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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Simple as anything.
It takes one Nuclear Weapon dear.
Only one..nothing less and nothing more.
Tel Aviv will be Afghanistan.

This will be a start of a bigger war and we should be ready.

I firmly believe that there will be some sort of misadventure between Iran and Israel.
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I don't think Israel will dare attack, if they do not only will they have to face a volley of Iranian ballistic missiles, armed possibly with nuclear warheads, but Arab countries will also jump into the fight, since Palestine is also dis-satisfied with Israel's oppressive attitude we can expect that they will also cause problems through rebellion and sabotage.
That spells trouble for Israel with a capital T.
I don't think they can pull off a Yom Kippur once again............
They have been saying this for years, if they're going to do it, then hurry up already. They are only barking so that countries sanction Iran to prevent war. By the way, although the IDF air force is better than the IRIAF, the IRIAF is still capable of defending Iran's skies, all we have to do is knock out the IDFs air tankers with are F-14s and the F-16s and F-15s will run out of fuel and drop out of the skies.
Once war breaks out , the internal problems will explode .
The dissidents will go all out for regime change . In the long run the people will
be freed from the rule of clergy. Iran will become a normal country.

Iran is not some backwater country like India. Iranian's are patriotic and any small attack on Iran will get the entire nation to back the government.
Actually thats not the only way.As you know hezbollah also use katyusha rockets which has 20-40 km range.If they manage to smuggle these rockets inside West-Bank.Tel-Aviv will be in the range.Can they really harm Tel-Aviv ? I doubt it because capatults have higher accuracy than these rockets.


The katyusha rockets are more accurate and more advanced than anything Turkey produces.

Hezbollah has Zelzal-3s and Fateh-110s to use in case of such a strike.
Oh... this is not looking good. I see geopolitical situation changing. I see proxy wars in Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria etc.

What's different about this announcement? It's just one of the millions of articles that talks about a strike.
Iran is not some backwater country like India. Iranian's are patriotic and any small attack on Iran will get the entire nation to back the government.

Backward Country like India, Excuse me sir, but if your country can not produce good enough politicians nonetheless entrepreneurs and scientists then i wouldn't call Iran a developed country. Chest thumping and threatening to take out Israel from world map. Crazy mullahs are taking you for a ride and yes you patriotic yet gullible audience conveniently sitting outside Iran wants to shed blood of his fellow countrymen and enjoy the show with popcorn.

China WILL backoff from Iran support. PAPA Russia is all you got and if this backward country asks soviet bear to cut all ties with Iran, you will be all alone home boy.

You have pissed off whole west, don't add another 1 billion of mankind to it.
Abi, right from commie mouthpiece, look at this sugarcoated and diplomatic rejection of Chinese member to Iran's aid. Its a bit long so don't fall to sleep



Please try to understand that China's leadership is under tremendous pressure.

Yes, China is a powerful country. But China is still not as powerful as the USA in terms of global military dominance. Even Russia is not militarily equal to America. This is reality.

China does not support sanctions. Because anyone with a minimum IQ can understand if Iran is determined to build a nuclear bomb, sanctions will not stop Iran. Did sanctions stop North Korea?

Even the Saudi Arabia is backing sanctions.

See. Thats why I always say don't go by religion all the time. The Uighur separatists are trying to build a Turanian empire splitting Xinjiang from China and they are using Islam as a tool to mislead the international community. The Uighur separatists even killed the Hui Muslims who are the largest Muslim community in China. The Huis came to China also from central Asia, but they don't have any problem with the Chinese identity. But the Uighur separatists have problem...!!! Other Muslim communities like Uzbek, Kazakh, Mongol, Kyrghiz, Tajiks etc etc don't have problem with having the Chinese identity, they don't want separation. And the Uighurs who try to identify themselves with the Turks in a hilarious way, don't look like the Turks of Turkey, I am telling you, if you don't believe me, visit Xinjiang to verify my claims. Look I am an atheist, but if I am given options, I would chose Islam because I have a strong respect for Islamic values. In fact, no religion preaches separation, all religions preach unification of human beings.

Anyway, sorry for being a bit off topic.

