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Israel: Turkey will pay the price

yes sir Islam is right and they should not only use Islam as slogan but also implement its laws completely and wipe out -
I can't remember the last time something good came out of "implementing Islam's laws completely", can you?
If i was Israel i would do it openly,lets see what Erdogan would do or say about that.
An eye for an eye.
I respect them for not doing it(at least in the open),they to know Erdogan wont be there for long.

The dangerous thing about Erdogan is that he attracts a large crowd of supporters that seems to lack any capability to think rationally on their own. Since Erdogan clearly is a populist, such a move by Israel and Erdogan would just point fingers at it which would lead to massive outcry against Israel. Nobody would think about the fact that the one they would be blaming and hating actually just would have imitated what Erdogan already had done to them. I also respect the Israeli politicians for remaining cool and not behaving as immaturely as Erdogan - they could have done that, which the rest of the world would find to be a rather "fair" revenge.
Baykuş;4499417 said:
The dangerous thing about Erdogan is that he attracts a large crowd of supporters that seems to lack any capability to think rationally on their own. Since Erdogan clearly is a populist, such a move by Israel and Erdogan would just point fingers at it which would lead to massive outcry against Israel. Nobody would think about the fact that the one they would be blaming and hating actually just would have imitated what Erdogan already had done to them. I also respect the Israeli politicians for remaining cool and not behaving as immaturely as Erdogan - they could have done that, which the rest of the world would find to be a rather "fair" revenge.
That is his goal,find a common ground to get the masses behind him again(he met with Meshaal AGAIN).
He wants to provoke the Israelis into a reaction so he can say;See what they did?
The common people in Turkey think,they killed our people and are killing Palestinians for no reason,nobody cares about the provocations from the IHH(terrorist supporters mainly AL-Caida and Hamas).
It will be very difficult if not impossible to get rid of Erdogan.
In Gaza if you are against Hamas,you are either Dead or gone.
They dont care about the Palestinians(why not cooperate with the West Bank?).
Hamas rules by fear,they are anti peace,for me terrorists.
You are talking like if you have been there.

Baykuş;4498810 said:
Care to tell us exactly how we benefit from a continued conflict between Israel-Palestine?
It's the complete opposite.
I meant the problem between us and israel not that between them and palestine.
As I have said many times before, we need arabs more than we need Israel. And we can't play double agent.
terrorism, Madrid; terrorism [Credit: AP]the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population
Israel is clearly doing this by massacres in palestinian land.
and thereby to bring about a particular political objective.
Their political objective is to completely conquer palestine, and making palestinians surrender for this purpose.
Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.... (57 of 2,509 words)
I think "state institutions such as armies, intelligence services and police" is the best definition for israel

But I don't understand what you wanted to prove with this? you think I don't know how the dictionary defines terrorism? if so then grow up.
Nowadays, nothing is crystal clear. From one angle of view, every institution and organisation is terrorist. From united states bringing disastrous "democracies" to middle eastern countries to China brutally ruling over east turkistan and tibet to Myanmar's civilian people massacring muslims, all can be called Terrorists according to the above definition.

Similarly, nobody is "really" a terrorist, if you look from another perspective. Everybody fights for a reason, some of them don't have the media to inject their ideas into minds of humble people though.
Israel is clearly doing this by massacres in palestinian land.

Their political objective is to completely conquer palestine, and making palestinians surrender for this purpose.

I think "state institutions such as armies, intelligence services and police" is the best definition for israel

But I don't understand what you wanted to prove with this? you think I don't know how the dictionary defines terrorism? if so then grow up.
Nowadays, nothing is crystal clear. From one angle of view, every institution and organisation is terrorist. From united states bringing disastrous "democracies" to middle eastern countries to China brutally ruling over east turkistan and tibet to Myanmar's civilian people massacring muslims, all can be called Terrorists according to the above definition.

