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Israel shoots down 3 Hezbollah drones heading towards Karish gas rig

man if i know where do you brainwash yourself
And probably the reason you still didnt invade lebanon is gas and the formation of an arab israeli NATO wont take place without Egypt
Obviously this is speculation nothing official but do you have any other reason?
Arab-Israeli coalition is practically formed, all that's left is Saudi Arabia to officially normalize ties with Israel, it's supposed to happen when Biden arrives to Israel or soon after.

Even when the coalition forms, I don't know if it will be like NATO, how it will be organized, who will structure it.

Whether Egypt wants to join it is a different question. Israel and Egypt, in contrast to what you think, have very good military cooperation.
Hezbollah have all what's required to hit any Israeli asset in Occupied Palestine.
Why dont they hit it?

Arab-Israeli coalition is practically formed, all that's left is Saudi Arabia to officially normalize ties with Israel, it's supposed to happen when Biden arrives to Israel or soon after.

Even when the coalition forms, I don't know if it will be like NATO, how it will be organized, who will structure it.

Whether Egypt wants to join it is a different question. Israel and Egypt, in contrast to what you think, have very good military cooperation.
EXcuse me? Did you see a single military excercise between the two? Did you see any weapon sales between both sides? ANd this BS arab NATO wont stand without the Biggest military in the region and it will fall apart like the last one did. ANd lets wait and see the formation
What kind of missiles can be smuggled into Lebanon to hit the various gas fields?
Main threat are Yakhont missiles aka P-800 Onyx, supersonic cruise missile, Syria has it, it's unknown if Hezbollah has got its hands on it, Israel destroyed some shipments in the past.

Other than that, suicide drones and maybe ballistic missiles.

Hezbollah have all what's required to hit any Israeli asset in Occupied Palestine.
Israel has all that's required to defend itself, Lebanon has 0 assets to defend itself.

Calm down and take a breath, holywood manirism and mythology about idf is in past.
Oh but it's all but a myth.
If anything, the past wars Israel was too soft. Didn't use the full extent of its power.
Israel stopped the massacre of Muslims in Lebanon by the Christians.

Such actions of mercy won't happen again.
Not an inch of Israel will be safe, from Yemen to Lebanon hundreds of thousands of missiles locked and loaded.
Man i hope you destroy each other
But thats not happening because iran and america are freinds

They will in due time and properly arranged, the problem in Lebanon are the politic parties like Hariri and jaajaa, who are CIA puppets.

All Lebanese should stand for their rights and fight Israel not only Hezbollah.
Once they manage to make a functioning goverment and not be controlled by a terrorist group sponsered by iran. You think Iran is any different from israel?
Not an inch of Israel will be safe, from Yemen to Lebanon hundreds of thousands of missiles locked and loaded.
Lol, keep believing that, your war won't be just against Israel, and Israel alone has the power to wipe out you all.
I's all but a myth.
If anything, the past wars Israel was too soft. Didn't use the full extent of its power.
Israel stopped the massacre of Muslims in Lebanon by the Christians.

Such actions of mercy won't happen again.

Dude, your power is extension of usa tax payers money, "enjoy" while it lasts.
Hezbollah has already fought wars with Israel before with Iran as its main supporter, the enmity is as real as it can be.
They serve each other's purpose
They have one goal
The existance of iran serves gold for weapon sales and control
the existance of the US and israel gives it an excuse to start a conquest and control lands by proxies
America plays the cards And theyve done a good job
Everyone is leveraging the situation that's true and what's expected. But sometimes the balance gets disturbed and if Israel will make a mistake it will get punished.
Why dont they defend syria? Isnt syria a ally? Or is israeli bombardment benefitting them or they are weak
Read up on the plan america put to divide the middle east to turkish israeli iranian sectors in the Arab spring

Thinking america and iran are enemies is laughable at this point
Iran wouldve been destroyed before it even got the chance to start a nuclear program
and they had the evidence they lacked in Iraq 2003 to decimate iran
So your reasoning is that mighty superpower America didn't attack Iran's nuclear program so it must mean that Iran is its friend. This reasoning is based on some weird god complex some have about America, it says nothing about Iran.
You are telling me America destroyed iraq for the same reason that iran is doing
While iran didnt have half of what saddam had and they lied about WMDs while having a bigger "enemy" with the evidence they lacked of developing WMDs
Thinking iran was too powerful for america is another level of stupidity
And so far israeli airstrikes have targgetted the syrian army more than iranian targets and they cant defend them as they are either weak or the bombardment is benefitting their spread making assad more reliable on foriegn powers
You are telling me America destroyed iraq for the same reason that iran is doing
While iran didnt have half of what saddam had and they lied about WMDs while having a bigger "enemy" with the evidence they lacked of developing WMDs
Thinking iran was too powerful for america is another level of stupidity
And so far israeli airstrikes have targgetted the syrian army more than iranian targets and they cant defend them as they are either weak or the bombardment is benefitting their spread making assad more reliable on foriegn powers
I'd say it's more of an internal problem for the US, they don't want costly wars.
You can suck off iran all you want to "free palestine"
Israel and Ian's existance works both ways to the benefit of the other costing weak Arab countries their lands

I'd say it's more of an internal problem for the US, they don't want costly wars.
End iran you End gulf sales and israel will be the eternal sole enemy
Costly wars dont matter when America's intrests are in Danger
And its in their intrest Iran stays like a scare crow and for israel to expand
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