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Israel unveils its fifth Dolphin-Class submarine

Why doesnt Israel go for larger nuclear submarines which can carry a warhead for every Arab country? That would be more effective in second strike ability.
Arab countries and Iran can do the same too..Israel is not the only undeclared nuclear holder in the area. Don't kid yourself.
Manned orbital re-entry is different from unmanned re-orbital entry. It is not different in term of basic science but tolerance which is engineering concept.

While only China, Russia and Us have mastered Manned orbital re-entry, Unmanned orbital re-entry has been mastered by load of countries including India and apparently by Israel also since Jericho III is an ICBM.

PS: Ablative heat shield technology is neither an exotic one nor the most difficult challenge in engineering a re-entry module.It is even used in furnaces.

The most difficult part of Engineering an ICBM is developing strong enough engines that would propel it to outer space.

Also Cruise missile do not need Heat shield technology because they never leave earth's atmosphere.

The electronic components of the warhead can be easily damaged by the extreme heat of the atmosphere, when you can't recycle the manned space capsule = your re-entry technology is not 100% proven.

Because to keep a adequate temperature to allow the astronauts to survive inside of the capsule is same as to keep the temperature low enough to allow the fragile electronic components to remain fully functional.

When the electronic components and sensors are highly damaged, the nuclear warhead cannot be detonated anymore.

The nuclear warhead itself cannot be exploded, it needs to be detonated.
frankly mohsen,

Iranian press is full of $h!t and believing Marxists would only make you more delusional.
probably when our media claimed for capturing most advanced stealth drone of U.S, you have said the same thing too.
What is so good about these submarines? Im not up to date on my subs. How does it differ from the subs that the Arabs and Iranians have?
1) Dolphin class submarines are based on German 212 design, which are considered the most modern diesel subs today.
2) Dolphins have fuel cell AIP, what greatly increases submerged range.
3) Displacement of Dolphins is bigger than of 212. That gives more weapons, range and depth.

Best Iranian sub is "Kilo" and best Arab sub is Algerian "Improved Kilo". Egypt has only ancient "Romeo" junk.

Both Kilo and Improved Kilo are good subs, but lack AIP and are less modern than Dolphin.
The electronic components of the warhead can be easily damaged by the extreme heat of the atmosphere, when you can't recycle the manned space capsule = your re-entry technology is not 100% proven.

Because to keep a adequate temperature to allow the astronauts to survive inside of the capsule is same as to keep the temperature low enough to allow the fragile electronic components to remain fully functional.

When the electronic components and sensors are highly damaged, the nuclear warhead cannot be detonated anymore.

The nuclear warhead itself cannot be exploded, it needs to be detonated.

What does a re-entry has to do with a Cruise missile?

Anyway for sake of theoretical discussion

How come re-entry technology not 100% proven if the module cannot be reused? Reusability of module has nothing to do with efficacy of that module.It's job is to protect it's occupant or payload. No space faring craft is truly reusable.(yes not even Space shuttles). Unless there is a new definition of reusability , Chinese modules are as reusable as Indian.

Nuclear bomb do require conventional explosives to set it off, whether it is a Gun type uranium weapon or a explosive compression type plutonium weapon but what makes you think that it's sensors are equally fragile as human body. Why not higher or lower?

Timer circuits exist from a time when most advanced form of computation was abacus. Computers that existed at the time of Nuclear weapons use to run on Vacuum tubes. Setting up a synchronized explosion does not require complex digital circuits. This job could be very well done by mechanical circuits and even digital circuits are rugged. There are diodes which measure temperatures of steel furnaces.Explosives used in nukes are also thermally stable at moderately high temperatures. Thus the point that heat shield of missiles should be as good as a module carrying humans is invalid.This basic premise is shown by the proliferation of IRBM's which follow suborbital path.

probably when our media claimed for capturing most advanced stealth drone of U.S, you have said the same thing too.

Did i made a technical fault in stating that radars cannot be used to detect vessels underwater and submarine could be stealthy in case only passive sonar is used? With use of active sonar and accurate bathymetric maps, it is very difficult for a sub to go undetected in littoral waters.

If not, your media is making an unsubstantiated claim.
What does a re-entry has to do with a Cruise missile?

Anyway for sake of theoretical discussion

How come re-entry technology not 100% proven if the module cannot be reused? Reusability of module has nothing to do with efficacy of that module.It's job is to protect it's occupant or payload. No space faring craft is truly reusable.(yes not even Space shuttles). Unless there is a new definition of reusability , Chinese modules are as reusable as Indian.

Nuclear bomb do require conventional explosives to set it off, whether it is a Gun type uranium weapon or a explosive compression type plutonium weapon but what makes you think that it's sensors are equally fragile as human body. Why not higher or lower?

Timer circuits exist from a time when most advanced form of computation was abacus. Computers that existed at the time of Nuclear weapons use to run on Vacuum tubes. Setting up a synchronized explosion does not require complex digital circuits. This job could be very well done by mechanical circuits and even digital circuits are rugged. There are diodes which measure temperatures of steel furnaces.Explosives used in nukes are also thermally stable at moderately high temperatures. Thus the point that heat shield of missiles should be as good as a module carrying humans is invalid.This basic premise is shown by the proliferation of IRBM's which follow suborbital path.

