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Israel steps up security ties with China

After a prolonged chill, security ties between Israel and China are warming up.

With Israel offering much-needed technical expertise and China representing a huge new market and influential voice in the international debate over Iran's nuclear program, the two nations have stepped up military cooperation as they patch up a rift caused by a pair of failed arms deals scuttled by the U.S.

The improved ties have been highlighted by this week's visit to Beijing by Israel's military chief and a training mission to Israel by the Chinese paramilitary force that, among other things, polices the restive Tibetan and Muslim Uighur regions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to travel to China in the coming weeks.

After their meeting Monday, both China's chief of staff, Gen. Chen Bingde, and his Israeli counterpart, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, hailed the growing ties and held out the possibility of even closer military cooperation.

Chen told the official China Daily that China "attaches importance to the ties with the Israeli military and is willing to make concerted efforts with the Israeli side to deepen pragmatic cooperation."

In a statement released by the Israeli military, Gantz mentioned a commitment to developing the relationship, including "joint courses that are scheduled to take place." It did not elaborate.

Such comments are a remarkable turnaround from just a few years ago, when ties deteriorated after the failed arms deals.

Israel and China established diplomatic relations in 1992, and the two countries traded military technology for nearly a decade. Some military analysts believe that Israel helped China develop its J-10 fighter plane during the 1990s, a claim that both countries have denied.

These ties suffered a blow in 2000 when the U.S. pressured Israel to cancel the sale of a sophisticated radar system to China, fearing it could alter the balance of power with Taiwan. The cancellation infuriated China, cost Israel hundreds of millions of dollars, and frayed ties.

Then, in 2005, the U.S. persuaded Israel not to service spare parts for unmanned aircraft drones already sold to China, concerned that it would upgrade China's airborne anti-radar capability. Israel officials say that Israel has since halted weapons sales to China.

But in recent months, relations have begun to improve. In June 2011, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak traveled to China. Chen, the Chinese military chief, visited Israel in August, and in December, Israel's paramilitary Border Police unit hosted a delegation from the People's Armed Police.

During the monthlong course, "cadets were taught a variety of information, with an emphasis on fighting terror, dealing with disturbances, self defense, open field combat and more," according to an Israeli police statement. It was the first such exercise, police said.

This newfound cooperation has raised concerns among human rights advocates. Israel's Border Police serve on the front lines of anti-Israel demonstrations in the West Bank and have been accused of using excessive force dispersing crowds. It denies the allegations.

The People's Armed Police, or PAP, has also been accused of using excessive force, particularly in Tibet, a western region where the indigenous Buddhist population has pushed for independence.

Policing Tibet is a small part of a challenging mission. Believed to have as many as 1 million members, the PAP is responsible for asserting government control over a rapidly changing society beset by soaring numbers of protests, strikes and ethnic unrest by Tibetans and Muslim Uighurs on China's Central Asian frontier.

Set up in the early 1980s to take over domestic security from the armed forces, the PAP has been derided for much of its history as undisciplined. The units proved unfit to handle the Tiananmen Square democracy demonstrations in 1989, forcing the Communist Party to call in the People's Liberation Army.

In the past decade, the government has launched a full-force upgrade.

It now has rapid-response, counterterrorism, anti-hijacking and other specialized units.

Nicholas Bequelin, a China researcher at Human Rights Watch, said PAP units engaged in "widespread abuses" in putting down a mass Tibetan uprising in 2008, using live ammunition against unarmed protesters, disappearances and other acts of disproportionate brutality.

He said the Israeli training "must include a human rights component, such as the principle of proportionate use of force."

Israeli officials rejected any notion of wrongdoing, saying that all cooperation was "transparent" and done with the full knowledge of the U.S. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing a sensitive diplomatic issue.

The Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv did not respond to a request for comment.

According to Israeli diplomats and analysts, the interests on both sides are clear. Israel has a strong interest in getting closer to a rising world power, while China is interested in Israeli military and technological know-how.

"I'm sure Israel does whatever it can to let the Chinese know that despite limitations on military transfers, Israel still has a strong will to attain good relations," said Yoram Evron, a China expert at Haifa University and the Institute for National Security Studies, a Tel Aviv think tank.

He said he believes the warming ties were initiated by the Chinese, who were caught off guard by the Arab Spring protests convulsing the region in the past year and a half.

"Due to the Arab Spring, China may have the impression, a stronger impression than before, that Israel is relatively stable compared with other players in the region," he said.

