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Israel’s brutal killing

Well I guess that will depend on if the zionists are planning on making the bangladeshis a minority -
Hardly. That question was settled by the Zionists in the early 20th century, when Britain's offer of Uganda was refused on the grounds that the only land Jews were entitled to return to as a Jewish political entity was their ancient homeland cited in religion, song, and story. But I would like someday to visit the country my parents had a tiny hand in freeing from the genocidal acts of the West Pakistani army.
Well I guess that will depend on if the zionists are planning on making the bangladeshis a minority within their own country like they did with the palestinians. If that is the case I doubt they will exactly be welcomed with open arms even though Bangladeshis are known for being a friendly bunch. :cheesy:
only in their wet dream,
our navy frigate is patrolling in lebanon sea side, go touch it and see what happens :D

Hardly. That question was settled by the Zionists in the early 20th century, when Britain's offer of Uganda was refused on the grounds that the only land Jews were entitled to return to as a Jewish political entity was their ancient homeland cited in religion, song, and story. But I would like someday to visit the country my parents had a tiny hand in freeing from the genocidal acts of the West Pakistani army.

we have land in uganda and tanzania too , we took their land and offered them we will produce food for both sides , we are taking africa slowly ;)
I hope Israel open the doors for migration for Indian workers just to see the impassioned love between Israel and India, you would be so lucky if they considered you human beings.:mamba: Just look how they treated their fellow Ethiopians.

Is china allowing you guys???
Hardly. That question was settled by the Zionists in the early 20th century, when Britain's offer of Uganda was refused on the grounds that the only land Jews were entitled to return to as a Jewish political entity was their ancient homeland cited in religion, song, and story. But I would like someday to visit the country my parents had a tiny hand in freeing from the genocidal acts of the West Pakistani army.

And what is that country?
I hope Israel open the doors for migration for Indian workers just to see the impassioned love between Israel and India, you would be so lucky if they considered you human beings.:mamba: Just look how they treated their fellow Ethiopia.
I dont care what they have done with Ethiopians, palestinians or anybody for that matter. They helped us selflessly when we needed and have been supporting us on International forums and I'm concerned just with that. And for what they have done to us...India is thankful to Israel and has been helping he with what we can.
Photos do not prove anything blackeagle, they have to be backed with statistics and context to have any meaning. Most of the photos you showed appear to be staged to me, made in order to appeal to the anti Israel crowd.

Here is the reality of *gulp* Apartheid Israel
Note, too, that almost all context is missing here. The exceptions are the accusations that Israel is creating divisions in Gaza - hardly stuff that can be backed up - and the "educational opportunities" bit, which happens due to differences in local Arab and Jewish administrations and because Israel concentrates on supporting its best minds, possibly to the detriment of those less-gifted.

Israel created Hamas to combat Fatah that is a fact and that is creating disunity in a situation where people are already a mess. Perhaps that was what he was referring to maybe he was referring to a different example, remember he said he can write up an endliss list so what he stated was just the tip of the iceberg. Besides having lived in Nazi Germany he can speak to the similarities with more credibility than you can.

And what is that country?

He is talking about Bangladesh but of course he has no way of proving his parents actually did anything. His statement should be taken with a pinch of salt, as always.
Photos do not prove anything blackeagle, they have to be backed with statistics and context to have any meaning. Most of the photos you showed appear to be staged to me, made in order to appeal to the anti Israel crowd.

Here is the reality of *gulp* Apartheid Israel
Would you like me to post UN resolutions condemning Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses, or building settlements?? There are videos on YT BTW, check them. Anyway, I have no dsire to carry on this debate with you. Let's stop here:)
damn it i forget , you always worried about China, chill , relax , take break bro :D

I am not worried my friend.... If problems comes to us, no matter what is it..... we have to face it... how many countries tried to occupy Israel..... a group of Nations attacked them.... If others threatens the existence of Israel.... Israel have complete right to defend or to take on the opponent.... these guys should stop lecturing...
Photos do not prove anything blackeagle, they have to be backed with statistics and context to have any meaning. Most of the photos you showed appear to be staged to me, made in order to appeal to the anti Israel crowd.

Here is the reality of *gulp* Apartheid Israel

ok cool , now go to youtube and search 'Israel torture' you will get it (more than thousand videos available)
Sorry, I don't follow you.

He didn't notice your flags and threw that out there thinking you were a Pakistani. :omghaha: That is the Indian defence mechanism against being questioned about their support for the zionist entity.
I am not worried my friend.... If problems comes to us, no matter we have to face it... how many countries tried to occupy Israel..... a group of Nations attacked them.... If others threatens the existence of Israel.... they have complete right to defend or to take on the opponent.... these guys should stop lecturing...

just tell me whats the point of beating and killing kids ?
Would you like me to post UN resolutions condemning Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses, or building settlements?? There are videos on YT BTW, check them. Anyway, I have no dsire to carry on this debate with you. Let's stop here:)

Solomon2 logs onto his other account to try and back himself up. :omghaha: :omghaha:

ok cool , now go to youtube and search 'Israel torture' you will get it (more than thousand videos available)

king solomon = solomon2 :cheesy:
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