I didn't say you need the re-entry technology for the cruise missile.

The best re-entry technology when you can preserve the human being aboard.

As for the unmmaned re-entry, it is easier to re-enter a scrap metal, while to preserve the fragile electronic component and sensors of the warhead is a different story.

When everything else is highly damaged, the warhead will not function properly anymore.
I didn't say you need the re-entry technology for the cruise missile.

The best re-entry technology when you can preserve the human being aboard.

As for the unmmaned re-entry, it is easier to re-enter a scrap metal, while to preserve the fragile electronic component and sensors of the warhead is a different story.

When everything else is highly damaged, the warhead will not function properly anymore.

And where did i contested the fact that best re-entry technology is one which preserves human. I only contested the fact that you need equally advance shielding capacities for warheads and electronics.

The point of divergence is not that warheads will not function properly if they are highly damaged but is this that " Would warheads suffer serious damage in case of heat shield not being as effective as the one in human space vehicals ". Electronics are not as fragile as you think them to be has considerable toughness if constructed for that job. Also you could use mechanical circuits as timers as part trigger mechanism of nukes.
Iran won't attack Israel, but USA won't allow Israel to attack Iran either.

USA needs money, a war against Iran would cost her a huge amount of money.

Key information#

Israel can't knock off 80ish nuclear-related facilities unilaterally Tiger. But she can delay the Iranians to get closer to the bomb.

Indeed, the US is unequivocally broke ,after two wars they must be. The Chinese got the magic stick to solve the American financial crisis.

By all means the Americans can afford to go to war ,that's if China is interested in buying more securities.

For us, we don't have a dog in this fight. All what we have to do is to put our feet up.
Yzd you have a dog in this fight since your kingdom often having words to USA to complain our country making nuclear weapon is a threat for you.
Fact is if Israel can bomb our plants with all the consequences on the population around.
Both sides are wrong, threatening , playing with other... but who can pay the consequences? only the Iranians.

Like for Iraq war , i guess not many nations would care people die in Iran .
This is a problem of an isolated diplomatic country. Their unhabitants are not considered as to care about as normal human beings ;)
A- Your officials dismissed the allegations
B- Other than the Wikileaks cable " The legitimacy is questionable, remember that, nothing else came from MY KINGDOM. The only complain that has been addressed in public came from our Ambassador to the UN.
C-During The Iranian-Iraqi war, we played a key role in the Iranian-contra without us, Regean wouldn't agree on such idea.
D- You violated our Airspace sovereignty back in the mid 80s ,and gave us a hard-time during Hajj.
E- Go back to Khomini's book and read about what he said about us.
F- Stop arming the terror groups such as Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad ,so I can figure out a road-map for peace with the ZIONIST JEWs. Also, I still would consider the militia wing of Hamas as a terror group too, I can't tell a lie I have to deal with them. Also, I would greatly appreciate to leave Yemen for its people, and don't condemn us whenever we crush the Hauthis ( Of whom they call for the death of the Jews in Yemen BTW ) Not to mention Bahrain. Your politicians have to put an end for the nasty-plotting.

And you're absolutely wrong about the diplomatic-isolation from KSA. We have an embassy in Tehran and I would welcome every single one of you to visit Makkah and Maddina, you still our brothers.

As for the Airstrike drama, you will want to go through the records and see the warnings made by the former GIP chief of staff.

You can ask any Iranian returned from Hajj or Umrah and see how good we were.

I will repeat that again, Israel can't bomb you on its own. And I'm 100% against a military option on Iran. Lets see what they're going to do now, and I must say that I'm 90% convinced that the Islamic Republic had mastered the tech know-how for making the bomb.

Yzd you have a dog in this fight since your kingdom often having words to USA to complain our country making nuclear weapon is a threat for you.
Fact is if Israel can bomb our plants with all the consequences on the population around.
Both sides are wrong, threatening , playing with other... but who can pay the consequences? only the Iranians.

Like for Iraq war , i guess not many nations would care people die in Iran .
This is a problem of an isolated diplomatic country. Their unhabitants are not considered as to care about as normal human beings ;)
It can carry the cruise missiles for conventional strike against its enemy, but with the pinpoint accuracy.

If Israel has the proven nuclear warheads, then it must be provided by US.
Before Israel launched a satellite in 1988 there was no any proof of Israel having ICBM technology, or even MRBM. But then suddenly Israel launched a 160 kg satellite from the first attempt against earth rotation ;).

As for reentry technology is not a big deal. Same as MRBM just more thicker isolation.
C-During The Iranian-Iraqi war, we played a key role in the Iranian-contra without us, Regean wouldn't agree on such idea.

Sorry my friend, I didn't get this one, unless you are confirming what Saddam accused you with supporting both parties so they finish eachothers off.
No, The Iranian regime was holding US hostages back in the day. Therefore, convincing the Americans to sell them a few considerably amount of weapons was a good decision. Don't worry, Sadam was the very first one who knew himself. ;) ..
Sorry my friend, I didn't get this one, unless you are confirming what Saddam accused you with supporting both parties so they finish eachothers off.
No, The Iranian regime was holding US hostages back in the day. Therefore, convincing the Americans to sell them a few considerably amount of weapons was a good decision. Don't worry, Sadam was the very first one who knew himself. ;) ..

So you both were playing on eachothers.
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