An Israeli diplomat involved in Asian affairs said the security ties are part of a larger blossoming of relations. China is now Israel's third-largest trade partner, after the European Union and United States. Bilateral trade exceeded $8 billion last year, roughly 20 percent higher than the previous year.

While those figures are minuscule for China, the diplomat noted that China is very interested in some key industries in which Israel has expertise. He cited Israeli water technologies in agriculture, desalination and wastewater management.

He said Israel has signed number of trade agreements with China in recent years, including a new scholarship program to bring 250 Chinese university students to Israel annually. It also has expanded its diplomatic presence in China with a new consulate in the city of Guangzhou, and another one set to open in Chengdu next year.

Israeli officials acknowledged their motives go beyond trade. They said they routinely raise concerns about Iran's nuclear program with China, which is both a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council and which relies on Iran for roughly 10 percent of its oil supply.

Israel, like the West, believes Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb, and has hinted it will attack Iran if it concludes that international diplomatic efforts to stop Iran have failed. An Israeli attack could disrupt the flow of oil and send global energy prices skyrocketing, a nightmare scenario for China.

So far, the Israeli lobbying has yielded mixed results. China has helped pass four sets of economic sanctions against Iran, but has tried to dilute the language.

"We would like to see them taking more concrete steps because they have clout over Iran," the diplomat said. "We explain that if the issue is not resolved, it might affect stability in the Middle East."

Israel steps up security ties with China | The Jakarta Post

Wow even China needs Israels help.
Positive Israeli news in nonexistent in most of the Asian countries. So, they rely on hostile news outlets to procure their information about Israel, like BBC, Guardian, Al Jazeera, etc... Most of them do not even know what a Jew is, they only know Israel is killing Arabs and is the aggressor.

The most popular books in Japan have been, amongst others, "The Elders of Zion", which talks about how evil the Jews are and how they aspire to control the world.

With regards to China; A Chinese citizen once told me that there is a prevalent saying about the Jews, in China.
It goes like this: "All the wisdom in the world is in the Chinese mind, and all the money in the world is in Jewish hands".

All in all, if ever a conflict broke out between China and Japan, i would side with China.

The thing is, that the world never bothered about Asia until recently. They are only paying attention now, due to our economic expansion.

East Asia in particular has traditionally never had ANY anti-semitisim at all.

However, due to the vacuum of non-existant Israeli influence in this region, the Japanese in particular have been importing a LOT of anti-semitic ideas from the West, with the Koreans following.

China still has the most positive view towards Israel in the Asian region, however the ideas are flowing in very quickly as more people learn to read English. If you don't fill the vacuum, something else will.
@ Ptex...i would disagree to the 10 percent part...you can't generalize it....only the mullahs usually rant things like wiping Israel etc....no educated person in Pakistan thinks like this...let alone educated...even uneducated ones don't think like this, they have so many probelms of their own. Plus we arn't Arabs, your issue is with the Arabs not us, and i am 110 % sure that Pakistan's civilian govt and security establishment views you in a neutral way. If this had not been the case, we would not have purchased F16 fuel trucks from your companies via Turkey, or we would not have allowed weapons captured by Mossad in Lebanon to help Afghan fighters against Soviets, or ISI chief Shuja Pasha would not have warned the American govt about a threat to Israeli citizens in India.

The only thing stopping Pakistan from having diplomatic relations with Israel is that it is dependent on Arab countries for oil. Moreover since its the only Muslim nuclear nation, its status in the Muslim world will deteriorate if the Arabs start opposing Pakistan because of relations with Israel.
The thing is, that the world never bothered about Asia until recently. They are only paying attention now, due to our economic expansion.

East Asia in particular has traditionally never had ANY anti-semitisim at all.

However, due to the vacuum of non-existant Israeli influence in this region, the Japanese in particular have been importing a LOT of anti-semitic ideas from the West, with the Koreans following.

China still has the most positive view towards Israel in the Asian region, however the ideas are flowing in very quickly as more people learn to read English. If you don't fill the vacuum, something else will.
I agree, if we do not fill this vacuum, the Antisemitic will. As it happened in Latin America and Europe(Though they didn't need much encouraging with their Antisemitism).

I believe the Arab was referring to the Mullahs and the blind followers of the Mullahs, which have quite the following.
If you look at all the negative opinions coming out of the Muslim world, it is not an overestimation to think that tens of millions hate Israel, even a hundred million.

