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Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

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Strange - cant isrealis get sex in israel ?
Iran is the the only "threat" to Israel. Arab countries are pathetic losers and gave up Pakistan is barley relevent in the wider Mid East besides cheap labor migration to Gulf, Turkey is more like frenamies or cordal its because Erdogan populism but when he leaves just watch the Turks take relations to next level rest of the Muslim countries are too far away why Iran well the 40 year regime has built a big narrative against Israel any form normalization would hurt the regime
Inshallah, Pakistan will establishes full diplomatic and bilateral relations with Israel just like the Palestinians have done with india. PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST. NOTHING ELSE matters.
I say Salam to you bcoz Quran says , say slam to the arrogant and ignorant who is senseless and don't argue with him,وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَانِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنًا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمْ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَامًا
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  • Prostitution in Dubai has allowed Israeli men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire
  • New development comes a month after UAE opened its airspace to Israel
Fahad Zulfikar 18 Dec 2020


(Karachi) In a startling revelation, Israeli men are reportedly flying in groups to Dubai to "sleep with prostitutes" just a month after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) opened its airspace to Israel, an article published in Ynet News reported.

The report highlighted the new disgusting phenomenon related to Israeli men who travelled to the UAE with a mission to "sleep with as many prostitutes as possible." The 'sex tourism' in Dubai has allowed the men to come to town with thousands of dollars in their pockets just to fulfill their sexual desire.

"It happens in the luxury hotels of Dubai, in the nightclubs, everywhere. Outside the hotels, people walk around with brochures and shove you in the hand," says Benny, a businessman who visits Dubai frequently.

"They already recognize the groups of Israelis, approach them with options of a photo gallery on an iPad or mobile. Everything is very open, as if it were a pizza menu with toppings," he said.

Another businessman Shlomi said, "This is a thriving Israeli sex tourism business in Dubai."

Meanwhile, Eran, who flew to Dubai from Tel Aviv with his friends has been staying in a luxury hotel. He and his friends say they came here to sleep with the prostitutes. The group paid a hefty amount for the purpose highlighting the degrading treatment of women in UAE.

A few months ago, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab states to break a longstanding taboo in a strategic realignment of Middle Eastern countries against Iran.

US President Donald Trump hosted the White House ceremony, capping a dramatic month when first the UAE and then Bahrain agreed to reverse decades of ill will without a resolution of Israel's decades-old dispute with the Palestinians.

The deals, denounced by the Palestinians, make them the third and fourth Arab states to take such steps to normalize ties since Israel signed peace treaties with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The pact which brought Israel, the UAE and Bahrain together reflects their shared concern about Iran's rising influence in the region and development of ballistic missiles. Iran has been critical of the agreement.

This is fake news as there are a lot of good quality prostitutes in Tel Aviv

They certainly richer than a keyboard warrior pajit like the one reading this post.

i pray from allah that he makes these poor hira mandi girls rich so that they are not forced by pajeets in to prostitution .
You mean Sonagachi girls?

i mean your pir wadhai boys , poor boys offer themselves for prostitution .
go see BBC documentary “shame of pakistan”
This what ticks me off I live in comfort in America and yet my homeland is still poor grrr, my dad left Pakistan in like 1976 and I would argue he seems more nationalistic now than ever but deep down he knows he wont see any improvement in his lifetime so gotta cope somehow my hope is when my middle age at least Pakistan at least becomes 2nd world or middle income

So your plan is to just Hope for the best ? Not exactly a plan per say. Perhaps go back to Pakistan and benefit your mother land ? i wouldn't want you to become a pathetic loser too !
Inshallah, Pakistan will establishes full diplomatic and bilateral relations with Israel just like the Palestinians have done with india. PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST. NOTHING ELSE matters.
agree fully , also israelis are talented people , they have established a strong country from scratch, we share many things with them and can learn from them , we literally have nothing in common with arabs , i feel way more comfortable with whites and east asians than with these middle easterners or indians..
I say Salam to you bcoz Quran says kalu slamn min tulkalamat e hi minal jahileen,

Doesn't stop the Palestinians and other Arab states from having full diplomatic and bilateral ties to india. Nor does it stop so called "religious" Pakistanis from being ultra corrupt and immoral.
Strange - cant isrealis get sex in israel ?

Most Jewish/Israeli girls are cold and frigid. They also treat their men very badly. Jewish/Israeli women just want money. Nothing else.
Not long ago Pakistani's on PDF used to offer without invite PAF, Pakistan Army to defend GCC/UAE. They would tout Pakistani military officers detailed to train UAE forces. Today the GCC has found a better partner - Israel. And I personally wish USE the best. I believe they made the right decision. It can't have been easy. UAE-Israel Zindabad.

So your plan is to just Hope for the best ? Not exactly a plan per say. Perhaps go back to Pakistan and benefit your mother land ? i wouldn't want you to become a pathetic loser too !
I would but the same "countrymen" would either want bribes or claim I am a "traitor" with some of my views tbh
darn it Indus Pakistan :P if Pakistan joins the club , I will Photoshop Pakistan's flag into that photo and use Islamabad as a backdrop to add insult to injury
Not long ago Pakistani's on PDF used to offer without invite PAF, Pakistan Army to defend GCC/UAE. They would tout Pakistani military officers detailed to train UAE forces. Today the GCC has found a better partner - Israel. And I personally wish USE the best. I believe they made the right decision. It can't have been easy. UAE-Israel Zindabad.

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I cant believe when I joined in 2018 the moment you mentioned Iran in a non-sectarian view and try to be cordial that forum members here use to call you "majoosi" but several months after with all these shifts it all lead to rapid confusion on this fourm
I would but the same "countrymen" would either want bribes or claim I am a "traitor" with some of my views tbh

I highly doubt it. Unless you or your father are some sort of political figures or you plan to start protests in the streets , the officials shouldn't really care for you ?

anyway , I don't know the situation but I'm just guessing here.
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