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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

The outcomes are simple

Iran has 71,000,000 Million people , and 1,000,000 (1 million)
armed men to teeth.

Vs 50,000 soliders in UAE.
Vs tired soliders in Afghanistan
Vs tired soliders in Iraq

If Iran pre-emptive strikes the airfields in Israel with 600 missiles
80% of F16 in Israel's airforce would be unflyable.

Together with Iran moving 100,000 soliders into Iraq
Together with Syria moving 100,000 soliders into Iraq

Iraq will be taken over - and which will create flow of troops between iran and syria

Mean while if Israel retaliates via airstrikes , lets say it launches 100% of its fleet towards iran , it will face

a) S200, S300
b) Tor
c) Soviet 80's long range missiles
d) Chinese air defences
e) Iranian defences
f) Normal Anti Air weapons

Not to forget 800 planes iran has in its inventory also armed with missiles

Also not forgeting Syrian Airforce would be factor as they have
200 planes

Iran's 100-160 cobras , could destroy the military artiliry that Israel has and it would create havoc

Iran could also use its 80+ C130 transport lift units to move its Tanks into Israel borders for seige meanwhile the syrian forces would move in 100,000 soliders into Israel.

Iran could also arm up malitia in Israel with shoulder missiles and heavy machine guns and anti tank so that would be added 120,000
regional soliders - people into combat.

So by this time 100,000 soliders (Syrian in Israel)
200,000 soliders in Iraq( Syria + Iran)
90,000 soliders in UAE
120,000 Palestinians (armed with anti tank)

And additional 90,000 troops would be moving from iraq to Israel in military convoys, while the missiles would continue to rain in

Iran would mine the heck out of the Gulf sea , and no large vessel could go thru, and its 10-15 subs would ensure that no large ship comes close to its borders.

Its 10 subs would be enough to keep large ship out of close range

The Airforce 500-800 planes would be hoping for dog fight to visually spot any stealth plane intrusions

So from a technical point of view - its not in Israel's favour to attack

It will suffer heavy defeats

Iranains have man power and element of suprise , no one knows exactly what they have or don't have

Distance from Iran - Syria is about 500km , roughly 5-6 hours main forces would be in syria to support a joint effort to launch a joint offensive on Israel

UAE at the closes point is about 40-50 km away from iran may be 20 min plane ride

Did the russians supplied Iranians with Sukhoi or not we don't know
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Nima ,

I think Iranian Air Force is not .... but they are handicaped do we have an agreement on that ?

no we don't, I actually think it's PURE **** :D

I find it funny how everyone here except you is only taking one thing into consideration!
You guys wanna know our detterents, I'll list a few

1) say Israel attacks Iran w/out US support!!
Which is impossible since they don't have enough planes but w/ever, lets say somehow they attack, do you think they will manage to hit more than 200 sites?
There are more than 50 nuke related sites scattered all over Iran alone!! Iran saw what happened to Iraq and Syria and instread of putting all installations at one site, it scattered them all over the country! Not only that, they're deep under ground, smtg the syrians and Iraqis couldn't do. The distance between bushehr and the most northern part of Iran is just as much as Israel to Bushehr and the distance between bushehr to the most North Eastern part of Iran is MORE than the distance between Israel to Bushehr!!!
But when they attack they won't just hit nuke sites, they will have to hit ALL MILITARY INSTALLATIONS AS WELL so that Iran won't be able to mount a response. Those are scattered all over the country as well. Finally, as you know unlike Iraq where they were able to finish the job w/ a few planes, here they will need HUNDREDS (refuilling etc...). All these planes will show on radars, they won't be able to hide themselves like they did in Iraq.

Are we gonna sit on our ***** and scratch our heads? **** NO!!
The least we will do is send our Armed forces into AFG, IRAQ and Azerbaijan and then there is the hezbollah factor as well.
Tell me, what are the Americans gonna do in Iraq with 300 000 trained forces and AT LEAST ANOTHER few hundred thousand basiji volunteers??
Even if we attack them with forks and sppons we can take them out!!!!

3) @ the same time we can attack US's navy in the Persian Gulf. The shallow and narrow waters of the PG are no Indian ocean!
Even from the shore we can bombard them with missiles.

4) possible danger to the world's oil supplies, that alone is a major deterrent

5) our ballistics
Sejil, shahabs etc.. etc...

