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Israel shoots down 3 Hezbollah drones heading towards Karish gas rig

What a great say this is

A wise enemy is better than an stupid friend.

The guy is literally repeating this BS that Iran is an American ally. Even the crows would laugh at this ignorance.
End iran you End gulf sales and israel will be the eternal sole enemy
Costly wars dont matter when America's intrests are in Danger
And its in their intrest Iran stays like a scare crow and for israel to expand
Does the US force Iran to hate Israel?
Did i say that?
US manipulates the current existing situation to its advantage in form of weapon sales and to Israel's advantage in form of alliances, this is a fact.

But there's a difference between taking advantage of an existing situation and saying US and Iran are allies. They are not, whether Iran plays into US advantaged hand is one thing, saying US caused it is another.
So you're saying that Israel has used missiles worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each to destroy $30 Aliexpress drones ? In that case then couldn't Hezbollah theoretically exhaust all of Israel's missile stockpiles for pennies on the dollar ? Is that what you're implying ?

I'm pretty sure that the drones Hezbollah are using are alot more sophisticated than $35 Aliexpress drones. Also I'm curious to see how Israel performs when Hezbollah launches half a dozen or more cruise missiles as well as drones at the oil platform simultaneously.

You can't defeat an ideology embedded into every Shia in Lebanon since birth without committing genocide and displacing them all.
Israel hasn't really tried that. Israel is playing nice to Lebanon. Next war will be different, Israel is fully preparing to the war - from my personal experience Israel has countered every possible threat and is now working on more advanced countermeasures, the most important of which is a high powered laser weapons.

Israel won't make Hezbollah's attempt of disrupting Israeli gas excavation an easy task, as you can see in the video.

The most Hezbollah can do is take small AliExpress 30$ drones and take some nice promotional videos for those gas rigs.
We don't fire at 30$ drones, we let them take pictures. The drones you saw were big fixed wing drones, maybe even suicide drones. Our missiles don't cost millions either.

They haven't experienced genocide.

Israel was allied with the Christians by the way.
You are right , your missiles don't cost Israel millions because US tax payers pay for them.
So you're saying that Israel has used missiles worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each to destroy $30 Aliexpress drones ? In that case then couldn't Hezbollah theoretically exhaust all of Israel's missile stockpiles for pennies on the dollar ? Is that what you're implying ?

I'm pretty sure that the drones Hezbollah are using are alot more sophisticated than $35 Aliexpress drones. Also I'm curious to see how Israel performs when Hezbollah launches half a dozen or more cruise missiles as well as drones at the oil platform simultaneously.

I'm saying Hezbollah has some footage of the gas rigs using 30 dollar drones.

The drones used right now cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, they got shot down.

Hezbollah may be able to hit the gas rig, but it would lead to the collapse of Lebanon.
Arab-Israeli coalition is practically formed, all that's left is Saudi Arabia to officially normalize ties with Israel, it's supposed to happen when Biden arrives to Israel or soon after.

Even when the coalition forms, I don't know if it will be like NATO, how it will be organized, who will structure it.

Whether Egypt wants to join it is a different question. Israel and Egypt, in contrast to what you think, have very good military cooperation.
So you agree that joining forces with Arab countries IMPLIES that neither Israel nor the Arab states could actually take on Iran by themselves? LMAOO....please go ahead and make your own "alliance"... ALLIANCES are therapy for westernized countries- they lose every war, but make white skin people feel better, so enjoy. Iran will not watch and let this alliance become potent at its detriment, just watch.

Thinking america and iran are enemies is laughable at this point
you THINKING America and Iran are friends is what is laughable...you're laughter is a projection of your insanity.
So you agree that joining forces with Arab countries IMPLIES that neither Israel nor the Arab states could actually take on Iran by themselves? LMAOO....please go ahead and make your own "alliance"... ALLIANCES are therapy for westernized countries- they lose every war, but make white skin people feel better, so enjoy. Iran will not watch and let this alliance become potent at its detriment, just watch.
No lol, it will just make it easier.

In a war with Iran against Israel alone, do you really think Israel will just let ballistic missiles rain at it? Do you think Israel will just let Iran develop a nuke? Israel would nuke Iran without hesitation.
Israel alone has the power to wipe out you all.
Can you explain who "you" is in this context? Pakistan could wipe out your little Israel in a matter of minutes. Let me make this easy. Pakistan has enough nukes to reduce India to a giant wasteland. India is 160x times larger than Israel.

Take this as a warning.

No one here cares about Pakistan.
Really? Why is your government begging to Pakistan to recognize your fake nation? What are you doing on a Pakistani forum anyways? I doubt you will ever find a Pakistani on a Israeli forum?😉

I am sure the families of the Israeli pilots we shot down care about Pakistan:)

Or the families of the Mossad agents we killed all over the world care about Pakistan.

In fact your Israeli defence minister Avigdor Lieberman has accused ISI of capturing and assassinating Mossad agents around the world😁
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