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Israel says will never support Pakistan on Kashmir

I believe that once pakistan nukes expand in range, trouble will come.

But most importantly pakistan has to build secret ties with israel.

Israel is a very influential country with the west. Its not just 6 day war, its their ingenuity and ability to convert others to believe in them.

All of these should be taken seriously.

More should be done to reassure israel so that pakistan will not be targetted by israel through india

The whole of israel, their military R&D is mightier than whole of india will ever be.

They sell military stuff to USA and China. When israel moves, the world must watch for agenda.

Pakistan does not specifically target Israel since it is mainly India specific and in self-defence but Pakistan has the reach to Israel and both know about it and I guess the world also knows about.

I think Pakistan and Israel have had some secret ties through "friends" but those are at very basic level and mostly aimed at preventing any miscalculated move between the two antithetical but still indifferent states.
India's relations with any country will always be counter to the interests of Pakistan whether it is Afghanistan, USA, Israel or any other except the other country specifically distances itself from India's obsession of Pakistan. Modi cries like a baby everywhere she goes with her 56 inches of breasts but gets spanked most of the time.

Furthermore, India-Israel clandestine deals against Muslims are no secret for us but most Muslim countries did not realise it until this point but now things are changing and 'some' Muslims countries like Iran and Syria will realise this. I hope they take appropriate measures and recognise their common enemy-duo.
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Israel says will never support Pakistan on Kashmir


PM Modi met his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu last month. (File Photo)

JERUSALEM/RAMALLAH: Under no circumstances will Israel support Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, top Israeli authorities have said.

This is significant given that the country has been relatively silent over Kashmir, which is described as the core issue between India and Pakistan, despite standing shoulder to shoulder with India in the fight against terrorism.

For India, the main issue with Pakistan is cross-border terrorism which continues to fan unrest in Jammu and Kashmir.

For a while, after India established full diplomatic relations with Israel in the early 90s, Israel had endorsed India's position that Kashmir was an integral part of the country.

However, as India's West Asia expert Rajendra Abhyankar described it, a certain entente cordiale emerged between Israel and Pakistan after 2003 with Israel starting to look at Pakistan as an important country of the Muslim world.

The Delhi Declaration issued after the visit to India by then PM Ariel Sharon in 2003, the first bilateral visit by the PM of either country, did not mention Israel's position on Kashmir. Similarly, the recent visit by PM Narendra Modi, first by an Indian PM to Israel, did not see any direct or even indirect reference to the issue in public despite the tumult prevailing in the state for which India blames Pakistan.

According to Israeli officials though, there is no question of Israel in any way supporting Pakistan, whatever might be the situation in Kashmir. This was conveyed, in response to a TOI query, to a delegation of Indian journalists and politicians who were brought to Israel by the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

The query also touched upon why, despite claiming to fully back India's stand on terrorism, the joint statement issued after Modi-Netanyahu meeting last month, neither made any specific mention of cross-border terrorism nor called upon Pakistan to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice. In contrast, the Modi-Trump joint statement this year did not just name Pakistan, asking it to expeditiously bring the perpetrators of Mumbai and Pathankot attacks to justice, but also sought action against Pakistan based terror groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

According to Israel though, the joint statement did not have to be exhaustive and that if something wasn't mentioned, it did not mean that it wasn't on the table. Israel also doesn't see the Kashmir issue as any form of religious conflict.
It's perhaps a sign of the maturity of its relationship with India that Israel has the confidence to not pursue exclusive ties with New Delhi. As Israeli officials said, there was no reason for Israel to take a position on the Sino-Indian military standoff even though Israel was following the situation closely. Israel has great relations with China but, as an official put it, just as India's relations with Iran are not directed at Israel, Israel's relations with any country too were were not directed to India.

However, while Israelis recalled Modi's visit as one of the most successful ever by a foreign leader, there was considerable disappointment at Ramallah, barely 10 miles north of Jerusalem, over Modi's decision to ignore Palestine during the visit. Unlike even his own foreign minister Sushma Swaraj, Modi chose not to visit Ramallah with his government looking to de-hyphenate ties with Israel and Palestine.