6) possible danger that Israel will be unable to destroy all the hidden sites and with the available enriched uranium Iran will make a Nuke in 6 to 12 months by pulling out of the NPT.


In the end Israel is safer to deal with Iran in another way and THEY KNOW IT AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT.

yeah, our airforce is ****, but we are neither an expansionist country like Israel or the US nor do we have an enemy on our border like Pakistan. Our situation is completely diff than you guys so don't compare Iran w/ Pakistan. These crappy jets are good enough to keep the likes of Azerbaijan and AFG @ bay. Until we decide to attack someone we simply don't need gen 4 or 5 jets.

btw just for arguements sake I ignored the fact that Iran will be able to hit at least some of the Israeli jets with the available air defences that we. That alone is another detterent. Hundreds of planes showing on radar isn't the same as what happened in Iraq.
It wont just be US and Israel attacking Iran, if you look at all the previous conflicts within the region all arab nations were opposed to them. However, in this particular case the issue of Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb or having a mature enough program is percieved as a vital threat by the arabs. Saudis are willing to let Israel use their airspace, so is UAE.

Also Iran's government couldnt have managed this whole thing more horribly, two of the countries that had Iran's back till now were Russia and China but Irans failed diplomacy has resulted in Iran loosing favor with both of them. As i meantioned befored, this wont be a full-scale attack but mere surgical strikes aimed at destroying the nuclear sites within Iran.

That being said, Iran still has one trump card. US is tied down fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, The ongoing ops in Afghanistan will deem success or failure of US in Afghanistan, if these strikes are carried out against Iran, it will surely start a guerilla war alongside the taliban.

Why do you think there is a sense of urgency in "reconciliating" with the taliban, this is the reason for that. If the US is able to reconcile with the talibs, Iran will have no leverage left. So basically right now all the efforts to reconciliate with the taliban are deemed at minimizing Iran's influence or any future eventualities. If the US is able to overcome that barrier then its bye-bye nuclear program, and that is exactly the reason why Iran is trying to aid talibans so they can keep the marines tied down. But with the current developments in Afghanistan its only a matter of time before Iran loses the taliban card too. Also Iran's nuclear program hasn't matured enough yet, it will have to cross a certain threshold to deem it strike worthy
dream about war it won't happen soon..sometimes think positive..If iranians or Jews say"india attack pakistan and do this and that" i'll like to read your comments by that time..
lastly clarify your stance..
Let me address some of the people here that beleive Iran has a chance. Firstly, the Israeli airforce is large, obviosly, and very well trained, obviosly. Now, Iran has some air defences but Israel has drones, why is this important? Because Israeli drones that can identify air defences. moreover, if Israel has armed drones they can soften eneny positions before Israeli figters move in, the Israelis may also choose to fly around air defences or hit them with cruise missles (the Israelis train for these scenarios). Looking at past Israeli wars we know that Israel has a very effective spy network, in past wars the Israelis knew key enemy possitions and important targets, one of the main reasons the Israeli airforce was so effective in past wars was because of their spys, the Israelis knew the best time to attack Egyptian airfields in other words they knew when the Egyptians were most volnerable. Some people seem to think that the Israeli will just fly over Iran and start a bombing campaign, but they are wrong, alot of planing goes into these attacks. If Israel will go to war they will gather intelligence on Iran, they will utilize drones, they will take out Iranians airfields before most of Iran's aircraft will be able to takeoff, and if need be they will engage and shoot down inferior Iranian aircraft and pilots.
It wont just be US and Israel attacking Iran, if you look at all the previous conflicts within the region all arab nations were opposed to them. However, in this particular case the issue of Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb or having a mature enough program is percieved as a vital threat by the arabs. Saudis are willing to let Israel use their airspace, so is UAE.

Also Iran's government couldnt have managed this whole thing more horribly, two of the countries that had Iran's back till now were Russia and China but Irans failed diplomacy has resulted in Iran loosing favor with both of them. As i meantioned befored, this wont be a full-scale attack but mere surgical strikes aimed at destroying the nuclear sites within Iran.

That being said, Iran still has one trump card. US is tied down fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, The ongoing ops in Afghanistan will deem success or failure of US in Afghanistan, if these strikes are carried out against Iran, it will surely start a guerilla war alongside the taliban.