Similarly, nobody is "really" a terrorist, if you look from another perspective. Everybody fights for a reason, some of them don't have the media to inject their ideas into minds of humble people though.
So by your logic PKK is not a terrorist organisation?
Israel is clearly doing this by massacres in palestinian land...Their political objective is to completely conquer palestine, and making palestinians surrender for this purpose.
Since the facts don't support these statements, why should they be respected? Why do you respect them? Why should anybody believe in what you say, since you are either ignorant or practicing deceit?

Nowadays, nothing is crystal clear. From one angle of view, every institution and organisation is terrorist...
Word games, what Frank Herbert referred to as linguistic tyranny.

Similarly, nobody is "really" a terrorist, if you look from another perspective.
Sorry, some people and groups of people are better than others. If you don't believe me, why not trade places with a convict at your local prison?
What price are we talking about ? Can someone bring me up to speed ?
What price are we talking about ? Can someone bring me up to speed ?

Solomon2 is only showing us what an Elite Member from a View only from USA can do against Turkish Community.

Close this Thread and Problem Solved.
Since the facts don't support these statements, why should they be respected? Why do you respect them? Why should anybody believe in what you say, since you are either ignorant or practicing deceit?
Facts do support these statements, unless you deliberately don't want to see it.
You can't possibly be serious about this. You should either be blind, ignorant or too arrogant not to see it.
Word games, what Frank Herbert referred to as linguistic tyranny.
yes, that's exactly what I've been saying. Hamas is called a terrorist organization, while israel is not. While I don't see a major difference between them.
Sorry, some people and groups of people are better than others. If you don't believe me, why not trade places with a convict at your local prison?
Indeed some people are better than others, but that doesn't mean that the "better" group is the savior of the world and the slightly worse group is a brutal terrorist who has nothing else to do other than slaughtering kids day in and day out.

Why the hell would I do that? Just because someone is imprisoned for maybe things s/he has not done doesn't mean I will volunteer to stay in prison for him.

So by your logic PKK is not a terrorist organisation?
That's not what I am saying.
I am trying to explain perspectives here.
while we treat PKK as a terrorist organisation, europe doesn't.
and even people who support PKK may be calling us terrorists. (okay, the word terrorist may be misleading here, so you may wanna call it a ruthless government)
You are talking like if you have been there.

It's the complete opposite.
I meant the problem between us and israel not that between them and palestine.
As I have said many times before, we need arabs more than we need Israel. And we can't play double agent.
No need to have been there,they killed(or deported them) so many of Al-Fatah members/symphatizers when they came into power.
It was all over the news at that time,if not explain why Hamas and Al-Fatah dont have good relation.
Why Hamas in Gaza doesnt care about the other Palestinian territories?
Btw,if i have to have been there to talk about something then theres not much to talk about anything.
You are talking like if you have been there.
Have you been there, then?

It's the complete opposite.
I meant the problem between us and israel not that between them and palestine.
As I have said many times before, we need arabs more than we need Israel. And we can't play double agent.

Why do we need to choose a side? Why not maintain good relations with both parts and contribute to the issue by being a neutral mediator between those two states?

You were earlier telling that we benefit from supporting the Palestinians so that we in turn can gain support from the GCC states. I suppose you meant that it's the money of the GCC that's so precious?
They wil pay the price not we. They didnt payed the price what they did in a decade! In fact no one country did things what israil did and get with credits.

America is not for ever so keep this in your mind.
Supporting the toothless Armenian lobby or a few mountain goats calling them self Pkk?

What else?
Baykuş;4502963 said:
Have you been there, then?
No but i didnt act like ive been there.

Why do we need to choose a side? Why not maintain good relations with both parts and contribute to the issue by being a neutral mediator between those two states?
It doesnt work that way. We may survive by being neutral, no one wil love or hate us that way.
But if we do support palestine, we become the hero of middle east among arabs, dont you see it? And thats when we benefit from all around us.
You were earlier telling that we benefit from supporting the Palestinians so that we in turn can gain support from the GCC states. I suppose you meant that it's the money of the GCC that's so precious?
Its not only the money, but yes its the most important factor.
We must do what is good for the nation instead of trying to continue the tradition that was being done for a couple of decades
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