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Israel: Turkey will pay the price

Well, no political party in Turkey "likes" Israel in particular :D But I believe CHP should at least follow a relatively calm foreign policy.

Just because AKP got elected democraticly, doesn't mean they ruled by democratic means.
Demokratik yollarla seçilmek ve demokratik yollarla yönetmek farklı şeylerdir.

And lets not forget that it's a difference between being constructively interested in solving the Israel-Palestine issue vs being anti-Israel or anti-semitic.
Baykuş;4483524 said:
And lets not forget that it's a difference between being constructively interested in solving the Israel-Palestine issue vs being anti-Israel or anti-semitic.
The way our current government trying to solve it is not the right way to do it.
Erdogan only cares for Hamas(terrorist organisation).
The way our current government trying to solve it is not the right way to do it.
Erdogan only cares for Hamas(terrorist organisation).

Should we solve our problem with Israel or dragging the issue benefits us more ?
Do you represent all pakistani people? Erdoğan is an elected pm; which means when people start to see his real face; they will kick him out of the power; at that time just invite him to your country and give him the key to act like a sultan. for he is happy only when he is in a middle east country or countries lilke the ones in the me; and i am sure you can guess why he is happy only in those countries; tell me what it is that is common in those countries?

btw i am sick of seeing such threads about israel; she is just a country; no need to act obsessively like some arabic countries. We have saved them a few times in our history; so we do not have any serious problems with them.
Sir if he would have been such a brutal person no one in Turkey would have brought him in power he has majority support that is why he is still in power and if is able to improve economy better and enhance it he will win the next elections
Should we solve our problem with Israel or dragging the issue benefits us more ?
Well,depends on what you expect.
Why Erdogan not close to the West-bank,but only to Gaza?
If you are refering to economic benefits from the Arab nations,you should realise that all Arab nations in a way are doing bussiness with Israel(officialy most dont).
So it will not affect the Turkish-Arab relations.
Sir if he would have been such a brutal person no one in Turkey would have brought him in power he has majority support that is why he is still in power and if is able to improve economy better and enhance it he will win the next elections

i did not say he is brutal; you say it, and i wonder why you used the Word ''brutal''? what makes you use that Word? subconcious?

he is in power right now; but it is not only dependent on the economical ''achievements'' that keep him in power; during the last election campaign we witnessed many tape records against the oppoisition parties, many Turks still remember akp members gave out coil, some food and other things in order to convince some voters to elect them. And the most important thing is the islam; they use the religion to convince people to vote for them; do you think all of them moral?
i did not say he is brutal; you say it, and i wonder why you used the Word ''brutal''? what makes you use that Word? subconcious?

he is in power right now; but it is not only dependent on the economical ''achievements'' that keep him in power; during the last election campaign we witnessed many tape records against the oppoisition parties, many Turks still remember akp members gave out coil, some food and other things in order to convince some voters to elect them. And the most important thing is the islam; they use the religion to convince people to vote for them; do you think all of them moral?
yes sir Islam is right and they should not only use Islam as slogan but also implement its laws completely and wipe out secularism slowly
Pakistani people love Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP. I hope they stay in power forever and Turkey keep on becoming stronger and stronger under their stewardship.

You really think like that from the outside. He controls the media more than any leader in any country to such an extent all the main newspapers tv channels are his boot lickers, he can manipulate anything. He only has around 15% core supporters the rest is mainly MHP supporters he tricked and some CHP. He's very clever, when elections are coming up he becomes most nationalist man to not lose votes if there was election 3 months ago AKP would drop to 25-40% but people forget what happens now when elections time comes.
yes sir Islam is right and they should not only use Islam as slogan but also implement its laws completely and wipe out secularism slowly

that is a dream; which is nowadays seen by Mursi in Egypt and we all witness how that dream ends. btw, Islam is a religion for individuals. it is not sent to teach how to govern a country or how to fix a car.
that is a dream; which is nowadays seen by Mursi in Egypt and we all witness how that dream ends. btw, Islam is a religion for individuals. it is not sent to teach how to govern a country or how to fix a car.

Agreed, Turkey's Secular policies and democratic nature are the country's forte and the reason behind their success as a nation. Islam is a religion and like any other religion, it is a matter of personal preference and should not be considered a calculated formula for success in all fields of life.

On-Topic: Israel is playing the old diplomatic card, offering Turkey their friendship and their malice at the same time and asking Turkey to accept one of the two. The Turkish govt has already turned the Flotilla Incident into a diplomatic a success for themselves and it would be in their interest to normalise relations with Israel now.
Agreed, Turkey's Secular policies and democratic nature are the country's forte and the reason behind their success as a nation. Islam is a religion and like any other religion, it is a matter of personal preference and should not be considered a calculated formula for success in all fields of life.

On-Topic: Israel is playing the old diplomatic card, offering Turkey their friendship and their malice at the same time and asking Turkey to accept one of the two. The Turkish govt has already turned the Flotilla Incident into a diplomatic a success for themselves and it would be in their interest to normalise relations with Israel now.

could you please tell me in what respect you claim that? Israel did aplogy; will compensate somethings; but the rest that is the reason for the flotilla to sail stands still.
The way our current government trying to solve it is not the right way to do it.
Erdogan only cares for Hamas(terrorist organisation).

Precisely! That is what I meant. :)

Should we solve our problem with Israel or dragging the issue benefits us more ?

Your question perhaps wasn't directed at me, but if I were to decide our stance, I would say that we have more to gain from Israel than from taking the side of the anti-Israeli axis. I don't say that we should become Israel's sheep or so and start importing everything rather than producing it ourselves, but we should retain a healthy relationship with them as with any other - to us - non-hostile country. Sure, we should not turn a blind eye towards the Palestinian issue, but neither Hamas nor Hezbollah is the right way to go on that matter. Lets be honest, what if Israel in turn had chosen to support PKK? What are we trying to achieve by making them our enemy and trying to side with nations that has sold us out before? What is there to gain from joining what already is a chaotic environment such as the ME?
could you please tell me in what respect you claim that? Israel did aplogy; will compensate somethings; but the rest that is the reason for the flotilla to sail stands still.

Israel was made to offer an apology and the ship was released, the hostages returned. In terms of Diplomacy, the apology+ship are a major swoop.
Israel was made to offer an apology and the ship was released, the hostages returned. In terms of Diplomacy, the apology+ship are a major swoop.

Turkey demands are.
Apology (done)
Recompansation for the victims families. (pending)
Lift of the blocade for Gaza. (nothing done yet)

Turkish demands are clear from one day. We don't care what Israel does or thinks. They should copmly with our demands if they want normalizatipn.
Turkey demands are.
Apology (done)
Recompansation for the victims families. (pending)
Lift of the blocade for Gaza. (nothing done yet)

Turkish demands are clear from one day. We don't care what Israel does or thinks. They should copmly with our demands if they want normalizatipn.

You know as well as i do,normalisation between both countries will never happen as long as Erdogan in power.
Lift of blockade for Gaza,look at whats allowed and whats forbidden to enter Gaza.
Im not saying the Israelis are right but Erdogan will never be satisfied,
Look at the situation,Israel would never have good relations with Greece and Southern Cyprus if relations would have been normal.We could have gone for recognition of KKTC,but now thats impossible(allmost).
They could openly support PKK and many more things.
Is it worth for a ''blockade''for Gaza?
Who cares about Gaza besides Erdogan?
You ever hear something from Egypt,KSA?
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