Why do you think there is a sense of urgency in "reconciliating" with the taliban, this is the reason for that. If the US is able to reconcile with the talibs, Iran will have no leverage left. So basically right now all the efforts to reconciliate with the taliban are deemed at minimizing Iran's influence or any future eventualities. If the US is able to overcome that barrier then its bye-bye nuclear program, and that is exactly the reason why Iran is trying to aid talibans so they can keep the marines tied down. But with the current developments in Afghanistan its only a matter of time before Iran loses the taliban card too. Also Iran's nuclear program hasn't matured enough yet, it will have to cross a certain threshold to deem it strike worthy

nothing you say makes ANY SENSE WHAT SO EVER

"It wont just be US and Israel attacking Iran, if you look at all the previous conflicts within the region all arab nations were opposed to them. However, in this particular case the issue of Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb or having a mature enough program is percieved as a vital threat by the arabs. Saudis are willing to let Israel use their airspace, so is UAE.
This doesn't change the scenario I gave you earlier, in fact I took this into consideration even though Saudi Arabia is officially saying that they will not allow the US to use their air space.

"Also Iran's government couldnt have managed this whole thing more horribly, two of the countries that had Iran's back till now were Russia and China but Irans failed diplomacy has resulted in Iran loosing favor with both of them. As i meantioned befored, this wont be a full-scale attack but mere surgical strikes aimed at destroying the nuclear sites within Iran."

AGAIN this doesn't change the scenario I gave you earlier, I said nothing about Russia and China and we Iranians don't expect their help AT ALL. Our relationship is merely a buyer seller relationship, nothing more. We don't have allies.

"That being said, Iran still has one trump card. US is tied down fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, The ongoing ops in Afghanistan will deem success or failure of US in Afghanistan, if these strikes are carried out against Iran, it will surely start a guerilla war alongside the taliban."

One second you're talking about NOW and one second you jump to the future. When I was talking about the S300 you said Iran is in deep **** RIGHT NOW and we need the s300 immidiately. So make up your mind. For the next couple of years at least the US will still be in AFG but that's not actually the impt front, IRAQ IS.
As I said, even if we attack the American bases in Iraq with forks, we have so many people that we will eventually run the country over. Who knows, maybe we can take over the oil fields as well. REmeber that their oil fields are only a few km away from the Iranian border.

"Why do you think there is a sense of urgency in "reconciliating" with the taliban, this is the reason for that. If the US is able to reconcile with the talibs, Iran will have no leverage left. So basically right now all the efforts to reconciliate with the taliban are deemed at minimizing Iran's influence or any future eventualities. If the US is able to overcome that barrier then its bye-bye nuclear program, and that is exactly the reason why Iran is trying to aid talibans so they can keep the marines tied down. But with the current developments in Afghanistan its only a matter of time before Iran loses the taliban card too. Also Iran's nuclear program hasn't matured enough yet, it will have to cross a certain threshold to deem it strike worthy"

First of all who gives a **** about AFG?
American bases in Arab countries and Iraq are more impt.
Arming means giving them man pads. It means giving them missiles etc...
If we were as desperate to arm these rag heads as you make us out to be then we would be re routing the **** that goes to hezb and be sending them to these ragheads.
And what do you know about Iran's nuke program?
actually scrap that
how do you explain the fact that Iraq and specially syria were hit when they were light years behind even Iran??!?!

You have your mind set up on two things
1) Iran will be attacked
2) Iran is weak
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Let me address some of the people here that beleive Iran has a chance. Firstly, the Israeli airforce is large, obviosly, and very well trained, obviosly. Now, Iran has some air defences but Israel has drones, why is this important? Because Israeli drones that can identify air defences. moreover, if Israel has armed drones they can soften eneny positions before Israeli figters move in, the Israelis may also choose to fly around air defences or hit them with cruise missles (the Israelis train for these scenarios). Looking at past Israeli wars we know that Israel has a very effective spy network, in past wars the Israelis knew key enemy possitions and important targets, one of the main reasons the Israeli airforce was so effective in past wars was because of their spys, the Israelis knew the best time to attack Egyptian airfields in other words they knew when the Egyptians were most volnerable. Some people seem to think that the Israeli will just fly over Iran and start a bombing campaign, but they are wrong, alot of planing goes into these attacks. If Israel will go to war they will gather intelligence on Iran, they will utilize drones, they will take out Iranians airfields before most of Iran's aircraft will be able to takeoff, and if need be they will engage and shoot down inferior Iranian aircraft and pilots.

you're concerning yourself with things that are obvious yet irrilivant
If attacking Iran was only dependent on ours and their airforce than we would have been DELETED from this blue planet long ago.