Coming to the topic, I would say, is Russia backs the sanction, China will be isolated if China still remains against sanctions. I know China has a veto power. Yes, China can stand against the sanction and use the veto power to block the sanction. But what will happen then?

You know, the US already has prepared its military to bomb Iran round the clock. The B2s will start carpet bombing Iran. Tell me, what will China do then without helplessly watching the destruction of Iran. Be practical, China still does not have any Air craft Carrier, China still has no sophisticated long range bomber like B2, China has a very limited number of submarines. All in all, China military is sufficient for the national protection, but for a long range military projection China is nowhere near the US army. Iran is not a direct neighbor of China, how can China protect Iran from military invasion? Had Iran shared a border with China, of course, I can confidently say, the PLA would have protected you.

We have to accept the realities, brother.

So if you are finished reading this long boring excuse ( dard bhari kahani that we call in hindi movies ( a story of sorrow in bollywood)), best bet for Iran is to cultivate friendship on all fronts(If you still don't believe it, Pakistan still possesses same copy from China given in 1971). Concept of Ummah doesn't apply here, as long as Iran fights Iraq or saudi arabia gives its airspace to strike Iran.
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Iran is not some backwater country like India. Iranian's are patriotic and any small attack on Iran will get the entire nation to back the government.

Remember that if Isreal attacks Iran, Iran will solely be responsible for the war.No one asked Irans president to open his big mouth and make stupid statements.
Remember that if Isreal attacks Iran, Iran will solely be responsible for the war.No one asked Irans president to open his big mouth and make stupid statements.

No one asked Israel to f up in Iran's matter..

If Israel sees Iran as a threat than Iran also sees Israel as a threat.

Tit for tat..

Israel has weapons
Iran should have weapons.

Simple is that..

KSA praising their American lord is good.
Whereas, Iran standing against them is bad..

What kind of f up world we live in?
Personally i feel Iran has been let down by it's government

First their Diplomacy is not good even worse than ours.Iran has huge Oil Reserves.And if played cleverly they could had used this to their advantage.

The Other Fatal Mistake that has been committed by Iranian Government is it's loud mouth.I mean WTH is with when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that he will wipe of Israel off the map.I mean this kind of talk won't take Iran anywhere.

Look at the example of Pakistan.Before testing nukes have your ever listened our leaders saying that we are gonna Rain Nukes on India.But Instead we kept a low Profile on our nukes.and quietly developed them.
Is BBC a Credible source of information ?

They are the most Baised Channel i have ever seen that is why i call it .

BBC= Best British Comedy

Well i guess the BBC is way ahead of some Pakistani news channels who bring "experts" like Zaid Hamid who do nothing but spread hatred.
Personally i feel Iran has been let down by it's government

First their Diplomacy is not good even worse than ours.Iran has huge Oil Reserves.And if played cleverly they could had used this to their advantage.

The Other Fatal Mistake that has been committed by Iranian Government is it's loud mouth.I mean WTH is with when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that he will wipe of Israel off the map.I mean this kind of talk won't take Iran anywhere.

Look at the example of Pakistan.Before testing nukes have your ever listened our leaders saying that we are gonna Rain Nukes on India.But Instead we kept a low Profile on our nukes.and quietly developed them.

Yeah, Israel launching strikes on Iraq and Syria was right.
Israel killing innocents was right.
Israel "thinking" to launch strikes against Iran is right.
Israel "tried" to attack Pakistan during Nuclear Test was right.

Iran trying to develop nuclear weapon is "wrong"
Iran trying to defend themselves is "wrong"
Iran sending Israel to stone age is "wrong"

I condemn the remarks of Iran's President against Israel i.e. remove from the face of map...
BUT this statement came way after the statements of Israel.
It was Israel who said that Iran's Nuclear Program is unacceptable.
It was the U.S. who talked about sanctions.
It was the Arabs who were living in lala land of Sunni vs Shia

So, if so many events took place than Iran has the right to say anything..

I am against Arab leadership and I am proud of it.

Pakistan got aids from them and I do not respect it.
Those aids made us slaves and now we are getting to know couple of things about Arabs.
We had so much influence of Arabs...
It is better to stand by yourself than asking for help.
Pakistan's major problem is "aid"..
Once we get out of this "aid" dream..we will start to move forward..

God Bless Arabs!
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