Most just dislike Israel, very few would actually die fighting Israel. For example: Hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt etc shouted "Death to Israel" during one time or another in the past decade.
I agree, if we do not fill this vacuum, the Antisemitic will. As it happened in Latin America and Europe(Though they didn't need much encouraging with their Antisemitism).

You guys should have started that initiative 10 years ago. Now the entire world is being affected by it, especially in this last decade.

Though it might only be a passing phase. One the tensions in the middle east cool down, it should revert back to normal.
You guys should have started that initiative 10 years ago. Now the entire world is being affected by it, especially in this last decade.

Though it might only be a passing phase. One the tensions in the middle east cool down, it should revert back to normal.
The tension in the middle east will never cool down, cutting off one head of Hydra only brings out two more.

And Israel should have have started much sooner than that.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Wow even China needs Israels help.

No, Indonesians think we need Israel's help. Now India really needs Israel's help, since India's problem is not at the component manufacturing equipment level, not at the component level, hell not even at the subsystem level, but at the whole system level. You're still several tiers below us my friend and that's why you need Israel badly.
No, Indonesians think we need Israel's help. Now India really needs Israel's help, since India's problem is not at the component manufacturing equipment level, not at the component level, hell not even at the subsystem level, but at the whole system level. You're still several tiers below us my friend and that's why you need Israel badly.

So you mean to say - "You don't need them". You took a long way to pass a small message..

Dude, Israeli systems are one of the best in the world and many times better than what China can ever think of producing and believe me India is buying because they know what Israelis products are capable of.. You will be better off buying their products/systems..
Even though Israel now wants to warm up ties with China, i believe China still find the friendship with Iran more important. We have developed our own technology and working closely with the Russians as well. Both countries support Iran and would veto against USA who wants to attack Iran or Syria.

America is ruled by Jews.
No War For Israel
Even though Israel now wants to warm up ties with China, i believe China still find the friendship with Iran more important. We have developed our own technology and working closely with the Russians as well. Both countries support Iran and would veto against USA who wants to attack Iran or Syria.

I think Iranians are smarter than that - they don't care who you deal with as long as you treat them fairly. India has pretty good relations with Israel and all Arab countries, and our ties with Iran have never been affected because of that.
Nations follow their own National interests. China will deal with any nation that will further China's interest. The Muslim world needs to unify and make it more attractive for China to have better relationship with the 1.5 Billion Muslims. When that happens China will drop the 5 million Israelis like a hot Potato. This is all about Dollars and Yuans. A united 1.5 Billion Muslims can be a great incentive for any Nation to rethink its strategy. Look at what NATO has been able to accomplish as a block. Today, they impose crippling sanctions against Muslim nations to destroy their economy. If the 50+ Muslim Nations use their Resources to impose Sanctions against Western countries all this Israeli foolishness will end overnight. What is needed is political will.
Today, they impose crippling sanctions against Muslim nations to destroy their economy. If the 50+ Muslim Nations use their Resources to impose Sanctions against Western countries all this Israeli foolishness will end overnight. What is needed is political will.

What you are missing here is that destroying Israel is NOT Allah's will. Allah is protecting Israel. Can't you see that? Muslim nations, if they were to follow your advice, would be defeated by Allah and their peoples sent to h3ll.
Nations follow their own National interests. China will deal with any nation that will further China's interest. The Muslim world needs to unify and make it more attractive for China to have better relationship with the 1.5 Billion Muslims. When that happens China will drop the 5 million Israelis like a hot Potato. This is all about Dollars and Yuans. A united 1.5 Billion Muslims can be a great incentive for any Nation to rethink its strategy. Look at what NATO has been able to accomplish as a block. Today, they impose crippling sanctions against Muslim nations to destroy their economy. If the 50+ Muslim Nations use their Resources to impose Sanctions against Western countries all this Israeli foolishness will end overnight. What is needed is political will.

Dude...what is the point in making in bold and high lighted part....If you want to live in future then you are welcome...The statement what you have mentioned might have mentioned thousand times in Friday prayers of religious sermons that " If All muslims unite then the world will on their toes".....But you guys forget ...the reality is different...That does not mean that i donot want Muslims to unite....I believe culturally and socially all religious grouping will happen in future. But in international geo politics it is nevergoing to happens....There is a simple example....in your Karachi...first unite people from different sects of Muslim people itself..then you aspire for religion based consolidation.....And it is not only for Muslim countries only...It is applicable for all religions...
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