Obviously there are a million other things to take into consideration and that's why Israel will never attack.
how hard is that to understand?
Let me address some of the people here that beleive Iran has a chance. Firstly, the Israeli airforce is large, obviosly, and very well trained, obviosly. Now, Iran has some air defences but Israel has drones, why is this important? Because Israeli drones that can identify air defences. moreover, if Israel has armed drones they can soften eneny positions before Israeli figters move in, the Israelis may also choose to fly around air defences or hit them with cruise missles (the Israelis train for these scenarios). Looking at past Israeli wars we know that Israel has a very effective spy network, in past wars the Israelis knew key enemy possitions and important targets, one of the main reasons the Israeli airforce was so effective in past wars was because of their spys, the Israelis knew the best time to attack Egyptian airfields in other words they knew when the Egyptians were most volnerable. Some people seem to think that the Israeli will just fly over Iran and start a bombing campaign, but they are wrong, alot of planing goes into these attacks. If Israel will go to war they will gather intelligence on Iran, they will utilize drones, they will take out Iranians airfields before most of Iran's aircraft will be able to takeoff, and if need be they will engage and shoot down inferior Iranian aircraft and pilots.

Basically in old war in 67 , Israel has intelligence from settelites , now the playing field is pretty much even ... ground

Iran also has its own spy drones and its own network of intelligence

The drones are great but these drones are sitting ducks for anti air weapons , infact the fact that even if 1-2 drons are caught anywhere near will trigger an international incident of great magniture

Iran already has plans to send in 1-2 reconisance settelites up in space to level the field plus they also get ample intelligence from China and Russia who do not want interference in Iran due to billion dollar energy projects by China and Russia

They have 12-14 submarines just for the naval warfare
They got good 24 missile boats
They got 8 frigates/Destroyer

Which is ample units for defensive posture

Israel denies Saudis gave IDF airspace clearance for Iran strike
Saudi Arabia has indicated to Israel that it would not protest use of its airspace by Israeli fighter jets in the event the government resolves to launch a military assault against Iran, according to a report which appeared in the British newspaper The Sunday Times

The only other passage is right over Jordan , and thru , Iraq into Iran

The second option is of course if UAE fighters make the strike

But the main point is who is building the iranian nuclear plant

FOXNews.com - Putin: Iran's new nuclear plant to start up soon

VOLGODONSK, Russia (AP) — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Iran's new Russian-built nuclear power plant will begin operating this summer, even as the United States called for Russia to delay the startup.

Do anyone risk , enraging Russia , they just finsihed the nuclear plant
just wait and watch

who will be the next well my sources said it may be Pakistan
just wait and watch

who will be the next well my sources said it may be Pakistan

lol ....what has Pakistan got to do with it ... this is just iran and israel mano a mano
We actually prefer peace 2 nation solution just like US we are "Strategic allies" :P

But we routinely hear these stories in media so we just have to analyse things the way they are ... iran is not some odd 1,000-2,000 rougue soliders running on camels with rifles and some shoulder weapons

And the bottom line is they got russia on their side nurturing them ? Normally US is very ...scared when it comes to Russia , now France selling Ships to Russia hmm...what is happening and france has a base in UAE...

Its really very confusing its hard to see just exactly whose side France is on .. .Russia / US
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Let's spice things up with a map. :pop:


Which route and Why ?
Iran Rattles Saber At Israel Over Gaza


Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad responded Saturday with typical bluster to an Israeli statement regarding a possible military operation against Gaza. "They are looking for an excuse to attack Gaza,” he said. “I want to tell the Zionists and their supporters that they have committed enough crimes already. The new adventure will not save you, but will bring you closer to certain death.”

Gaza is ruled by the radical Islamist movement Hamas, and is effectively a proxy of Teheran, which arms, trains and directs Hamas.

'No more frightened children'
Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom had warned Friday of a new offensive by the IDF if rocket fire from Gaza against Israeli civilians continues. “If this rocket fire against Israel does not stop, it seems we will have to raise the level of our activity and step up our actions against Hamas,” Shalom told government-run Voice of Israel radio.

