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Israel steps up security ties with China

India. I believe that is beyond question. Loyalty is the foundation of friendship.
Though i hope no such conflict erupts.
so you wanna say , u'll support chin when u guys will think that helping china will be useful to destroy
Israels enemy,like " destroying enemy by enemy " but when it would be between ur bloody hell frnd india and china u'll destroy china or help india to destroy china as they become destroyed , u ppl become new world power,china become your slave and india like nation become assistant of crime , is not it
Positive Israeli news in nonexistent in most of the Asian countries. So, they rely on hostile news outlets to procure their information about Israel, like BBC, Guardian, Al Jazeera, etc... Most of them do not even know what a Jew is, they only know Israel is killing Arabs and is the aggressor.

The most popular books in Japan have been, amongst others, "The Elders of Zion", which talks about how evil the Jews are and how they aspire to control the world.

With regards to China; A Chinese citizen once told me that there is a prevalent saying about the Jews, in China.
It goes like this: "All the wisdom in the world is in the Chinese mind, and all the money in the world is in Jewish hands".

All in all, if ever a conflict broke out between China and Japan, i would side with China.


I read the "Elders of Zion" at the insistence of a friend of mine. I found it to be total crap.

I thought that given the strong military alliances between USA-Japan and USA-Israel, there would be sort of military cooperation between Japan and Israel and that would boost Japanese-Israeli relations. I had no idea Japanese disliked Israel that much.

Heck even Pakistanis have a higher favorable view of Israel than Japanese and there is nothing but anti-Israel propaganda beaming into Pakistan.

Could the reason why there is such anti-Israel sentiments in Japan relate from the burgeoning Chinese-Israeli defense cooperation? Which is even more strange given that India is such a rapid consumer of Israeli Arms.

This is really confusing.

I read the "Elders of Zion" at the insistence of a friend of mine. I found it to be total crap.

I thought that given the strong military alliances between USA-Japan and USA-Israel, there would be sort of military cooperation between Japan and Israel and that would boost Japanese-Israeli relations. I had no idea Japanese disliked Israel that much.

Heck even Pakistanis have a higher favorable view of Israel than Japanese and there is nothing but anti-Israel propaganda beaming into Pakistan.

Could the reason why there is such anti-Israel sentiments in Japan relate from the burgeoning Chinese-Israeli defense cooperation? Which is even more strange given that India is such a rapid consumer of Israeli Arms.

This is really confusing.
The Japanese are an odd bunch(Apart from their ritual suicide thing and their many complexes)... The relationship between China and Israel has little to do with Japan-Israel relationship.

They simply do not know what a Jew actually is, nor know the history of Israel and what Israel is fighting for, nor care particularly about what happens to Israel. All they know is what they see from Anti-Israel news outlets.

The relationship between Israel and Japan is near nonexistent. And even Pakistanis have a better view of Israel, like you said, than the Japanese who almost never interact with Israelis.
The Relationship with Israel has always been controlled by the USA, aside from all the weapons deals with Israel the USA pressured Israel to stop them, However China shouldn't buy weapons from other countries , the China-Israel relationship is pretty decent but not going to change for a long time due to the US influence and the Arab countries, China has better relations with the Arab countries and has been a long time supporter of the Palestinians, but aside from that Iranian Oil is vital for us not to mention I personally believe China should stay out of the Middle East for a long time due to the unrest's, Extremism and conflicts.
WOW it's the pinnacle of Zionist hypocrisy, after arming China's enemies, they want to be closer to China to prevent any potential weapon sales to Iran.
^^^ Weapons sale is improbable. It's to further reduce Chinese diplomatic and financial aid to Iran. Although, for as long as Russia backs Iran, China won't back off. So it's kind of pointless
a nice move by isreals but they will have to choose sonner or later china or usa and siding with one makes the other hostile
besides china is friendly to a lot of muslim countrys so if isreal and china have better relations it wont be like the US and isreal alliance
a nice move by isreals but they will have to choose sonner or later china or usa and siding with one makes the other hostile
That doesn't make any sence, Israel is too insignificant a country that can have an effect on Sino-US relations. Life isn't black and white, either you are with me or against me.

besides china is friendly to a lot of muslim countrys so if isreal and china have better relations it wont be like the US and isreal alliance
That too doesn't make any sense, US also has very friendly relations with many Muslim countries, including Egypt.
@ Ptex These days the biggest misconception is that all Pakistanis don't have a favorable view of Israel, trust me there are tons of Pakistanis who view Israel positively....much more positively than they view India.....cuz if Israel is not a friend its not a hostile state either...I personally have high respect for how you guys have done nation building in a region where all the odds were against you.
Chinese are smart people, i am sure they know, who they are dealing with
a nice move by isreals but they will have to choose sonner or later china or usa and siding with one makes the other hostile
besides china is friendly to a lot of muslim countrys so if isreal and china have better relations it wont be like the US and isreal alliance

It's unlikely China ever has the type of Relationship with Israel the USA has, for one the USA pressured Israel on weapons sales to us, not that it matters I'm a firm believer on China building our own weapons the US doesn't want technology from israel to be sold to us , next this is most likely due to China-Iran relations, Iranian Oil is vital to us so we aren't going to give it up, China has been a long time supporter of the Palestinians including the relationship with the Arab countries we been selling weapons to them. We have had a mostly neutral stance on the ME the Russians have had a bigger role then us, so it's unlikely we ever have a US-Israel relationship, we have stronger relations with the arab countries due to more trade.
That doesn't make any sence, Israel is too insignificant a country that can have an effect on Sino-US relations. Life isn't black and white, either you are with me or against me.

That too doesn't make any sense, US also has very friendly relations with many Muslim countries, including Egypt.
i was talking about strong alliance not some friendly talk between two nations
i think everyone knows when the time comes it is with or against the diplomatic talks will mean nothing at this time
@ Ptex These days the biggest misconception is that all Pakistanis don't have a favorable view of Israel, trust me there are tons of Pakistanis who view Israel positively....much more positively than they view India.....cuz if Israel is not a friend its not a hostile state either...I personally have high respect for how you guys have done nation building in a region where all the odds were against you.
I've never even known that Pakistanis disliked, let alone hated Israel, before arriving to this forum.
But i appreciate the sentiment, i know your words are true since i`ve met such Pakistanis on this forum as well.

This reminds of me of what one Arab said:
"Most Muslims do not hate you, they have bigger problems to worry about than your country, only 10% of them want to kill you. "

It's good to know that only 140 million people want to kill me. :lol:
I don't think Israel is giving us any technical help that we can't do ourselves. Our bottleneck right now is in the latest current generation semiconductor process machinery and better jet engines. Israel doesn't have manufacturing capabilities for either of those, in fact for the first, only US, Japan and Netherlands has it, and for the second, there are only 5 manufacturers of jet engines in the world of any quality, and they're in US, UK, China, Russia and France.

However, Israeli police and infantry is world famous for their efficiency, and that's where we should learn from them, and where I think Israel can benefit from our experiences.
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