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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

You guys been planing an invasion for 31 years now...
We have...??? But seriously, we even have plans for alien invasions. We do not need to invade Iran to cripple Iran. In fact, we do not even need to cripple Iran at all. We just need to hit the mullahs where it hurts the most: Iranian nuclear facilities.

I wonder when your government gonna stop being a pussy and attack Iran! Embrace your end with dignity my friend!
I admit that Iran does have an advantage there. With functional democracies, we do have regular regime changes, something Iranians want but the mullahs denied. But then again, no one thought someone like Bush would come in and eventually take out two MEastern countries. So I would caution you from adopting that attitude, that the US is a 'pussy'. The current occupant in the White House is not doing too good. The next occupant may give the mullahs in Iran the @$$-whooping they need.
We have...??? But seriously, we even have plans for alien invasions. We do not need to invade Iran to cripple Iran. In fact, we do not even need to cripple Iran at all. We just need to hit the mullahs where it hurts the most: Iranian nuclear facilities.

Awwz I'm afraid thats beyond your reach, you're not the only one with plan my friend! :D Do you really think Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons at the moment? Do you think 80% of Ukraine nuclear arsenal just simply vanished?! What makes you think even if you can reach your targets you can take them out? You're either overestimating yourselves or underestimating us! Let me remind you something, people who are currently run Iran are maybe retards which I really think they are! But don't forget this, we are a country with 7500 years of military experince and we are proud of our history and even the defeats we had in the history! Let me make this a bit more simply we are ready to die but we take out enemies along with us!

I admit that Iran does have an advantage there. With functional democracies, we do have regular regime changes, something Iranians want but the mullahs denied. But then again, no one thought someone like Bush would come in and eventually take out two MEastern countries. So I would caution you from adopting that attitude, that the US is a 'pussy'. The current occupant in the White House is not doing too good. The next occupant may give the mullahs in Iran the @$$-whooping they need.

That maybe true but only because Iranian dont like mullahs doesnt mean they like their country to be lapdog of U.S.A!
No my friend your government only goal is Balkanization of Iran, unlike what you think Iranians are not retards like their leaders are, we have studied you, we know if you had the ability to take us down you wouldnt hesitate for a second, Iran is the last bastion of defence against U.S interest in the region, even with the limited influence, don't you think if you had the resource it would be better for you just to take us down? As you can see new superpowers are emerging and having energy assets will guarantee you of being a superpower at least for a century! Thats until when alternative sources of energy are fully developed!

However I think it was constructive talk, I apologize if I insult you.
Do you really think Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons at the moment?
If Iran does have functional nuclear weapons Iran would not be working so hard on uranium enrichment facilities.

Do you think 80% of Ukraine nuclear arsenal just simply vanished?!
Yeah...We bought them.

What makes you think even if you can reach your targets you can take them out?
What make you think we cannot? Do you really think that burying them underground make them invulnerable? Centrifuges spinning at 50,000+ rpm on magnetic bearings cannot afford to be affected by tectonics movements induced by bomb explosions nor should the voltages required have spikes due to power switchings when a power supply station is destroyed. The list of vulnerabilities are considerable.

You're either overestimating yourselves or underestimating us! Let me remind you something, people who are currently run Iran are maybe retards which I really think they are! But don't forget this, we are a country with 7500 years of military experince and we are proud of our history and even the defeats we had in the history! Let me make this a bit more simply we are ready to die but we take out enemies along with us!
Sorry...But boasting about historical military victories thousands of years ago does no good against 'stealth' bombers.

That maybe true but only because Iranian dont like mullahs doesnt mean they like their country to be lapdog of U.S.A!
No one asked for it.

No my friend your government only goal is Balkanization of Iran, unlike what you think Iranians are not retards like their leaders are, we have studied you, we know if you had the ability to take us down you wouldnt hesitate for a second, Iran is the last bastion of defence against U.S interest in the region, even with the limited influence, don't you think if you had the resource it would be better for you just to take us down? As you can see new superpowers are emerging and having energy assets will guarantee you of being a superpower at least for a century! Thats until when alternative sources of energy are fully developed!

However I think it was constructive talk, I apologize if I insult you.
No constructive talk found.
Uranium enrichment is to secure our supply of fuel not to build bombs, we have 30% of France nuclear enrichment plant but they refused to give us our own fuel!

LOL yeah of course you had the plan to buy them but that happend only in your dreams, Ukraine was not a sovereign state, even tho it was no longer part of soviet union, after that colourful revolution in Ukraine you found out 80% of Ukraine nuclear arsenal are not there!

However, I would like to add your stealth bomber are no longer stealth with the help of gamma technology. They simply as good as a piece of garbage which worth around 1 billion dollar.

And sorry to burst your bubbles but facilities such a Fordo can withstand 60 megaton impact of a nuclear bomb and they also have their power supply inside the facility!

Constructive part was for me (Knowing how Americans are simple minded.), you are too brainwashed to find anything constructive.

I have to go now! Have exam tomorrow!
Uranium enrichment is to secure our supply of fuel not to build bombs, we have 30% of France nuclear enrichment plant but they refused to give us our own fuel!
Wrong...U-235 has a very low percentage in any amount of natural uranium, hence the enrichment process. Up to about %20 enrichment is adequate for power generation. Any higher and it is possible to have an uncontrolled chain reaction. Possible, not must. Nuclear powered aircraft carriers and submarines have within them %90 enriched uranium.

For example...

