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Israel shoots down 3 Hezbollah drones heading towards Karish gas rig

Dude, it's better that egypt worries about Ethiopia for now. That's your level.
Plus, why would anyone want to harm egypt when the land is already becoming too dry for sustaining its population and egypt is too impotent to ensure its water rights against even Ethiopia? Not to mention that your wheat production is already a sad joke too.
Egypt is really funny. I am sorry to say this (no offence to some of the nice people that exist in Egypt), usually i would not call any nation this word but Egypt is a real shithole. Scrap it off your list if you want to visit it, just google the Pyramids and look at the photos. Much better than even going there. It is an entire scam country, loads and loads of hungry people. All their politicians and elite are only good for showing off their ''power'' e.g. luxurious cars and authority than really working for their people. Their military is positioned like in every corner of the street watching their own people rather than standing on guard against Israel.

Their intel services working very closely with US and Israel etc.

In short : a huge populous country wasted by its pro zionist leaders.

It is a real badbakht country for real.

Apparently i am not the only one saying this about Egypt

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Egypt is really funny. I am sorry to say this (no offence to some of the nice people that exist in Egypt), usually i would not call any nation this word but Egypt is a real shithole. Scrap it off your list if you want to visit it, just google the Pyramids and look at the photos. Much better than even going there. It is an entire scam country, loads and loads of hungry people. All their politicians and elite are only good for showing off their ''power'' e.g. luxurious cars and authority than really working for their people. Their military is positioned like in every corner of the street watching their own people rather than standing on guard against Israel.

Their intel services working very closely with US and Israel etc.

In short : a huge populous country wasted by its pro zionist leaders.

It is a real badbakht country for real.

Apparently i am not the only one saying this about Egypt

I think that @Hydration knows very well that the country’s leadership sold Egyptian soil to Sauds.

The shiny military equipment that they have recently received has thrown them into hellhole of debt trap. Their people suffer and instead some ignorants brag about those shiny weapons that will never be used against Israel but only the helpless people of Yemen and other poor countries of west Asia.

Being poor doesn’t make you worthless, its dishonesty that destroys your reputation. Today's Egypt is nothing more than a militarized colony of Sauds directly and indirectly a western colony. The lowest level for a country with thousands years of civilization. What a shame
I think that @Hydration knows very well that the country’s leadership sold Egyptian soil to Sauds.

The shiny military equipment that they have recently received has thrown them into hellhole of debt trap. Their people suffer and instead some ignorants brag about those shiny weapons that will never be used against Israel but only the helpless people of Yemen and other poor countries of west Asia.

Being poor doesn’t make you worthless, its dishonesty that destroys your reputation. Today's Egypt is nothing more than a militarized colony of Sauds directly and indirectly a western colony. The lowest level for a country with thousands years of civilization. What a shame
In the case of Saudi Arabia, at least their people live much better than the average Egyptian. Saudi is proud that their entire country is an US outpost. But what does Egypt get? What did Egypt got out of all these decades being a US/Israeli prostitute?
The only joke here relating to sustanibality of food and water supply is iran.
Controlling rivers full of fertile soil blocking it off Iraq and yet cant provide for its own people drinking water or food on the shelfs of supermarkets or even proper service
Multiple occurances of protests because of the lack of services and this has been getting larger as russia invaded ukraine
Most of iranian users on this forum live outside of iran in the suppossed enemies of iran which is the westren world. Really shows how bad the living standard is in iran.
For Egypt wheat production has been thriving https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsCo...my/Egypt-planted--mln-acres-of-wheat-in-.aspx
And currently Ethiopia is thigh-deep into a civil war with countless accounts of committed war crimes the dam has cracks in it and most importantly the Serg Dam is poorly built which is the backbone of the project is at stake of collapsing if not properly maintained. Not a single drop has been shuffled off Egypt's share and ethiopia didnt manage to even harm us even with the Israeli and iranian help they get. Our level is stopping the collapse of European goverments sharing the same fate of Italy and Britian for our own gain of military technology and stopping the war with the help of Serbia. Our way is diplomatic and much of it his hidden away from the newspapers but if you want to see the results the red line in Libya, the question of who controls the East Med, turning Camp david into a useless piece of paper and the turning of gulf of Aqaba to an Egyptian lake.
You might not know it but oh boy your leaders did know the risk of threatning the navigation of the Suez canal after Qassem solimani ran off after reciving a message on his phone that hes being watched trying to create an MB revloutionary guard in Egypt 2012.
Well, first of all, I do live in Iran. I live in Tehran.

Your Human Development Index is 0.707, ranking egypt 116 out of 189 countries. Iran's HDI is 0.783, ranking Iran 70 out of 189.
Which means that as far as the official UN stats are concerned, you're basically some third-world, African country. That's the level of egypt when it comes to standards of living. Iran is 70th, egypt is 116th. Case closed.

egypt's wheat production was 9 million tonnes last year. Iran's wheat production was 14-16 million tonnes (according to different sources) and it's projected to hit 20 million tonnes after the new government has taken the office. Iran's population is 84 million people, egypt's population is over 102 million people. So, just to put things in perspective, Iran already produces at least 2 times more wheat than egypt per capita and it may very well become 3 times more in the near future. Also, Iran benefits from the war in Ukraine, unlike egypt. And Venezuela is renting its farm lands to Iran quite cheaply.

egypt is all huff and no puff. Fire a bullet at Ethiopia and see how they will mop the floor with your half-assed army. Even your weapons procurement is a joke. What technology are you talking about? You can't even procure things properly:

Who controls the Eastern Mediterranean? That has a very simple answer. Turkey. egypt doesn't even come close to Turkey in basically anything. The same goes for Libya.

Why Ethiopia?
Because Ethiopia is drying up egypt and they can do nothing but complain and moan about it.