Ahmadinejad also said that world pressure on Iran, including talk of new sanctions, makes the Islamic theocracy more determined than ever to pursue its nuclear program. "You should know that the more hostile you are, the stronger an incentive our people will have, it will double," he said. "They said 'we want sanctions on petroleum'. Why don't you do it? The sooner the better."

In full and another source is reporting..

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cautioned on Saturday against attacking the Gaza Strip, saying that such an attack would “cost” the Jewish state “too much.”

On Friday, IAF jets struck a number of targets in the Strip in retaliation for rocket attacks against southern .

“I say to the Zionists and their supporters that they have already committed enough crimes,” Ahmadinejad told an Iranian crown. “A new adventure in will not save you, but hasten your demise.”

On Saturday, the Iranian president said new international sanctions over his country's nuclear program would only strengthen the country by helping make it more self-sufficient.

In his speech, Ahmadinejad also said US pressure on Iran had backfired and made Washington more isolated in the eyes of the world.

Faced with the prospect of new sanctions because of Iran's nuclear defiance, Ahmadinejad said that new penalties would only strengthen the country's technological advancement.

"Don't imagine that you can stop Iran's progress," Ahmadinejad said in remarks broadcast live on state television. "The more you reveal your animosity, the more it will increase our people's motivation to double efforts for construction and progress of Iran."

US President Barack Obama said Thursday that six world powers dealing with Iran's nuclear program will develop a package of serious new punitive measures over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment in coming weeks.

China has not confirmed US reports that it has dropped its opposition to possible new UN sanctions against Iran. China has veto power in the UN Security Council and its support would be key to passing a resolution against Iran.

Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, is in China in the hopes of winning assurances from Beijing that it will oppose sanctions.

Iran Rattles Saber at Israel Over Gaza | Before It's News
lol ....what has Pakistan got to do with it ... this is just iran and israel mano a mano
We actually prefer peace 2 nation solution just like US we are "Strategic allies" :P

But we routinely hear these stories in media so we just have to analyse things the way they are ... iran is not some odd 1,000-2,000 rougue soliders running on camels with rifles and some shoulder weapons

And the bottom line is they got russia on their side nurturing them ? that is the main issue otherwise ... the strike would have already been made...

gen x is quite correct. The Zionists won't go out declaring all their targets at once (or else these 'targets' will unify and be unstoppable). They sow distrust and hatred between these Muslim nations, and take out one by one. We've already seen Iraq vs Iran (Saddam was coerced by Uncle Ben Gurion and Uncle Sam), then Iraq was invaded under false pretenses of WMD.

Then came the Jewish False Flag of 9/11, which the patsy Bin Laden (who has long passed away, most likely due to internal health failure). The victim was Afghanistan. We also saw how this morphed into the infamous WOT in which Pakistan was lumped in with Afghan, aka ******. It was only under immense international pressure of casualties of innocents was this gravely hampered.

Iran is now the easier of the two target since it lacks 100+ nukes that Pakistan poses.

Now does anyone believe that Pakistan which is the ONLY muslim nation with nukes, is not a prime target of the zionists?! Don't fall asleep at the wheel :lazy: or else :sniper::hang2:
gen x is quite correct. The Zionists won't go out declaring all their targets at once (or else these 'targets' will unify and be unstoppable). They sow distrust and hatred between these Muslim nations, and take out one by one. We've already seen Iraq vs Iran (Saddam was coerced by Uncle Ben Gurion and Uncle Sam), then Iraq was invaded under false pretenses of WMD.

Then came the Jewish False Flag of 9/11, which the patsy Bin Laden (who has long passed away, most likely due to internal health failure). The victim was Afghanistan. We also saw how this morphed into the infamous WOT in which Pakistan was lumped in with Afghan, aka ******. It was only under immense international pressure of casualties of innocents was this gravely hampered.

Iran is now the easier of the two target since it lacks 100+ nukes that Pakistan poses.

Now does anyone believe that Pakistan which is the ONLY muslim nation with nukes, is not a prime target of the zionists?! Don't fall asleep at the wheel :lazy: or else :sniper::hang2:

confidence is good but overconfidence :no::no:

after Afghanistan there will be no use of Pakistan and then cant say what will be happen

pak nuke capability is on radar let see what happen in future
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