Nuclear-Powered Ships | Nuclear Submarines
Naval reactors (with one exception) have been pressurised water types, which differ from commercial reactors producing electricity in that:

* they deliver a lot of power from a very small volume and therefore run on highly-enriched uranium (>20% U-235, originally c 97% but apparently now 93% in latest US submarines, c 20-25% in some western vessels, 20% in the first and second generation Russian reactors (1957-81)*, then 45% in 3rd generation Russian units),
* the fuel is not UO2 but a uranium-zirconium or uranium-aluminium alloy (c15%U with 93% enrichment, or more U with less - eg 20% - U-235) or a metal-ceramic (Kursk: U-Al zoned 20-45% enriched, clad in zircaloy, with c 200kg U-235 in each 200 MW core),

And here is the enrichment level for a nuclear warhead...

Iran unveils plans to increase uranium enrichment | Mail Online
While enriching to 20 per cent would take about one year, using up to 2,000 centrifuges at Tehran's underground Natanz facility, any next step - moving from 20 to 90 per cent - would take only half a year and between 500-1,000 centrifuges.
We can see that you are somewhat ill informed on the subject.

LOL yeah of course you had the plan to buy them but that happend only in your dreams, Ukraine was not a sovereign state, even tho it was no longer part of soviet union, after that colourful revolution in Ukraine you found out 80% of Ukraine nuclear arsenal are not there!
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine became an independent state...

Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

So on what basis can you say that Ukraine was not a sovereign state? Anyway...The country needed cash, not just the Ukraine but just about all of the former Soviet states, they all needed cash to survive. So they call US up and asked if we wanted to go shopping for some Soviet weaponry. Anything from rifles to fighter aircrafts and even nuclear missiles.

It appears you are ill informed on this subject.

However, I would like to add your stealth bomber are no longer stealth with the help of gamma technology. They simply as good as a piece of garbage which worth around 1 billion dollar.
Source please on this 'gamma' technology. The readers need to see a DEPLOYED system on this.

And sorry to burst your bubbles but facilities such a Fordo can withstand 60 megaton impact of a nuclear bomb and they also have their power supply inside the facility!

Constructive part was for me (Knowing how Americans are simple minded.), you are too brainwashed to find anything constructive.
This show how limited is your thinking. We can also make it inaccessible for a very long time through heavy and sustained bombardment. And if a nuclear weapon was used, Iran can forget about accessibility at all.

I have to go now! Have exam tomorrow!
Be sure to hit the history, logic and nuclear fuel cycle books.
I hope IDF would not go for this unwise option.Is is much better and safer to try a regime change in Iran for the better benefit of the Middle East. Hurting Iran physically will certainly stir up nationalism among Iranians which will backfire at the end. Just turn Iran into a secular democratic country , the Syrian regime will fall almost immediately. Then negotiate the Palestinian issue directly with the Palestinian on bilateral basis without all those Arab patrons and obstacles. Thus peace will be there in the entire Levant at the end. This is not to be solved tactically. It requires strategic planning and execution.
I hope IDF would not go for this unwise option.Is is much better and safer to try a regime change in Iran for the better benefit of the Middle East. Hurting Iran physically will certainly stir up nationalism among Iranians which will backfire at the end. Just turn Iran into a secular democratic country , the Syrian regime will fall almost immediately. Then negotiate the Palestinian issue directly with the Palestinian on bilateral basis without all those Arab patrons and obstacles. Thus peace will be there in the entire Levant at the end. This is not to be solved tactically. It requires strategic planning and execution.

A lofty goal but i wonder how? An Israeli air strike i admit would be a desperation measure but what alternative is there?

There seems no chance of peacefull change of goverment in Iran, the last time people tried they were shot raped and murdered with the survivors being put on show trial that would have made Stalin proud.
China has no intention of helping the situation, russia ignore the problem despite the fact that a peacefull and prosporous middle east would solve half its problems.

Israel feels threatened by a regiem that continues two proxy wars against it and the path of least harm is a conventional attack to try and prevent Iran getting a nuke.

The safe way of course would be for Isreal to wipe Iran off the map with the nukes but even Bibi is that much of a nutter.
Why the other countries can have nuclear weapon but iran cant? :blink: Is it fair?

The champions of demcracy think it is quite fair, it does not matter what the rest of the world thinks. The champions have the right to build all kinds of weapons and then they also have the right to preach peace. It is all clear and fare; anybody who disagrees can go to hell! Uncle sam wants this incorporated into the constitution of all those wicked states that oppose the grand design of uncle sam and its army of crusaders.
The champions of demcracy think it is quite fair, it does not matter what the rest of the world thinks. The champions have the right to build all kinds of weapons and then they also have the right to preach peace. It is all clear and fare; anybody who disagrees can go to hell! Uncle sam wants this incorporated into the constitution of all those wicked states that oppose the grand design of uncle sam and its army of crusaders.
Are you saying only the champions of dictatorships have the right to build weapons?

Cue music...


We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

Iran builds 3 types of Jet fighters as far as I know, Saeqe which is a reverse engineered version of F-5 that someone in the first posts said wrongly that Iranians claim it's more advanced than the US F-18's, Azarakhsh which its capabilities are uknown and Shafaq which is a copy of the US YF-17 manufactured by northrop and Iranians claim that it has the same capabilities or even more which can't be confirmed yet although the test flights have been performed.

unlike others, I think If Israel goes into war with Iran the consequences of the war would be interesting xD I personally welcome such a strike from Israel and I doubt that the west would like the consequences.

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