I think that @Hydration knows very well that the country’s leadership sold Egyptian soil to Sauds.

The shiny military equipment that they have recently received has thrown them into hellhole of debt trap. Their people suffer and instead some ignorants brag about those shiny weapons that will never be used against Israel but only the helpless people of Yemen and other poor countries of west Asia.

Being poor doesn’t make you worthless, its dishonesty that destroys your reputation. Today's Egypt is nothing more than a militarized colony of Sauds directly and indirectly a western colony. The lowest level for a country with thousands years of civilization. What a shame
And it's insane when you see that all their very expensive purchases are in fact substandard for the huge debt they're creating for themselves while that money could be spent on the betterment of the lives of egyptian people.
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Egypt is really funny. I am sorry to say this (no offence to some of the nice people that exist in Egypt), usually i would not call any nation this word but Egypt is a real shithole. Scrap it off your list if you want to visit it, just google the Pyramids and look at the photos. Much better than even going there. It is an entire scam country, loads and loads of hungry people. All their politicians and elite are only good for showing off their ''power'' e.g. luxurious cars and authority than really working for their people. Their military is positioned like in every corner of the street watching their own people rather than standing on guard against Israel.

Their intel services working very closely with US and Israel etc.

In short : a huge populous country wasted by its pro zionist leaders.

It is a real badbakht country for real.

Apparently i am not the only one saying this about Egypt

And let's not forget that the "mighty" egyptian army has been depriving people of Gaza of food and construction materials for years, killing their own "Arab brothers" for the little the West throws for them.
Not only egypt is as spineless as a gummy bear against Israel, but it is also directly and shamelessly serving the interests of Israel like a good vassal state.
Well, first of all, I do live in Iran. I live in Tehran.

Your Human Development Index is 0.707, ranking egypt 116 out of 189 countries. Iran's HDI is 0.783, ranking Iran 70 out of 189.
Which means that as far as the official UN stats are concerned, you're basically some third-world, African country. That's the level of egypt when it comes to standards of living. Iran is 70th, egypt is 116th. Case closed.

egypt's wheat production was 9 million tonnes last year. Iran's wheat production was 14-16 million tonnes (according to different sources) and it's projected to hit 20 million tonnes after the new government has taken the office. Iran's population is 84 million people, egypt's population is over 102 million people. So, just to put things in perspective, Iran already produces at least 2 times more wheat than egypt per capita and it may very well become 3 times more in the near future. Also, Iran benefits from the war in Ukraine, unlike egypt. And Venezuela is renting its farm lands to Iran quite cheaply.

egypt is all huff and no puff. Fire a bullet at Ethiopia and see how they will mop the floor with your half-assed army. Even your weapons procurement is a joke. What technology are you talking about? You can't even procure things properly:

Who controls the Eastern Mediterranean? That has a very simple answer. Turkey. egypt doesn't even come close to Turkey in basically anything. The same goes for Libya.

Because Ethiopia is drying up egypt and they can do nothing but complain and moan about it.

And it's insane when you see that all their very expensive purchases are in fact substandard for the huge debt they're creating for themselves while that money could be spent on the betterment of the lives of egyptian people.

Wheat production isnt comparable with the population but the amount of arable land AND population which Egypt is considred one of the driest countries in the world and that problem has already been addressed as Early as 2019 https://oxfordbusinessgroup.com/ove...rable-land-boost-crop-productivity-and-ensure These moves have been in place since 2019 and have made significant proggress. Productivity rate of an Egyptian Acre is 2.8 tons per acre while its 0.9-1.1 depending on sources for Iran if there is anyone to catch up its Egypt with its expansion on the desert
https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/115470/80-of-cultivated-area-of-wheat-to-be-harvested-in#:~:text=The cultivated area of wheat this season has reached about,to the Ministry of Supply.
It is disappointing to hear the amount of wheat in Iran and yet increase the price of nessecisties like bread sparking protests which isnt new for this decade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Iranian_food_protests
Yes the iranian revloutionary guard is benefitting you aren't which is the complete opposite in Egypt.
So far there has been no Huffing in libya there was only "puffing" from sirte to tarhona to al-watiya and so on. Mop the floor? When they can mop the militia called tigray then they can consider mopping Somal. Iam talking about the ToT of sensors and Engines with the German French reliability and much more to come but most importantly securing a VETO vote in the security council along with Russia and the US In the Event of a military Action against the dam which is getting closer due to stubborness of Ethiopia
I think its better to hide this away

Turkey? Bruh

Greek Crypoit israeli gas will be liquified in Egypt basically controlling the tap to all of the east Med. Which turkey was hoping to do Turkey has a gas and oil shortage.

Oh boy its is most of the debt is flowing towards projects like Al alamein and new cities and factories to repay the debt while the Money on hand is used on these

And btw the same inhabitants live there plus very little rent and many more people of the poor class and even middle class as this is luxrious in a sustainable way with its own markets and parking spots

And let's not forget that the "mighty" egyptian army has been depriving people of Gaza of food and construction materials for years, killing their own "Arab brothers" for the little the West throws for them.
Not only egypt is as spineless as a gummy bear against Israel, but it is also directly and shamelessly serving the interests of Israel like a good vassal state.
We were depriving them??????????????????

By the way Gaza's electricity comes from Egypt and so does its construction materrial
Qatar pays in hardend cash for hamas in the name of Gaza so Egypt exchanges said money for food construction material gas and nessicities of the Gazans as there has been multiple accounts of Hamas securing that mney for their leaders in banks in switzerland Sweden and Europe. If theres anyone still keeping gaza alive its Egypt

The reason why the border was closed was because of this

No one could enter sinai from gaza but products can enter from Egypt to gaza
The border is open now i can walk you through it if you want
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