"There's significant concern here that India is moving away from the policies it has followed since 1947," said Khalil Shikaki, the director of Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah.
"The current PM (Modi) seems more interested in security and in relations with the West. Palestinians seem to believe that they can no longer count on India's support," added Shikaki.


Never say never
I believe that once pakistan nukes expand in range, trouble will come.

But most importantly pakistan has to build secret ties with israel.

Israel is a very influential country with the west. Its not just 6 day war, its their ingenuity and ability to convert others to believe in them.

All of these should be taken seriously.

More should be done to reassure israel so that pakistan will not be targetted by israel through india

The whole of israel, their military R&D is mightier than whole of india will ever be.

They sell military stuff to USA and China. When israel moves, the world must watch for agenda.

Pakistan does not specifically target Israel since it is mainly India specific and in self-defence but Pakistan has the reach to Israel and both know about it and I guess the world also knows about it.

I think Pakistan and Israel have had some secret ties through "friends" but those are at very basic level and mostly aimed at preventing any miscalculated move between the two antithetical but still indifferent states.

India's relations with any country will always be counter to the interests of Pakistan whether it is Afghanistan, USA, Israel, Iran or any other except the other country specifically distances itself from India's obsession of Pakistan. Modi cries like a baby everywhere she goes with her 56 inches of breasts but gets spanked most of the time.

Furthermore, India-Israel clandestine deals against Muslims are no secret for us but most Muslim countries did not realise it until this point but now things are changing and 'some' Muslims countries like Iran and Syria will realise this. I hope they take appropriate measures and recognise their common enemy-duo.

It is very clear from the history that Jews are no one's friends but the zionist Hindus and Jews share the hatred against Islam and this force is bringing 'em together but their union is cursed and destined to fail in the end.
I'd like to think Jews are smart people , they will not take sides until they are 100% sure that they are backing the winning side .. If India Think that they are their natural Allies than ask the Americans and Europeans ..Jews and their History are well preserved to read and take heed ..
Jews will support Indian claims over Kashmir , there is no doubt because for now they consider Islam as their ever Lasting Enemy , the day this misconception is clear between the Two Monotheistic religion , the tides can turn the other way around .
Must be one of those feel good thread for Ganagdeshis after they have been feeling the heat on Chinese border and the constant mocking from Pakistanis on this thread. When did Pakistan even ask for Israel's approval on Kashmir issue? :lol:
Israel has Palestinian issue so it will back any other usurper like itself so it is understandable it wont do something that contradicts its own position on Palestinian issue
Israel has Palestinian issue so it will back any other usurper like itself so it is understandable it wont do something that contradicts its own position on Palestinian issue
Excellent point. Israel is a usurper. So Israel will support other usurpers as well.
Tomorrow - The government of Ukraine says will never support separatists claims. This is stupid, why are we even having this sort of conversation? Can any one help me figure that out, because apparently I can't.
its India who drags every country they know into their conflicts with Pakistan.
I agree with you that Israel should be taken seriously but I don't buy this 'West' thingy. It's basically their Lobby in America which can destroy political careers and electability of some few hundred Congressmen and Senators. Countries of Europe, except for Germans being blackmailed, don't care for Israel--they are probably secretly happy to have finally getting rid of Jews after having repeatedly hurt Jews living in Europe.

But I think you are right--no one can ignore Israel because through their Lobby in America they can ruin the image of any country. And it will stay like this until there's campaign finance reform in America.
Spot on....Common good people of the West do not support Israel....though they have a strong lobby in USA and people of USA are pro-Israel
Eventually we will be bigger than you little israeli boy! Got it? :lol:

Israel doesnt have more influence than Pakistan.

Stop being an idiot. Pakistan has huge influence in the Islamic world.

Israel can only influence USA.

Go get a life.

There is real world apart from Islamic world..
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