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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

For those who have dragged in PA and Bangladesh issue should keep it out. As there are other threads about that on the forum. Keep the discussion about the topic on hand.

And for those who are here for Pakistan bashing trip with respect to Bangladesh, would be better if you guys can go, check what the sources have to say, when the official Bangladesh govt in that time announced a monetary compensation plan for those who were killed. Research what was the figure which came up of the applications for monetary claim and then why the govt quietly shut the claim scheme. May be it can give an idea to those bashers what in reality had happened.

So for now enough, now talk about the topic on hand.

Anymore replies, will get deleted.
Hooo interesting debate going on in the thread.Solomon i have a clear cut question for you?and i am sure you will not be able to answer it.Should i ask?
Ok.Solomon the million dollar question is?

what will Pakistan get from having ties with Israel?

Suppose for a moment we forget what Israel has done with us in the past and present and we also forget the Palestinian's etc etc etc.

The question is what will Pakistan get.Because first we would have to face huge domestic pressure and after that Diplomatic Isolation.Also threatening the jobs of million of Pakistanis in the gulf,which send billions of dollars in remittances.

I mean why should we risk losing all of this?
Ok.Solomon the million dollar question is?

what will Pakistan get from having ties with Israel?

Suppose for a moment we forget what Israel has done with us in the past and present and we also forget the Palestinian's etc etc etc.

The question is what will Pakistan get.Because first we would have to face huge domestic pressure and after that Diplomatic Isolation.Also threatening the jobs of million of Pakistanis in the gulf,which send billions of dollars in remittances.

I mean why should we risk losing all of this?
You have asked this question to Solomon. But if I could contribute something positive here I'd be really happy to. Please consider the other way around: What would Pakistan not gain by keeping its own national interests rather than supporting a reason that is exclusively bilateral dispute?

From diplomacy perspective, Pakistan will reduce one hostile enemy meaning one less chance of war. If you are expecting military tech to fall into your lands the moment you establish ties, that might not happen since it will take sometime to reduce the decades old animosity.

But one lesser enemy could also have a positive advantage to your economy isn't it? You can focus on one political rival alone and redirect the funds you direct against a potential Israeli aggression towards developing your country's infrastructure.

How do you risk the employment of expatriate Pakistanis in Middle East? Your rival and neighbour has excellent ties with Israel and there are more Indians than Arabs seen in Middle East. They don't get expelled for the actions of their government. The same would be with you.

You could gain so much diplomatic appreciation that could call more international help for Pakistan's economic situation. But of course, it won't be easy task.
What would Pakistan not gain by keeping its own national interests rather than supporting a reason that is exclusively bilateral dispute?

Well relations with Israel will actually hurt our interests due to the reasons above i described.

From diplomacy perspective, Pakistan will reduce one hostile enemy meaning one less chance of war. If you are expecting military tech to fall into your lands the moment you establish ties, that might not happen since it will take sometime to reduce the decades old animosity.

It is good to have one less enemy but the question is at what cost?
Besides Zionists can not be trusted what if they decided to put a few bugs in weapons supplied to us or gave the source codes or weakness to India.And this is just not speculation any military planner will keep this thing in mind.

But one lesser enemy could also have a positive advantage to your economy isn't it? You can focus on one political rival alone and redirect the funds you direct against a potential Israeli aggression towards developing your country's infrastructure.

Last time i checked we were never spending on protection from Israel.

How do you risk the employment of expatriate Pakistanis in Middle East? Your rival and neighbour has excellent ties with Israel and there are more Indians than Arabs seen in Middle East. They don't get expelled for the actions of their government. The same would be with you.

Our Rivals are Hindu but we are Muslims i have spent many years in the gulf and i know that once we accept Zionists.Arabs conduct with us will never remain the same.

You could gain so much diplomatic appreciation that could call more international help for Pakistan's economic situation. But of course, it won't be easy task.


You did tried to explain but all i asked were PRACTICAL advantages worth the risk.

Solomon i am waiting for your answer.
(Pardon me, pak-yes, I forgot that all my posts in the thread I linked to had been deleted.)

I don't think recognition is enough. Egypt "recognized" Israel but after Sadat was assassinated resumed suppressing debate, allowing only Islamic extremism as an outlet for those who despise the regime.

No, Pakistan and its people actually have to become - or accept being accused of being - Israel advocates to reap the benefits I've listed in this thread. The "huge domestic pressure" is part of a democracy's internal debate and thus something to look forward to.

As for diplomatic isolation: Egypt was "isolated" for years until, as Sadat predicted, the other Arabs decided they needed Egypt more than Egypt needed them.

Like Parashuram1 wrote, I don't think jobs will be an issue. Except perhaps in Iran. Saudi Arabia did expel hundreds of thousands of Arabs, mostly Palestinians and Yemenis, when their governments sided with Saddam after he invaded Kuwait and his troops stood on Saudi Arabia's borders. Doubtless they were feared as a fifth column. After the war, Kuwait expelled the resident Palestinians who sided with Saddam as punishment.

once we accept Zionists.Arabs conduct with us will never remain the same.
Yes. They will no longer expect Pakistanis to help fight their wars with Israel. They will feel less welcome sending recruiters to Pakistan, or exporting their surplus male population to the country. And they will feel betrayed because they have invested hundreds of millions of dollars establishing madrassas that taught Salafist ideology: hatred of Israel and the establishment of Taliban or Al Qaeda rule in South Asia. But the current Saudi king says he wants to change that, and may step in with $$$ to make up the difference.

Yes, it will be different. For a time, the Arabs will be angry. They will also stop turning up their noses at Pakistanis and regarding them as inferiors or pets whose obedience can be taken for granted. (Perhaps Pakistanis working as domestics would be fired?)

Your call.
They have always returned! lol.. And what makes you think they won't?

Of course they do when they're fighting with Hamas who still fighting with AK-47! But as matter of fact fighting with a country will be much more difficult.

I'm not at liberty to share you any information about my country defence capabilities unless they officially announce it.

I have hinted several times about Iran long range air defence system even before they announce it officially but each time I only saw trolls!
But only know that we have gained access to the cold launch technology in 99! Lack of investment keep it from mass-production and the project was only a prototype until 2003, they realized with the sanctions around our neck we better invest more in the home project until 2006 they waited for the Russian but since they didnt deliver the orders Iranian DOD recived order from the supreme leader to think about the aging Iranian air defence system...
There should be some Iranian Photochop specialists readied for that. :lol:

Ah and thats coming out from an American mouth! You guys been planing an invasion for 31 years now I wonder when your government gonna stop being a pussy and attack Iran! Embrace your end with dignity my friend!

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