article written by a butt-hurt Pakistani except their twisted fantasies. I bet the author is just thirsting over some sex in Dubai himself. As for Islam, didn't the prophet himself have sex and allow sex with sex slaves? (Malakat alyameen)
Cut the crap! They go their willingly and knowing what kind of business they are getting into. Also, what is the source of the bogus article written by a butt-hurt Pakistani except their twisted fantasies. I bet the author is just thirsting over some sex in Dubai himself. As for Islam, didn't the prophet himself have sex and allow sex with sex slaves? (Malakat alyameen)

They go there because the UAE provides them with such an opportunity to exploit hookers. As for being butt hurt, why are you on a Pakistani defence forum LOL It is funny you accuse Pakistanis for being butt hurt, but here you are finding your way on a Pakistani forum.

No, the prophet never had sex outside marriage. You are a disgusting liar.
I am clueless? You don't even have an answer to more than half of my reply, while you pretend to be a dumbfuck Emirati here wishing the best to
Pakistan, who has no clue what his country is doing. But I am clueless. **** off.

And don't worry. No one, no one in Pakistan holds a favorable view of UAE or its **** buddy Saudi Arabia, anymore.

No matter who's in power, UAE will be treated like a pest.

And as for wars, don't worry. No economy, or best economy, we know how to deal with countries who think they can dictate to us.

Using profanity is a sign of weakness or not accepting reality that is presented to you. Not a good look Yar.

I do wish Pakistanis all the best. Stop with the emotions. I can state the reality of your economy and still want the best for Pakistanis.

Also, don't even try and spread the lie that no Pakistanis are hand in hand with Emiratis. The majority of them are. I am glad Al hamdulelah that you are a minority.

Respect and love to my Pakistani brothers <3
Wow 18 Pages of dribble on this topic :hitwall:
Come on fellas it's the oldest profession in the world, no one has been able to stop it.
I mean for my Pakistani friends there is always Hira Mandi in Multan. Why fret over a Jew spending his money where he wants.
Not some buddy. Your kind are operating in Southeast Asian countries in droves. It is like a factory. The Internet is filled with British peadophiles posting their crap. Boasting how they exploit and abuse women and underaged girls in that part of the world. Elon Musk didn't call the Brit a peadophile by mistake. That was a well intended jibe.

my kind? LOL you obviously don't know what I am.
as far as some....we can see the numbers. We can see who has the women. We can see who is arrested and convicted. We can see who creep into the lands of others to beg and steal. We can see who can create nothing and have to live off of others. Those are all facts we can see. Elon Musk is a liar, a thief and parasite who recycles old technology created by others.
In other words, it's okay for white middle aged men to be pedophiles as the victims are non-white................. :disagree:............it's only a problem if the victims are white............:disagree:

no, it is not okay for any men to be pedophiles. I am not the one protecting convicted rapists who are of Pakistani descent because they are Pakistani or perhaps because they are Muslims.
no, it is not okay for any men to be pedophiles. I am not the one protecting convicted rapists who are of Pakistani descent because they are Pakistani or perhaps because they are Muslims.

No. Instead you are protecting white middle aged male pedophiles.
Cut the crap! They go their willingly and knowing what kind of business they are getting into. Also, what is the source of the bogus article written by a butt-hurt Pakistani except their twisted fantasies. I bet the author is just thirsting over some sex in Dubai himself. As for Islam, didn't the prophet himself have sex and allow sex with sex slaves? (Malakat alyameen)
Are Moroccans not afraid of these Israeli sex predators coming into Morocco ?
No. Instead you are protecting white middle aged male pedophiles.

Where is your proof? That girlie bars exist in SE Asia? That the places with HUGE numbers of sex slaves are Asian countries? That Eastern European women are trafficked in large numbers? Interesting that all those things are happening in places other than the UK, Canada, USA and Australia. Guess somebody in ABCANz at least tries to uphold the law and protect people. If ABCANz nations are bad then don't go to them.
Where is your proof? That girlie bars exist in SE Asia? That the places with HUGE numbers of sex slaves are Asian countries? That Eastern European women are trafficked in large numbers? Interesting that all those things are happening in places other than the UK, Canada, USA and Australia. Guess somebody in ABCANz at least tries to uphold the law and protect people. If ABCANz nations are bad then don't go to them.

So according to you, the "girlie" bars justify the reason and need to become pedophiles?........... :disagree:
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